This one is in mine and Todd's bathroom. Just BE HAPPY and DO GOOD! I like that!

In Gabbi Girl's room, I again chose a scripture which claims an "Increase" ...
as He has promised. Deut. 1:11
This is at the entrance we call the "friend" entrance. It is closest to where most people will park and where most of our casual guests will entert.
I just want to always remember that a big house has nothing to do with the core of who I am or how my lot is in life. It is only a blessing and can be gone in a flash.
I think this is the PERFECT verse for my art room. For several reasons....
Naturally, this will be the place I will derive great joy.... from my love of artwork to my love of making new friends. I hope that I can share a whole, whole lot of laughter and JOY in this room.
It is also where I hope to get my MoJoy company off the ground. Job 8:21
In the den, right in front of the fireplace, we have this...
I chose this verse, because I have always felt very blessed that I get to enjoy my work. I know it is a gift from GOD!
These things that I can acquire through the fruits of my work are just lagniappe. "a little extra", and again.... GIFTS from God.
For my dining room, I chose a verse about being generous and not refusing anyone. I expect to generously share meals and fellowship to many throughout our years here.
As the girls go through teen years, I will have to remind Todd that we are not to refuse anyone to our table... teenage boys included!

Todd snagged my camera as I was finishing the last room (of the day)... the laundry room.
Whether or not these verses seem appropriate to you.... well, I guess what I am saying is that they are special to me.... for whatever personal reason.
They are meant to ground me. To guide me. and to remind me.
To me this verse says I worked hard. I took the gifts given to me and used them rightly. But ONLY because of His grace toward me.
In the den, right in front of the fireplace, we have this...
I have two more rooms I'd like to do this week....
One being my bedroom, so I need a coupley, love, marriagey verse.
and the other being our private den...
where our family will gather to snuggle, watch movies, and stay up late when someone isn't feeling well. It is our FAMILY spot.
If you have a suggestion on a verse that would suit either one of these spots, please advise! Carpet should be in in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I personally have always liked Matthew 19:4 "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate.
I like Corrinthians Love is patient verse but Matthew seemed to fit best, you have truly made a home and wholly support eachother, you have in a way become one.
If I think of any more I will let you know.
Cyndi Eckart
What a wonderful idea....
I love them! I wish I had thought about doing that when we built our home back in 1995 (Wow, it has been that long ago??).
What a GREAT idea!!! I LOVE IT! I like the verses and your thoughts on each one! How awesome to give the glory and praise back to God for all He has blessed you with! Thanks for sharing with us!!
That is such a cool idea! I love it! I noticed you have verses from choice would be
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Of course that is VERY long. So you could just use part of it. I know whatever you choose, it will be great! You're such a cool person Mel. Thanks for sharing with us.
Hugs from Missouri,
I love your idea!!!
Ephesians 5:1-2
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to god.
Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Mo, this is absolutely fantastic! I love this idea.
What an awesome idea Mo! LOVE IT!
I think that is the coolest idea I've ever seen! You're so creative! You inspire me!
1 Cor: 13 could work for either - it is the Love chapter after all!!!
I love this idea. What a way to start a new house. Built on the word of God. What a FIRM foundation :)
Absolutely LOVING this idea. Love your choice of Scripture too. What an awesome addition to your house! :)
WOW! I love this idea! That is so cool. Now you should take those verses and put them to canvas so you will always have them in view too.
There are also so many good ideas for verses in your comments already for your room. God continue to bless you as you build on a "firm foundation!"
I thin the "Love Chapter" is perfect. love is patient, love is kind.......I know I need to be reminded sometimes! It is not original at all, but it is fitting.
What a terrific idea....wish I thought of that when I built my home two years ago. You are so creative. You never forget how blessed you are. You work hard for those blessings and I pray you continue to reap good things.
Mo I love this idea. What an inspiration you are to many.
What a great idea. I love it!
I am awww. I LOVE LOVE this idea. I know of people putting an bible on the porch before you walk in but never this. Great idea and what a great testimony of the great person you are. Your family is truly blessed.
Love Kris' suggestion.
This is just the coolest idea. You are so creative.
My vote for the bedroom is I Corinthians 13:13... And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Cyndi here again, after looking at the comments and doing a little research.
As much as I like Matthew 19:4; You MUST check out Peter4 - rjpotter recommended Peter 4:8 and I love it but when I read the whole thing there are so many parts of Peter 4 that you could pick from that would be perfect. Good luck and I can not wait to see what you have chosen for your bedroom.
Love and hugs from MN
So, since you called me out on not checking out your blog this morning, i'm checking it out. I love this! I did this at my new house before we laid the wood floor. I had some verses I had chosen for me to write. I also asked my family and friends to come write a verse or to send me one. I feel so lucky to have friends who took the time to choose verses for my new adventure! One of my my special verses is He will command His angels, concerning you to guard you in ALL your ways. Psalm 91.11. Oh and Psalm 23.
Enjoy your journey!
I love love love this idea - your whole life will be "grounded" on scripture!
Wow... what an AMAZING idea! You are the "real deal" Melanie... You use the gifts and talents that God has given you and generously share them. Your girls are blessed to have such grounded parents...
The verse we have in our bedroom is Proverbs 3:3 - "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." Of course, since you and Todd seem to have the personality for it, you might look through Song of Songs and pick out something sort of "fun"! Like, 1:2 - "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth - for your love is more delightful than wine." I'd probably steer clear of the whole "your hair is like a flock of goats" thing though... :)
Lori in Oregon
Love this idea! I showed this to my husband and he asked if you were going to seal the concrete. I realized that he thought you were not going to cover these with flooring. I must say, in certain rooms that might be pretty cool.
-Leigh Ann
I remember you mentioning this a long time ago and thinking it was a cool idea.. turned out cool too! The first verse that came to mind for your bedroom was the one the first person suggested
What a wonderful idea!! I love it.
My choice for your bedroom would be.....
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8
I love that scripture, it's actually on my blog.
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see,"
This is my personal favorite!!!
I love your idea! I wanna build another house so I can do this....NOT. I just remembered how hard this one
What a wonderful idea, Mo. You are an inspiration to us all!
I think any of the verses already suggested would be great.
for the bedroom - "My beloved is mine and I am his..." from Song of Solomon 2:16
for the family room - "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" Psalm 34:8
I think this is SUCH a cool idea. Praying your house will be a haven for you and those you love always. God bless.
What an awesome idea!
For your bedroom, how about the one in Song of Solomon that says "I have found the one whom my soul loves"?
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