When I walked in, I saw this... Marina and Jordan, and Anna Lea already manning the front door "Jake's Store". It was rocking! I think at this point they had sold about $4,000 in merchandise. That is the equivalent of about three kids getting hefty checks this year to help with a financial need due to being away and undergoing treatment for cancer.
I had a local artist make these cute little wooden pendants for us. She sold them to us for half price allowing us to make a little profit on them for our pocketbook. They were a huge hit and were GONE within the first hour of the night!
I saw them at her store and knew I HAD to have some! Her store, locally, is Bayou Crafters mall, and she has rental spaces for a variety of local artists to put their things in there for sale. I can never seem to hit her at the right time for a space opening. I guess I will just keep on selling from my blog!
These don't really look as cute as they really were in this photo. I will show some more of these cute cuffs on my next post. I made about 20 or so, with Jordan helping me, and they flew out too. People really like handmade things, and we made them the colors of the night so almost everyone had something on already that would match!
Three cowboys.
The middle one, Buckshot, is our auctioneer and did a great job rallying the crowd to get good numbers for our live auction items! We appreciate your time, Buckshot!
Angie, one of our TOP volunteers and helpers in general of this foundation, working on making a sale at Jake's store.
Ok. ABSOLUTELY worth mentioning are the Eckarts!!! They drove down from Minnesota for the Shake! There kids stayed up late night to enjoy the event, and I am just forever amazed that they travel like this WITH FOUR KIDS, to support this cause. They are great friends and totally dedicated! Thank you, Cyndi! I will DEFINITELY be making a
Omg! Is that my neighbors, the O'Bryants? Party animals!!
Our good friends are the worker bees. That is truly a sign of a good friendship! This is Dakin, Tashia's husband. He was wearing an apron because he was working the raffles and taking up money from folks in the crowd.
This is my crazy friend, Lisa. She kinda views this event like me! We both feel it is one of those casual events where anything goes! Me in my fedora and her in her crazy glasses and handpainted tattoos.
I thought I was being all crazy with my handmade shoes from Etsy.... UNTIL I saw Lisa's handpainted, hand studded boots! WOW! Talk about one upping!
MMPT crew always represents. I am so happy to have so many "friends" as co-workers and vice versa. What is important to one is important to all!
Angie, again, far right. And my dear friends, the Fousts, who are those you can just count on no matter what the need.
This is Pam. Pam who refuses to smile at the camera. Pam who thinks I won't post these pictures. Pam who WILL stop and smile next time I ask her to "smile".
Our front door workers... Judy (CoCo's mom), Pammy (Mary Allison's mom), and Aunt Bonnie.
And look who the cat dragged in! This is the Haynes family! Tina, Jeff, and my precious little Hayden. Their son, Stanton, was one of our good buddies at St. Jude. It is always good to have a support system in place at the Jude. The Haynes family was part of the Raborn families crew!
And have I mentioned I am arranging a marriage between Hayden and KK? Just sayin! Can you even imagine how cute those babies would be?
Angie, one of our TOP volunteers and helpers in general of this foundation, working on making a sale at Jake's store.
"cheer canvas" for you.
The Pierces came down from Hernando, MS! As did Nurse Penny from our days at the Jude. They are perennial attendees! And we love and appreciate their support.
Todd and Dawn Pierce, parents of Mason and Angel Shae.
Oh, and of course, my buddy, Lindsey, from blogland, also made the long journey to West Monroe from Birmingham. It takes her five hours one way to be here to enjoy this with us.
I couldn't resist another picture of cute little Bella Eckart!! Look at those dimples!
Our keynote speaker was Tina Haynes. It is always sobering to hear a parent talk about her kid's journey with cancer. We all think it won't happen to us. Wellllll, guess what!
See that picture of Stanton and Emma Grace in the background video? They were quite the pair. I sure miss all those kids!
This picture shows more of the magnitude of the event. That is Tina, far left, speaking on the front stage.

This is particularly true becuase our event has become KNOWN for our rockin' band, Fly By Radio, and we were afraid some would be "mad" that they would not get to see them. We KNEW that the band is not the reason for the night, and hoped all would come to see it this way as well.
They called, ohhhhh, about three hours before the event and said they were broken down in Tuscaloosa, AL, and could not be here. Talk about a buzzkill!
We had an emergency board meeting and decided to just bring in a DJ. No one had ever heard him play, knew much about him at all, in fact, other than, he is the husband of one of my employees. Talk about a load of pressure on me, him, her, etc.
He ROCKED!!! Mike, aka DJ Downlow, did a great job, playing fun, upbeat songs that were perfect for our crowd. We saved a WHOLE lot of dough on the music and heck.... not sure we will NEED a band from now on. It seemed to us that there were more people staying and dancing and having fun into the wee hours than ever before! hmmm...
This is Mike W and Veronicia's mom, Mary Alice. I LOVE Mike's shirt. He is a huge Boston RedSox fan, and would you believe this is an actual Red Sox shirt!?
This is Mike W and Veronicia's mom, Mary Alice. I LOVE Mike's shirt. He is a huge Boston RedSox fan, and would you believe this is an actual Red Sox shirt!?
Nurse Penny corrupting the youth of America. Don't look, Hayden! Look away. You are saving yourself for KK.
DJ Downlow played all the madatory line dance music which got the crowd started on the dance floor!
Jin was a dancing fool! She and her buddies were hanging like they were 40! (I am 40!)
