ANybody ever need a creative idea for a pumpkin?

Well then, this is for you! I took lots of pics of pumpkins at the pumpkin contest at the school carnival we were at last weekend.

That baby is actually a little creepy, dontcha think?!

I like the "apple" pumpkin!

ANd I am wondering what brave soul did a RAzorback in this neck of the woods.

I bet they had NO friends at recess that day!

Now this is more like it. Geaux, Saints!

ANd you KNOW I love some M&M pumpkins! I think it is so neat that they did all four colors!

Oh, and how cute is this little apple basket?!

Hello Kitty. I like that too!

What the mess is this?!

I thought this was Classic!

But here, my friends, is your winner.

Must admit. Pretty clever! Good ideas for my upcoming pumpkin decorating days!
P.S. KEep reading below!
Now this was just the cutest contest!! My favorite was the M&M pumpkins, then the puppy and then followed by my third favorite...HELLO KITTY!!! I just love this time of the year!!! I definitely got some good ideas as well! We just "stuck" stickers on em!! This gave me some ideas what to do with the 7 pumpkins I have! Yep you read it right...7!!! Bree could not walk away without the Momma pumpkin and the 6 "cutie baby pumpkins"! I told her we would have to come back for "Dad" later!! LOL!!!
very creative people!
the m&m's were adorable, but that elmo head was so cute - they should have done the whole body. most of those could not have been done by kids. and i couldn't figure out what ellie's baby doll had to do with punkin pics - lol they were really neato!
Hey Mo,
Speaking of creativity, will you be doing an canvasses this year? Let me know because I will be a repeat customer for sure, if so. I know you are busy but would love some more. I've been keeping up with your beautiful girls and the BAH--just not posting (shame on me)Looking good. Those girls take the breath away.
Kelly in Charlotte
All I can say is WOW..these are amazing! Thanks for sharing some inspiration!
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