Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Oh man. Thank you to all who talked me down off the ledge yesterday and today. I have a whole new topic of discussion for tonight... we'll get to that in a minute! For now....
I don't know if it is because so many people comment on Gabbi's hair or what, but Ellie's newest obsession is, "Mama, can we go buy me some hair today?" She is referring to long, brown hair! She picks out the hair she wants in magazines. (Wish you could see her right now, 100% completely and seriously picking out her entire fall wardrobe in the new Hanna Anderson magazine!!) The girl has great style! "Mom, I don't want these leg warmers. I want these purple leggings and these boots. Hey, mom. I don't want her hair. I want long hair. Hey, mom. I need both of these outfits. Oooooh, mom, I might want this black skirt and this little outfit!" ANd by the way when you say, "outfitttttt", go up real high in pitch on the "fiiittttt" part! She is even dogearing the pages as she marks things she likes. I swear, I have created a monster! I even went and got the camera as proof, because THIS , my dear friends, is hysterical!
Ok, back to my drama. These two girls are worn out at the end of the day and just not their usual selves. I understand they may need to be around the germage to get their antibodies all built up, but I can't dig the tired eyes, snotty noses, and goopy eyes. Yay for my blog. I have had an offer for someone to keep them at my house again. At the new house. And Staci may get on some of the action too, since we are next door neighbors and all. I have had a couple of offers actually. Can't wait to see if this pans out.

Also, Miss Kathy. I would love to heed your words of advice regarding a schedule. I am NOT good in this department. I am a vampire! I like to sleep in late and stay up late. Because, at present, we are all in one room, it is hard to get them to keep a schedule other than ours. And as you can imagine, me going to bed at 7:30 AIN'T gonna get it! Ellie doesn't close her eyes until every last light is out! We hope to change this routine in the new house. We have been talking to her for some time about sleeping in her own bed. For whatever reason, she always mentions someone else who is going to sleep with her every night... JinJin, Mary Mallison, Emma Lou, Maddi... always mentions someone! Alas.... no other live-ins at this time, thank you very much!

Now. Next question... what is it like to be hormonally imbalanced?! I am being serious here. I even looked up early symptoms of pregnancy. OMG. Shoot me now! One of the girls at my office thinks my symptoms sound like hormonal issues of some sort. I am a NUT! Antsy, can't remember ANYTHING, unsettled in general. Let's be honest here... I have a LOT going on! New house, two babies, crazy things happening at work, just busy, busy, busy. And I AM 4-1! So, what's the whole thing about hormones? When to have them checked? What would be a sign of them out of whack? Let's here from you over 40's. Or whenever these things start occurring. LORD, give me strength!


Oh, and if we are friends, check out GG's birthday party pics on Facebook. Such a cute little angel! If we aren't be sure and tell me you are a blogger so I can confirm our friendship. There are a lot of nuts in the world, who aren't "close" like me and you!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The human jungle gym

Man. I don't know if I have ever in my life been as busy and crazy headed and TIRED as I have been the past few weeks.
I am now taking the girls to an in-home daycare (as if you didn't know), and what I have realized is that they are SO tird and fussy at the end of the day. In fact, ...
THIS is all they want to do. Don't get me wrong. I love having my girls love on me. But again, don't get me wrong... I CAN DO NOTHING ELSE!
If I walk, they walk behind me, crying for me to pick them up. It just seems to go smoother if I just sit down and succomb!
I am still wanting someone back in my house. Nighttime baths, mandatory, are not fun. I prefer to wait til the morning IF I or they want to. With early daycare, there is no getting up earlier to do that.
ANd lastly, I want them to sleep in if they so desire. Haven't I already mentioned all of this? I am pretty sure this is a REPEAT post! I just worry about my girls and want them in the home. We can pre-K and such next year. (Maybe).

And, to add to my UGH factor. I am READY to move into my house! We had a picnic tonight on the kitchen floor. Not to be clever and fun, but because I have moved my kitchen table to my new house, so we don't have one!

Just venting tonight.
But HAPPY to have babies who love me. And who are capable of showing me their love!


Oh. and one more thing, while I'm griping and all.... Gabbi Girl has FEVER today! She was snotty over the weekend. My kids are NEVER sick! I mean, NEVER! We went in for a two and three year old well visit last week, and Dr. Bimle said, "It's been a YEAR since I last saw y'all". And after ONE week of daycare, FEVER! Not cool!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trip to New Orleans. Phase 1.

I don't know how it is, but I NEVER run out of things to blog about. In fact, I cannot keep up! For instance, I haven't even blogged my kid's birthday party, our trip to New Orleans, which began last Wednesday, or the awesome fun we had in Shreveport this past weekend for Tashia's 40th birthday. Seriously, I try to keep up. There is just a whole lot going on round here!

So, let's just start with the beginning of our trip to New Orleans. First off, Daddy had to keep my vehicle, due to carseat situations and needing to haul the kids around. Sooooo, Jessi agreed to drive her Four Runner. Ok, my first car out of college was a Four Runner, and may I just say, things have really changed! WOULD YOU LOOK AT ALL THE SUNGLASS HOLDERS?
I did not have a single sunglass holder when I had this vehicle. And now Jessi can service a family of five and all their eyewear needs! DUDE!

