OK, just one more. And I really mean it this time.

My front porch! Tired of hearing about it yet?!

After you see these sweet pictures, you will be happy we are still talking about it.

We are going to have two porch swings at the new house. One will be on MY screened porch and one will be in HIS outdoor kitchen area.

We have to figure out what kind. I like that I can change out cushions on this hard wood one. But, I also like my friend, Johnnye's, wicker one.

His is mounted on giant springs that are then on hooks in the ceiling. I think I HAVE to do that. It makes for a springy little swingy motion. Very comfortable.

Any porch swing suggestions? (And what did Ellie step in?!)
Mo ~ thaose little ones just get sweeter and sweeter ~ you can never share too many pictures. I always love the way that Ellie checks out what Gabby (never can remember how to spell it) is up too.......Happy Sunday. Was just eating some M&M's and my eye caught sight of Jake's round Believe magnet and I swear he was saying ~ aren't they good! Becky
Gabby's hair is just so adorable! The pics of the girls are so cute!
I love sweet Gabbi's dress! It reminds me of Wonder Bread wrappers when I was a little girl.
popcornWe have 2 wooden swings on our front porch and a wicker one in our screened in porch. One of the wooden swings belonged to my husband's Mom & Dad so it has special meaning. We have the springs like you're talking about on all of our swings and it does swing better and also helps if you have an over load sitting in it (which we have a lot with my hubby & I and the grandkids in it at the same time. As for the type of swing the wicker is pretty but is harder to clean and maintain. You know how dust and stuff (with kids) get into the weave of the wicker. What ever you choose I know will look beautiful! I know the bitter sweet feeling of moving from one house to another, just remember a house does not make a home, but the family that is in it does no matter where you are. Have a great week!
I forgot to tell you I was watching Ellen Wed or Thu (the day Crystal Bowersox was on) and Ellen was talking about 1111 being her lucky number. This was towards the beginning of the show and then she made ref to it again at the end. Said everytime she looks at her clocks it's 11:11. I thought about you and Jake when she was talking about it. If you want to check it out (in between packing & moving, LOL) you can go to www.abc.com or www.fancast.com to see previous shows on your computer. Hug those precious girls for me! Linda C.
Can I come swing with ya'll?!? Such cutie pies!!!
Two little sweet peas in pink!!
Your two porch swings at the new house sounds absolutely wonderful - in perfect locations!!
Happy Monday Groves Family...
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