I am so dang sick of living "almost" in the new house! I mean really, really sick of it!

With that said, I decided to start packing things up.

Even my clothes. If I can't live with 10 pair of socks, then so be it! Same thing with panties. and shorts, and capris, and shirts, and .....

This junk's gotta go! And it has to be OUT of this house! We have waaaaaay too much stuff for this house!

Whoever ever said possessions can really bog you down had it right on! I mean, the more "STUFF" I have, the more crowded my head is. Not to mention how crowded my HOUSE is!
Enter Breanna!!

Just when I think I can't take it anymore, Breanna swoops in and helps me get organized with the girls' clothes. We have entirely too many clothes.

Pitiful! This is pitiful!
This is how many shoes we could only find ONE of!

Breanna wasn't there 15 minutes, and we already had bags sorted....

Giveaway. Throwaway. BreannatakeforHazel. Priceforresalea MunchkinMarket. (Yes, Avery's mom... Staci and I are both sending things to Munchkin Market this season and next.)

And we took anything that might could be a fall outfit, and put it in a box too. Even if it seems like a summer outfit, in Louisiana, it can for sho pass for fall! It will still be 100 degrees in September.

Taking half the clothes out of the closets made much more room for now and it let me know that I do NOT need to be shopping for fall clothes either!

Within no time at all, Ellie had found some of the hand me downs for Gabbi and started sporting them. Without a doubt, Ellie finds the most bizarre, flashy, matchy headband outfit, and that is what she chooses!

Lawdy Lawdy!!

And what big sister does, little sister does too!

I was told today that we may be looking at 3-4 weeks from moving in!

Oh the excitement! Oh the things that need to get done! Oh the STRESS!!
You go girl....isn't that such a good feeling after things are sorted through and boxed up to wherever it should go?
Exciting stuff ahead....Blessings..
A friend always makes that chore easier. Happy packing. Hope those weeks fly by for ya.
Oh Mo, I feel your pain! Moving is sooo hard. We just did it two years ago & I still have nightmares!
And then there are your little helpers....you pack, they unpack - I know, not easy. Thank God you have such a good helper.
Hang in there, this too shall pass & then you'll be all set in your new BAH loving life again.
Have a wonderful day, Diana from Colorado
So glad you are getting closer to your Big MOVE!!! let me know if you need BIG boxes. I can get you some from here @ the hospital
You can do it! I went thru a move two years ago after being in a house for 20 years. Oh my the JUNK. My mantra became PURGE&Donate. Pick one room at a time;get that finished&move on to the next. You feel more organized despite the chaos.
Mo ~ I had to laugh when you said YOU can live with 10 pair of for the next couple of weeks........but what will Ellie do ~ no way you can limit her to 10 ~ she changes that many times in two days. Hope you are having an awesome day even with the packing. Becky
I was looking at the "single shoe" pile and Bree has that same t"dark orange" shoe, however, her's is in the olive color and guess what....I can't find the other one either!! I'm so anal when it comes to her shoes/clothes and it has drove me bonkers looking for it! Now I wonder if they (the shoes) ran off together and got married!! LOL!! I don't know what color orange/green make together, but this TX Momma is seeing RED if I don't find that shoe soon...or at least before fall time arrives!!
oh what a chore it is to move believe me i know all about it its not too much fun but in the end it will be so worth it being in your new house i cant wait to see pics of it when you are moved in . and i cant wait to come to one of your art retreats im so looking forward to it.. i love the pics of elli and of gabbi all dressed up in what ever they can find so so cute.. and oh i got that kit and i got it done i love love love it its so pretty iam so looking forward to making more im going to be ordering the other colors the mutli color one and the fall one and what ever else you have i have sent a pic to you on facebook of me wearing it.. my nieces are in love with it they want me to make them one but i want the other colors for me to wear then i will make them one maybe one of each according to if they want to pay for them.. again i loved your post on here cant wait to hear more about the moving and then wehn u do get moved in and settled..i hope you will come up with another kit but hey i love theses now.. thank you so much for putting them together oh i love the end of the tutorial so so cute give them kisses from me and hugs
Do I see the canvas I ordered in the pic of your kitchen? The cross with 'Overman' on it? I know you're totally busy. Put that in the mail for me and it'll be one less thing you have to move. Message me on FB for my address. I'm pretty sure I already sent you the $.
Thanks, Mel!
Shannon Sanders
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