Hello there, Lindsey and Anna Lea. Dance, girls, dance!
Little info about Lindsey. She is a past 1/2 marathonner for TEAMJAKE. So naturally I love her. Her younger brother is a therapy kid at MMPT, so I love him and their mom too! Now, I am loving her dad! He was the winner of the 40" flat screen tv on the telethon and then re-donated it to us to use in another raffle at the Shake. How cool is that?! The raffle bag was FULL, so I suppose it brought in a good little chunk of moolah! Thank you, Mike. I just LOVE that family. So generous!
And THEEEEENNNN, the real party crew kicked it into high gear! Dawn, Mo, John, and Donna. Not a lick of sense in that whole pack!
Awwww.... there's ol' twinkly- eyed Todd! (and Mo channeling Michael Jackson!)
Crystal, get off that man! (That man being the one who will be moving my cottage on Wednesday! )
Ramsay was saving grace to Jessi. This is she and Lee who came all the way from Homer to celebrate with us. We appreciate you guys!
Miss Jo Kaufman. Have you ever noticed that she and Mr. Jerry are just about everywhere there is something going on regarding Jake? This family is dear to me.
The Harrists are some good friends too. They have twin baby girls, so we have this kind of common bond of neuroses (two girls... toddlers!)
Crazy Man, Jerry Kaufman. Can't keep a good man down!
Melinda and Michelle... friends of mine for years.
Uncle Eddie, Charlie, and Uncle Todd!
Judging by the fact that the lights are up, it is somewhere around 1:00 am! People are hugging and saying their goodbyes!
I am telling our sweet law enforcers thanks for their protection and security for the night.
These three did a GREAT job helping with all the set up and STILL hung til the wee hours of the morning. They are "Believers"!
The Gureardys ( I am sure I butchered that spelling!) came down from Little Rock and claim they want to start a SHake event in their neck of the woods. They say they have never been to anything like it!
Ok, team. Gotta go home now! Until next year!
Friends, fun, and fundraising! I hope our Jake is proud!
What a great post!! It looks like everyone had an amazing time @ the Shake! I am so excited to read that you are moving the COTTAGE!! Yea! That is so exciting! I know you are thrilled. I can't wait to see recent pics of the BAH! When is move in day??
love it! just out of curiosity - what is buckshot's last name? i'm thinking he's from my hometown and i know him. i mean, how many buckshot's can there be in the world???
Awesomeness all around! I am so glad that you share these things will all of us out here in the world. I cried so hard when Jake died and I followed Stanton and Emma Grace too! It is a wonderful thing that you guys honor Jake's memory and help others too.
Glad you are getting your "cobbage" moved!!
Wow - sounds like a very successful Shake! Looks like a ton of fun, too and I know Jake is smiling real big!
And there's Lindsay. =) I sure do miss reading about Bowen's adventures and seeing their sweet faces.
I'll be checking the JOR site for leftover goodies (hopefully) from Shake. Need a new T-shirt. Too bad the pendants sold out - those are SO cute.
Awesome! Thanks for taking us along. Jon saw the pics as I was reading the blog and asked what they were. I told him that ONE of these days I won't be lieving on the edge of the earth anymore and we will be able to join you guys!
Oh, it sounds like a great success and looks like everyone had such a great time. We had a little crisis here yesterday (our 15 year old dog passed away) and with everything going on, I totally forgot to check in on the telethon. I do have to say I have a fund already started to make the trip down next year. I am so bummed I missed it.
I don't remember ever seeing a pic of Stanton's parents. What a wonderful pair! Wow!
I have to tell you, I am just green (!) with envy because I would love to be there. But, life always gets in the way. One of these days.
Congratulations on the cottage move. How cool is that! Please take pics of such an occasion. Loved a couple of girlies on the live feed yesterday. Miss Gabster secure with her mommy, and you-know-who doing her own thing, and patented each moment. I adore your family!
The believe pendants. Are they for sale? I need some. Thanks!
By the way, I was watching one of the videos yesterday when the slide of Emma Grace in the mask came up. That did it. Lord. Thanks to all who helped the families.
Bring it to Little Rock....I would come. That would be awesome!!!! Thanks for sharing!! It looks like you guys had an awesome time honoring Jake and all the little ones still fighting!!!
YES, YOUR JAKE IS PROUD!!!!!!!!!!! There just aren't words adequate enough. You guys are amazing! I love it all, MO!
So happy to have been a small part of a very successful event! I may have to show up next year to deliver the goods in person rather than rely on Mr. UPS!
It looks like an incredibly successful event! So many wonderful supporters for such a great cause....TFS with those of us who could only be there in spirit.
Loved all the different BELIEVE shirts, the wooden pendants (can't wait 'til you're selling them), Lisa's boots (very creative), and you totally rock a fedora! Sorry to hear about the band, but all ended well.
That is soooo awesome that you're moving your cottage!! Can't wait to see the photos of that!
Happy Manic Monday Mo....
Yeah! Your "cobbage" is moving with you! I am so glad to hear that.
that looks like so much fun! the wooden pendants are SO cute! How blessed you all are to have so many wonderful friends.
Amazing!!! Jake, Emma Grace, Stanton and Shae, I can remember following each of their journeys. I admire these SWEET ANGELS to the utmost! The event was awesome!! I'm hoping one day to make it to WM to a SHAKE FOR JAKE fundraiser! I have been following Lindsay's journey on FB to WM! You guys ROCK!!!
I am so glad that it went so well!
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