Aunt Kimie came over last weekend for a little visit!

She has that same problem I do... can't pass up a cute dress!

and miraculously, Ellie agreed to wear it without pants under it!

But not without doing her latest pose... her "ballet pose".

Gabbi Girl remains much easier. She just lays down and lets me dress her. Whatever I want her to wear.... that'll do!

Thank you, little GG.

It had started to rain, so we had to stay on the front porch.

Kimie got these little dresses at Stage. I never hardly go in there. (Think I will have to start!)

We have had such little rain this summer. THings around here are D-R-Y!

And I have a house... with a garden!.... to sell!

In fact, that is why Kimie offers to come over on the weekends sometime... she knows I could use a hand! We are trying to pack and sort and get prepared for the big move... which, I think, should happen in the next 4-6 weeks. We need carpet, staining of the wood floors, appliances delivered, lighting hung, and some faux painting done. And we should be done. We have lights now, and I am pretty sure we are getting the A/C hooked up today, so we are cooking with grease now!
Back to the point of the story...
Thank you, Aunt Kimie for these super cute dresses and for helping ol' mom out on Saturday!
Cute cute dresses!!!!
Oh and Ellie's hair is so pretty in these pictures! I haven't noticed how long it is getting!!
Nothing like cute little dresses!!
thank God for help and the kind that brings presents is the best kind!
I love the dresses! It's like you have twins!
Adorable, I love the colors! Packing....I'll say many prayers for you my dear! Hugs from Fort Worth!
Cute dresses - lucky girls (and Mom) to have Aunt Kimmie.
Love the dresses. Can't wait to hear about moving day.
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