Wish you were there? Well, let me help you experience it a little better.
First, let's take a look at a few of the tablescapes. Shall we?

As you know, for years now, we have used Jake's favorite toys/ themes/ pasttimes to remember him at the Shake. Heck, we had to have something for centerpieces. So, naturally, we wanted it to be a reflection of his little life.

And each table has a plaquard (is that right?), that has a description for the goodies on the respective table.

Welllll, havent' done this in a while! SOrry. Turn your head to the left and keep reading!

Then, of course, there are the other kids who have received assistance from the JOR Foundation. Some of their parents have send us pictures of their children and their stories.

We, naturally, wanted to let our guests know how their money/ donations will be benefitting the children with cancer.

This is a fun memory!

New Year's Eve is always celebrated at our house because that is this big man's birthday!

Awww... do y'all remember that Rebel pillow? Our little redneck! And this was when we diapered a Sponge Bob pinata. Whatever made him smile!

Oh, man, don't I remember those four wheeler rides! Remember Jake's trick, the "neck neck"?

I pass his old house every day, as they live on my street where my LAH is now. I reminisce about playing in the front yard and use this one oak tree to realize how long has passed since we played like that, as it continues to shoot to the sky. Time keeps on rolling.

Oh, the hairplanes!

I so remember that day! We were at the Memphis Zoo and had a ball! Sick from chemo and all.

And look how little the "big boys" look.
Here's another little story:

Another sweet kiddo.

JOR Foundation helped little Emilio.

This is one of Veronicia's favorite little boys, even though she has never met him! He is a sweet little thing!

Man, can you remember this crazy day? First Halloween at the Jude. They KNEW the Raborn family!

Hey, Nena Beth... see, I got your note! Thanks!

But I digress...
This is Little Miss Molly. She had the same kind of cancer as ol' Jake man! She lives in Wisconsin, and during one of our summer adventures, I went to her house to meet her and her mom.

Here's a little about her.

And finally, here is Miss Shelbi Mae when her hair was on its way out. in? I can't keep up! She made the most of it and went RED!

But now she is healthy and rocking long brown locks!

Tomorrow, I will show you what Jordan and I made to sell at Jake's store.

Bet you can't wait!
With tears a flowin', what a beautiful post Mo.
Words cannot describe the joy Jake brought to many lives. Although personally I did not know him, I felt as though I did through your blogs. Many families I'm sure are very grateful for the help the JOR Foundation can give them. Keep up the AWESOME work. With your help, Cancer in children will be a thing of the past!
Oh Mo, these pictures bring back so many memories. The JOR foundation is awesome and I just love how Jake continues to spread his Love and Cheer to so many that have come to know him!
WOW, I have tears in my eyes. I said a prayer for each child you showed. Thank you for sharing this post, Mo. Love seeing those pictures of Jake and being reminded of what he loved. You guys are amazing.
whew...nothing like a good cry! I love how you honored each child that the foundation is supporting. I especially love seeing and remembering Jake!! What a special boy. The Shake looked like a great success. What a lot of hard work. But for a great cause! May God continue to give your family strength.
Thank you for sharing!
Hugs from Missouri,
Thank you! Oh, I do love that boy. And, his family. Can't wait to see the pics!
Amazing. Great way to start the day.
WOW...all I can say is WOW! What an absolute blessing Jake was and still is. Simply amazing how one little man touched so many lives ~ the children that Jake helps thru the JOR Foundation are truly "Touched by an Angel"!
Mo ~ I have to say...thru the tear's remembering your precious Angel Baby ~ I did get a big chuckle from your LAH comment!!
Thanks for sharing your lives with us!!
I just love your tablescapes. So much love and caring goes into them and it shows. They are awesome. Thank you for sharing the stories of the children and families that the JOR Foundation has and is helping. God bless you all for your hard work and dedication to helping those families in need!
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