Ellie is THREE!
And as you may as well know, all of her invited friends were 2nd and 3rd graders. That's who she likes to "play" with, you may as well know!
As a matter of fact, I kinda thought we would have a combined party this year, since it is so hot here, and both of my girls have summer birthdays in back to back months.
But I was overcome with a deep sense of guilt on Saturday before her big day, so I stopped in Hobby Lobby, where allllllll dreams can come true, and picked up a few paints, feathers, glitter, etc, and started the planning.
Oh, then I had to call the ONLY cake place that will do for my baby girls' parties.... Kelly and Patti with PattiCakes! Kelly agreed to bake the cake on Sunday, and Patti, coming back from the beach on Sunday agreed to decorate it on Monday when Kelly was back at work. Talk about GOOD FRIENDS!!
I bought the goodie bags and only a few things to go in them. JinJin, on the other hand, took Ellie on Monday to Target and did some SERIOUS goodie bag shopping. Thanks, Jin!
My office is known to my friends and their kids as an indoor jungle gym! I work there all day, so sometimes I forget how "fun" it must seem to others.
And then, our cousin, Maddi, THE DIVA, arrived!
Her newest favorite thing.... fake nails!
And lest she mess them up, this is how she "plays". She never lets her hands touch anything. She keeps her hands out like this at all times when she is wearing her nails.
This is Jessi's Kaitlyn, neighbor, Sarah, and Emma's best buddy, Gracie.
And Robin, from MMPT, brought her little girl, Lydia.
The arts and crafts was pretty serious business to this age group! They were all about the painting project! Look at their expressions! They weren't playing around!
Gabbi was still enjoying her time on the slide!
She can play by herself all day long. She is a loner. ANd she is perfectly fine with that!
Here's a picture of the whole crew. Mid party. In big time artsy concentration mode!
It had to be the world's best thrown together quickly, unplanned party that ever was!
ANd this little birthday girl was in hog heaven with all her best "big girl" friends!
Awwww.... even Hunter and his best pal, Tyler, showed up to celebrate!
Sorry, Ashley! I tried to get Hayden too, but as usual, he fought me on it. Oh, man... I just hit italics and don't know how to get it off.
Yesss... it's gone! Ok, back to the story. Emma Lou is going to make the best next door neighbor. She genuinely likes playing with my girls! Ellie adores her! I am sure this day will pass, and someday she will get tired of having a shadow, but hopefully it's not until she is driving, which gives us about 6 more years or so! 7?
Maddi painting like she is using chopsticks, doesnt' want to harm her nails, you know?!
Kaitlyn was very, very serious about her craft! Everyone else was pretty cool when Ellie came along and painted on their projects. Kaitlyn... ummm... not gonna risk it! She did the smart thing and put her paint project away so little hands couldn't destroy hers!
Gracie and Lilly Claire seemed to enjoy themselves, even though it WAS a 9 year old's party! Does anybody find it as funny as I do that Ellie's friends are all so much older?! So typical of my little girl who acts like she is a pre-teen! Just comical!
JIn was there and helped Gabbi Girl work on her project.
Would you look at this girl? I told mom, "When they get older, Ellie will whisper to Maddi, 'Hey, Maddi, use your nails to pick that lock!'". And of course, Maddi will. Then, the cops will come and ....
No, really, I hope my mischievous little young un settles down between now and then. She tells me all the time..."Mom, I minded my teachers at dancing. I minded Miss Malllllory, and I minded Miss Linda Looouuuu." Seems she is more interested in assuring me that she is minding than in anything she is actually learning in the dance class. Sounds fishy, doesnt' it?
And, then....
Gabbi decided she needed some fresh lipstick!
and she applied it rather liberally!
ANd might I add, got VERY irritated when someone tried to take the brush from her!
Ellie was having a total blast at this last minute shindig!
Clara is Crystal's (from MMPT) daughter. Another of Ellie's role models!

Maddi also thought the party was fun. She even did a little hair paintin'!
The mamas gathered on the stairs and just suffered through!
Here is Staci, Pops and Nana.
ANd then came PRESENT time! Wooohoooo! This birthday was all about the Barbies!!

and Little Pet Shop.
and.... A BIKE!!! A Barbie big girl bike! From Aunt Staci and Uncle Don!
And since she barely reaches the petals, we have had hours after hours of "fun" pushing her around the new driveway. No, really. Thanks, Staci and Don! I'm getting Maddi a scooter for her birthday! One that she LOVES and wants to ride all the time!

and Little Pet Shop.
Clara gave Ellie the Barbie DREAM house! I really didn't know if she would be ready to play with it much or not... but believe me... it is the new FAVORITE toy in our house. 
I think, maybe, Pops forgot about the princess crown he had put on earlier in the party! 
He did look pretty cute in it though!
We had to borrow it back from him, because the time came for BIRTHDAY CAKE!!

