My kid thinks she is 12. She just does! See those shoes in the above picture? They are about two sizes too small. But they have rhinestones and light up when you walk. ANd because of that, she had to wear them!
ANd the belt? She belts EVERYTHING nowadays! I suppose she saw that on iCarly or some other show she thinks she is big enough to watch!
So, when me and my girls (big girls, as in friends) were down in Gulf Shores, we hit the huge outlet mall. I totally avoided the typical smocky, cutesy little girl clothes and went right for the hooch stuff!
ANd man did my gut feeling pay off.
My hooch three year old is walking in HIGH COTTON!
She thinks she should be lead singer in a girl band! I am NOT kidding about this! EVERYtime she sees a teen band singing on TV, she says, "Mom, when I get big girl can I sing and dance on stage like that?" "Yes, Ellie." "Hey Mom, can I wear a shirt like that? and leggings like that? and long earrings like that? And hey mom...." "What, Ellie?" "Can I wear a short skirt with my leggings? and can I wear boots like that girl? ANd mom,....."
Oh, and Staci... don't you worry! I bought Maddi some of these little tights, a black denim skirt, and one of these rocker tees! I am not going to be the only one suffering through this stage.
I SWEAR to you that is what she says. I seriously think I need to consider either having her start learning a musical instrument or taking singing lessons. SHe is NOT kidding about this!
Thing is, Maddi LIKES cute little ruffle legged pants and pastel tops.
Can you tell how proud she is of this outfit? She is in HOG HEAVEN!
And oh yes she DID get a leather cuff bracelet (LSU colors... just getting ready, baby!)
And crazy rock and roll shoes. Have I lost my mind?!
And the tall sock craze. Wellll, that is where I am a sucker. I can just see these sweet kneesocks sticking up over her cute boots with the little pompoms swinging on the side. So precious!
I have hidden most of these clothes, as they are the fall line up.
This baby, who just turned three a month ago, can straight up, dress herself ENTIRELY. I mean, belt, hats, shoes, and too many accessories to even count.
You want to get onto her for changing so many times in a day, but dang.... really, I am so proud that she can do it so effectively!
I really think the kid is super smart. I know. I know.... all mamas think that. But I was telling someone today about her aversion of "D-R-E-S-S-E-S", spelling it out in front of her. Ellie says, "Mom, I am NOT wearing a DRESS!" WHAT? Can she SPELL?!
Ok, size 3 jeans. Too big. Seen and duly noted!
Also noted, berets are SUPER cute on her long blond hair!
Several weeks ago I was in Tuesday Morning. Ever been there? Well, it is some sort of clearance store that you just never know what they will have til you go in and check it out.
I was SO glad I went in that day. I got so many designer little girl clothes at very good prices! I got lots of matching outfits/ dresses for the fall and for Christmas even!
And crazy rock and roll shoes. Have I lost my mind?!
And then, while at the outlets, I hit my favorite place, Pampolina. Ummmm... LOVE their things. Just pricey!
I cut the bottom tier off this skirt because well, it seemed to be a bit too long.
And now when she wears it, it seems a bit too short! We'll just have to pair it with leggings or tights or at very least tall knee socks. THere. Problem solved!
WAIT! She could NEVER do that!
Let me rephrase. Ellie really, really loves wearing belts!
She won't walk out of the house these days unless she has a belt wrapped around whatever outfit she has on. WHATEVER outfit she has on!
ANd then, Miss Gabbi wanted in on a little of that action!
I mean, is this baby cute or what!?
I LOVE watching SO You Think You Can Dance. Do you?!
I couldn't help it. I HAD To see what the knee socks looked like with a complete outfit.
Am I going to look back and wish I had put them in baby girly things when they are older and they are choosing these clothes on their own and I will never get to pick out baby girly things again!?
ANd then, Miss Gabbi wanted in on a little of that action!
Well, I know I probably will. But, actually, it is NO CONTEST with Ellie. She bucks back and screams and throws a fit, and if anyone sees me buy this kid a dress anywhere in the next few months, throw something at me! SHe will NOT wear it!
Gabbi Girl on the other hand, is moldable. She just lies down and smiles and puts up her arms when it is time for the dress to go over her head.
Why then am I making her street ready at two?!
Seriously, she could dance on Step UP or Bring it On. or whatever. She looks like she has street cred!
Why then am I making her street ready at two?!
But gawwwly. How cute are they?!
ANd seriously, what are we going to do without this kitchen counter?! Many a memory on top of this kitchen counter!

It is where my babies sat in a Bumbo seat and took baby food. Where they were laid out on a towel after their sink baths. And now, it is where they are getting their groove on in their JLo Fall collection.
ANd what would Gabbi do with out her big sister to take such good "care" of her. She warts that kid to death!
Again.... Ellie thinks she is 12, so naturally, a 12 year old would NEED to take care of her 2 year old sister.
Oh, I LOVE this outfit!
And it looks like mama cooked again! A bowl of Golden Grahams. DRY!
How bout that gold headband? As for Ellie's teal one... that is also Gabbi's and when I finally pried it off her head, she looked like she'd worn a rubber band around her head for the past hour. I know it wasn't comfortable, but she was NOT going to let discomfort ruin her COOL!
Oh my word! THis just needs a black monogram on that tee and ooooohweeeee!
This is a little BRad Pitt-ish, isn't it?!

Again.... Ellie thinks she is 12, so naturally, a 12 year old would NEED to take care of her 2 year old sister.
Didn't he go through that "wear the droopy beanie to the back" phase?!