Ok, so we are in New Orleans to attend a LANO (LA Assc. of Non-Profit Organizations) because we are representing JOR Foundation, as well as MMPT has considered starting a non-profit to access funds which may be available through grants to help service people, namely kids, who cannot afford insurance and who need therapy. In LA, it is a pretty desperate situation!

So, Karl, Jessi, and I hit the road and met Staci and Don down there.
This is Karl. We think he is a rabbit!
This is Staci and Don. They are NOT rabbits.

Although, if you look at Staci's disgruntled face, it is because, as she put it, "WHERE is my HAM!? and LOOK AT ALL THIS LETTUCE!" Now, understand, she ordered a BLT! She was thinking club, so we were pretty cracked up when she couldn't understand why she didn't have ham. We explained that would be a HLT!
I took pictures all around the French Quarters, honestly, just for the bloggers who may have never been here. I have been here a ton, and I NEVER get tired of it! I love coming to N.O. There is such a CHARACTER to this city!
It is a very artsy city. Lots of artists set up and paint right there on the street where you can watch.
And you know I love everything about that!
Of course, there are Saints signs and paraphenalia (?) all over the place! We were pretty proud of our Ain't's winning the Super Bowl last year. Our state needed that boost!
Jessi, Staci and Don... looks a bit like the Beatles, wouldn't you agree?!
Blurry pic, but there are beads of every size, shape, color, body part.... I will explain/ show that in N.O. Phase 2~
Isn't the architecture awesome!?
I just don't think there is a place like it in the whole United States!
There is some very rich history here.
My hubby has been collecting these LA themed coasters, as he had intended to tile his bar with them. As it stands, we have to get IN that dadgum house, so now, he just collects them! We will do something cool with them someday! I got him the Jax Beer, Dixie Beer, (see a theme?!), Lucky Dog hotdog cart, and the cathedral!!
When I was checking out, these little tokens were lying at the checkout. You know, our "word" was always "believe" when Jake was sick. And afterwards, I personally and professionally (mission statement contains "joy"), claimed "joy" as my word as healing. I thought this was kinda cool I felt Jake saying "Thanks for keeping my memory alive" over and over during this trip! My hotel room was 811!
I am quite concerned that when my kid is able to come with me to N.O., she will be asking me to buy her an outfit like this. Except with lots of bracelets!

Of course, the beads and masks represent all things Mardi Gras. You really need to experience that at least once in your lifetime!

I can't remember the name of this cathedral. It is at Jackson Square, the heart of the French QUarter and directly across from Cafe de Monde, home of the greatest beignets! I could look it up, but I'll let you! I don't care that much. Just know many, many weddings are held there. Lots of history here.
There are also lots of palm and tarot readers. They freak me out! I am kinda scared of what they would see and say. Even if I dont' really believe them anyway.
There are horse drawn carriages that take you on tours all over the city.
ANd kids get out of school and head right downtown with jar lids on their shoes as taps. They are really unbelievable considering the makeshift taps they wear!
There is no shortage of these places!
That beer is about 15" tall!
And oh my... when I saw this place... I KNEW I had to go in for the sake of my 3 year old! She would have blown a gasket!
I got both my kids one of these to wear at Maddi's house.
I'm kidding!
Just as fine art is everywhere, so is MUSIC! And I mean, you can't go to eat anywhere without a band set up to entertain. I love that!
Of course, food is a big pull to the Big Easy. Gumbo being one of our favorites!
ANd stuffed alligators are in abundance.
ANyone recognize this name?
More proud Saints gear.
And this is the band at Landry's, where we had dinner.

Our little mini group shot.
Omg. Can you even believe this dessert!? It was worthy of a picture! It is Bananas Foster. Crepes filled with ice cream, smothered in chocolate sauce and topped with caramels and whipped cream.
Dig in! Even Karl had some!
New Orleans is most known for its nightlife. It gets kinda crazy at night!
as well as kinda sleezy!
Anybody see/read "A Streetcar Named Desire"?! This is where it all went down!

and only if you have really, really, really taken part in the beverages so generously flowing would you be compelled to eat a street cart Lucky Dog. But, if you HAVE taken in those beverages, they are about the best thing west of the Mississippi! Wait, East. Wait. What's that you described to me, Don? We crossed the river only once on the way down, LA to MS? Oh, whatever!
This is what a typical night in N.O. looks like. This is usually who are yelling, "Show my your
T--ts". And those FOOLS who do, get a strand of plastic beads to wear around their cheap necks. To each his own.
Hey, it's Larry Flynt's place!
And I took this picture because one of my friends lately was getting breast augmentation. I told her she would be so sore! She said, she wouldn't really because she wasnt' getting a lift. I asked her how they decide who does and doesn't get a lift. She explained that the doctor told her that if you could hold a pencil under your breast, then you need a lift. I found this one and wanted him to know that I could handle this OR a box of 64 crayons. Just sayin'!
More stuffed reptiles. Amphibians? reptiles?
ANd of course, the trashy stores.
Oh yea, baby. Mama needs one of these!
This band was parked RIGHT under our window and didn't stop til after midnight. They really captured the heart of the brass band on New Orleans, but I wish they'd captured it about two blocks down!
In case you were wondering what beignets were. I have no idea. Just a puffy pastry that you pour powdered sugar all over. Does it get any better than that?
And that concludes Phase 1 of New Orleans. I have more to share. Mostly for those who have never been. I love my state. I love New Orleans. Hope you have come to love it too.