The child had a perma-grin! She could not stop smiling as everyone sang "Happy Birthday to You" to her. She loves that song! And she loves being the center of attention!
Can you see the pure joy on her face?!
One of these days I am going to figure out video on this crazy blogspot thingy! I have some super cute video, but can't get it to load up! Dang!
Oh, and we made foam projects... visors and crowns! Clara's was quite flamboyant!
As was Sarah's!
And did I mention the radical shopping trip Jin and Ellie took prior to the party?! It was one of those, I won't deny her ANYTHING shopping trips!
It was one of those, THREE large bags crammed with everything under the sun as gifts, shopping trips! Including these....
The child had a perma-grin! She could not stop smiling as everyone sang "Happy Birthday to You" to her. She loves that song! And she loves being the center of attention!
What a Blast !! Happy faces! So much fun to see.
What a great time it loooked like everyone had...LOVE Miss E's face, that big ole smile!! She sure made out like a bandit! Happy 3rd Birthday Ellie Sue!!
Looks and sounds like fun was had by all! Ellie sure did look like she was in her glory there surrounded by all those big girlies and every one of them was there for her. Too cool! Maddi cracks me up with the fake nails. I may need to try that with Audrey. She is a nervous nail chewer and just painting them doesn't do the trick. And Gabbi painting her lips....too cute! You sure have your hands full.
Happy {belated} 3rd Birthday, little Miss Ellie!!!
What a fun party! Happy BD. Ellie Sue!
Happy 3rd Birthday to Ellie! What a wonderful party you threw for her. She is so blessed to have such wonderful parents, family, and friends! Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us!
What a fabulous party! I want one of those parties for my next birthday. Does 62 qualify for a blast like that? Everyone with smiles and Ellie's smile just never left her face. Best 3rd birthday party I've ever seen! Happy 3rd, Ellie! I'm loving Gabbi's lipstick and Maddi's nails! Love those girls! Life is good down south!
Hi Mo ~ Well, happy birthday Ellie!!! Time really does fly...
The party looked like a blast - I love that Ellie's friends are all older - what a trip!
My family & I had a great time in Florida, the beach was beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing her big day with all of us.
Diana from Colorado
WOW - what a fabulous party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLIE!! I love that she loves the 'big girls'. I totally get it, my daughter is 16 and my niece is 7 and she totally loves coming over and hanging with her CUZ!! Esp when her and her friends are getting ready for a big night out - so it'll probably never change. Ellie looked so happy in every single photo, the smile never left that girls face!! Proves that "throw together" parties are just as great as the ones we fuss over for weeks!! Great job, Mo!
Mo! It's easiest to upload the video into YouTube and then embed the link from there. Blogger gave me a headache with it's video uploading thingy!
A PARTY WITHOUT ME!?! looked like fun! i'm sad. i hope we can still be friends...
What a wonderful party! Looks like everybody had a super fun time!
Thanks for trying Mo.
~Ashley Forrest~
Looks like a lot of fun Mo! Great last minute planning...I LOVE polka dots - the balloons, dresses, cake, all of it!
Happy Birthday Ellie!! I would love to come play with that awesome Barbie Dream House. I always wanted one of those when I was a little girl, now I can live cyber-vicariously through your daughter!
Now, I had to look at that post about three times - what a precious little (um, big) birthday girl and what a wonderful idea for a party - bet this will be one of her bestest birthday memories. Love Maddie and her fingernails and Gabbi and her orange lipstick - hey, it matched her dress! Thanks for sharing - I love polka dot parties - we just had a red, white and blue stars and stripes for my grandson's 4th of July birthday - he is a big ONE! And a big one! Have fun with these girls - I can't imagine all the fun that is coming your way.
Thanks for having us out here! Really enjoyed it, you do such a great job and bringing us into the moment, you are so awesome! Happy Birthday Miss Sue! Hugs from fort Worth.
Fun Fun Fun! Do you do Munchkin Market? I would love to get my hands on some of those clothes!
You all just have the most fun ever! You certainly make the most of every day! Will you adopt me, too???
Thanks for sharing! To be THREE again....
It looks like all of you had a wonderful time! I bet Ellie was so excited to have all of her friends there! Last minute birthday parties are always a blast! Thanks for sharing!
Awww...happy birthday to Ellie! What a great party!
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