Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gabbi Girl

Mo, Staci and JinJin "off on another worldwide adventure"! Can anyone name that show?! Hint: ol' Jake's favorite! So, in a day or two, I should have some FUN pictures to share. We are also meeting my cousins and a new cousin in law who are hefty shoppers themselves! In the meanwhile, please enjoy these pictures of my smiling kid!

This is often her pose! She is either smiley, smiley, smiley, or whiney, whiney, whiney! I prefer the first option!
Oh, and how bout my new "scarface"? Dangit!
We girls are going to Canton, TX to the big flea market. It is miles of awesomeness!!

I will be taking pictures of some the purchases! As well as some of the fair-like junk food that we will surely enjoy!
Mostly, I think, it will just be fun to hang out with all adults, in particular, my closest peeps, with no little ones for a day and a half.
Todd's already stressing out. I have KK lined out for the weekend! And, never fear, I also have outfits, with matching bows and sandals all laid out in order too! I'm not crazy!!
Have a fun weekend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Race for the Cure

My girls and I did something nice and supportive last weekend! And it involved a whoooooole lotta pink!

We went to our local Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure at our park.
I was signed up to walk,but given my extremely hectic schedule lately, paired with sleepless nights thanks to toddlers getting used to sleeping in their own bed, I could not drag myself out of bed to make the start! I was; however, there for the finish!
Jessi and Kaitlyn got up and made the one miler! I am way impressed!
We had a pretty big crowd!
I like it that we have opportunities to support other people, because so many others support our causes... namely pediatric cancer awareness and financial support!
And I really, really love that my girls are there with me!
Love this lady's shirt by the way!
Love this one too!
That's my friend, Tommie, being the emcee for all the survivors at the event.
And this is the primary person I was there to support. This is LD. She and I played many, many a softball tournament together, and now are only a couple of the girls in our area who golf! (I actually USED to golf... pre-cancer/pre-babies!) . SHe got the devastating news of her own breast cancer earlier this summer. Her mom died when LD was 10 years old.
Gabbi Girl listened to every word and to every acknowledgement and clapped with the crowd accordingly. It was the sweetest thing!
I haven't figured it out yet, but she is going to have a career in a caring field. Maybe a vet? Maybe a PT?!
All in all, I would say it was a successful Saturday.
I hope some day lime green is as recognized for pediatric cancer as pink is for breast cancer now!
And one last thing....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

LSU fans!

Hey, did you, by chance, know that we are LSU fans?! Well, we are! And now we have a new place to celebrate! The BAH!

Last weekend's game was our virgin voyage! Staci and Ellie were playing, "Fashion".

While Gabbi just enjoyed some juice!
As did Madi boo. (Staci has decided to change Maddi's name to Madi. Whatevs!)
Hey, remember when I said I did my first layout this past weekend?
well, here we are partaking in a little craftiness!
How DANG COOL is my light fixture?! I'm just sayin! And once I got my stuff in that room, it wasn't nearly as big as I had imagined. WHAT am I going to do?! I need a professional organizer!! BAD!
Tashia, put yo hand down. You KNOW you ain't crafty!
But Jenn is! She helped Staci make a fabric wreath. Where are the boys you ask? Why they are ACTUALLY watching the game in the man cave!
And THIS would be the man cave. Todd has actually asked me to put him a bed in here. He is in there every evening all evening long! If we want to see dad, we have to go to the purple room! By the way, that tv above is a temporary situation, as is the table on its side that it is sitting on! The one below, (same room... yes TWO in there), is a permanent one! And this became the first wall that we officially decorated too! He has been collecting LSU paraphenelia for YEARS! ANd now there is a place for it! Also, some golf stuff in there too! ANd for whatever reason, TG had his first cookout on a little rollaway grill vs. his badboy monster grill! (To be debuted in an upcoming blog!)

It was fun having room for everyone at OUR house for a change!

Oh, and TG... happy anniversary! 14 years strong today! If I had my professional organizer, I would have a scanner in my art room and I could scan a few pics from our wedding day back then! See, I have the ideas, just not the technological skill! OR room in my art room!


Monday, September 27, 2010

To daycare we go...

I had the cutest little outfit all laid out for my eldest today. But, noooooo..... She had to go and be a "Rock Star"!!
Now, this one... she'll wear whatever her mama chooses! Bless her sweet little heart!
Daycare down the street is going just fine, thank you very much. I tend to send a project with Ellie several days a week, just to make sure she is "stimulated" and to keep Miss Donna sane! There are no other (except Gabbi Girl) girls in her class, so I make sure they are all girly-like too!

Today, in northeast LA, it is AWESOME! Nice and breezy and cool! AND....
the FAIR is in town this week! Yeeeehaaaawwww! Mama needs a Funnel Cake!!
Sorry for the lack of posts. I STILL (Todd, you reading this?!) don't have internet at the house! We, do, however, someh0w already have ESPN! Hmmmm....

So, bear with me. I will be back soon with daily posts... and some giveaways and some projects!
I scrapped my very first layout in the new artroom this weekend. Yayyyy, me! It was inspiring and I am so ready to do MORE!
(MONKEY!!! This is how she opens her own car door. Grab the handle and lean back!)
In summary, please be patient. My life will slow down before too long, and I will have fun things on the horizon. ANd pics of the semi-decorated BAH!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moved in... kind of!

Welcome to the big grey hole that is our bedroom. I am trying to convince Todd that although he "loves it low because he 'falls into it'", we are going to buy a headboard and frame soon! The one I LOVE is at West Elm. Check it out.. it is the velvet one in the color Otter. However, it is not available until December 1st. DANG!
This is how we looked for the first few nights. Gabbi prefers her own bed, thank you very much! And Earl... well, he is happy as a lamb in the BAH! He really likes the pond,and we are not so much liking it. Todd the Bod has to bathe him every time this happens because he can't sleep with us or get on our new carpet with his funkiness!
Here's my not so much morning girl!
Todd hates my taking his pictures. Well, first off, he should not have tried to be funny and put on my cropped pajama pants! (See above). Secondly, I am ME. So, I tote a camera at all times! So deal with it!
Good ol' Earl. He is like a prince in his palace!
Theeerrre's my morning girl! She is piled up on the couch, eating a cup full of Fruit Loops! Come about 7am, and she is crowing, "mmmaaaaammaaaaaa!"
Run, don't walk.. to Targe to get one of these "Shabby Chic" fuzzy, totally awesome blankets for your beds. They are so awesome! Just sayin'! Happy weekend!!