Well, all in all, it was a pretty fun evening. My elder daughter thought it was absolutely FABULOUS getting to see all her new clothes even if i told her I AM putting them up til it gets cooler. (It is still well over 100 degrees everyday here!).
Until then, she will have to put together outfits like this one...
She totally put this together by herself! She found a tank top, belted it, put on her leggings and a tutu, added rocker shoes and a headband! Threw on a purse and grabbed a baby! That kid has got it going on!!
Oh... By the way... I am 41 today!! WOo HOoo!
absolutely loved the fashion show! the clothes are adorable and i am all for letting them pick out what they want to wear.
much to my mil's chagrin, i was not a girly-girl and when caitlin came along(husband is an only child/grandchild) i didn't do the girly thing. mil bought many beatiful things and we usually had pics made in them and wore them to church, but, almost 100% of the time caitlin would poop from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and would have to be changed within a short time! caitlin did wear cute clothes, just not with lace and frills, she has lots of allergies and had real bad excema as a baby and toddler and that stuff made her itch. as caitlin got a little older, she liked "pretty" stuff. but now as a junior, it is mostly ffa t-shirts and jeans/capris with flip flops or cowboy boots. who knows what your kiddo's will like as they get older!
happy birthday to you on the blog (already been on fb!)
Work it girls!!!! Love the fashion show...oh to be a fly on the wall during that....
By the way, dry Golden Grahams are the best, and you want to know a little secret?....they're yummy dry with some chocolate chips added! Mmmmm!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday - celebrate YOU!
Happy birthday!! Loved the fashion show - they do have it goin on. As the mom of four boys, it was really fun seeing all of their outfits.
Oh my goodness! That was fun. I have a boy so girly clothes are so fun. Ellie reminds me of Punky Brewster! Thanks for sharing those beautiful girls with us.
I love how the belt is over top of her purse in that last picture! CUTE!!
Have a Happy 41st birthday Melanie!!
Hugs from Missouri,
loved this post! you're inspiring me to be a little more creative with my child's wardrobe! and happy birthday!
Loved seeing the outfits and fashion show. Happy Birthday. I hope you enjoy your day. You deserve it.
That Ellie is just too much. Your right about her dressing herself with all the accessories - she is VERY SMART to know how to do all that. I would be proud!!
And I for one, thinks she does a great job.
Love the post & enjoy your special day,
Diana from Colorado
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MO!!!My 62nd is just a couple of weeks away...WOOOHHHOOOOOO!!
Loved the fashion show fer sure...your girls are absolutely precious...cherish all these memories you are making...their value will only increase as years go by.......huggers, BJ
i enjoying seeing pics of your girls! ellie is quite fashionable & it makes me giggle! the girls are so cute!
happy birthday!!
They are too cute! Loved the fall fashions!
Happy happy birthday! :)
What a great show!! That Ellie just cracks me up!!! I can't even imagine how you get through the day without just laughing your head off!!! I love coming to your blog - it makes my day!!
LOVE the clothes!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
I love girly girl clothes on the young ones because they grow up too quickly as it is.I think Gabby&Ellie look stylin in whatever they wear though!!
I saw a Marie Osmond baby doll on air last night during QVC that instantly reminded me of Gabby.
Happy Birthday! Your girls are adorable and they look so cute in their new clothes. Have a super day!
Happy Birthday - hope you have a great day. Your girls are adorable - love their outfits - I have two granddaughters and three foster girls so I love the girls outfits as we also have 8 grandsons and while the boys outfits are okay they are not as much fun to buy outfits for as the girls are. Enjoy your special day.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
I love SYTYCD!I haven't missed an episode since the very first show, and we've seen all the tours. As a matter of fact, they are coming here on 9/25, and we have our tickets! I adore good dance, and this is the place to see it.
i loved the pics of your girls in their fall clothes elli is so fashionable so so cute and gabbi is adorable she is so cute too i love all the outfits they love to show off their clothes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY HUGS TO YOU
Okay, you NEED to put Ellie in Dancing School, she is old enough at 3!! My 17 yo has been dancing since she was 3. If Ellie wants to be a singer, she is going to have to know how to DANCE!! And she'll LOVE the recital with all the costumes and make up...she was BORN FOR DANCE RECITALS!! They are so adorable!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!! Hope you're having a wonderful day--I'm sure you are with that gang you have! Love the fashion show--they are too too cute!! Can't believe how much they seem to have grown just within the last little while.
Happy, HAPPY BIRFday!
Birthday Blessings to you Mel -- hope you have a great day!!!!
The girls are growing up right before our eyes. Precious!!!
Hope you had a great birthday! Loved the fashion show of pictures. Too precious!
Happy Birthday to you! I love the fall fashion show, splendid! Hugs from Fort Worth!
Sliding in at the last minute to wish you a Happy, Happy Birthday. Hope your day was spent doing your favorite things with those you love. Wishing you many more happy birthdays!!
Loved all the "snazzy" fashions the girls were modeling. I think Ellie definitely has an "eye" for putting outfits together.
Hope you're having a great week.
OH my goodness are they adorable!! I do have ot ask, WHERE did you get the rocker shoes and beanie? I have to have those for my girls. Your Ellie (I say this all the time) is just like my Livi a T! Every night its a show, she puts on singing and dancing...LOVES to wear her peace sign clothes, has twinkle toes shoes(that is what those light up ones are called lol), bracelets, hair do dads, etc....she is now 7 and still the same way, except instead of 12 she is going on 20 now lol
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