or a fit ensues which is just not worth the drama!
She found this little toddler sized grocery cart!

The problem here is that she only wanted to push it AWAY from the store and the area in which you are SUPPOSED to pay for the thing! Anytime I switched her direction and encouraged her back toward the store, this is what I got!
It is kinda funny to watch Gabbi learn to use her fake crying and even tears to get what she wants. OR SO SHE THINKS!
Mom don't play that!
Now this is a sweet cousin. He wears his little cousins' Vera Bradley diaper bag on his back. He is in touch with his feminine side!
The problem here is that she only wanted to push it AWAY from the store and the area in which you are SUPPOSED to pay for the thing! Anytime I switched her direction and encouraged her back toward the store, this is what I got!
While we sat around, this caricature dude saw Grant sitting there and decided to start drawing.
I watched this dude draw some people last week when I was here with my MMPT girls. He was pretty awesome. I was just a braggin when Staci walked up.
I convinced her that we should get one done.
But, Ummmm... I am not so sure I should have!
But, Ummmm... I am not so sure I should have!
Kinda makes you a little paranoid!
All 20 of us!
This is Veronicia's brother, Zach.
He's come on our beach trip for years. Kinda as the boys' sitter of sorts. He could drive and they had wheels to go to the go kart track and whatever it is that preteen/ teen boys like to do.
Here are mine, still running wild! Me, KK, and Mary Allison kinda took shifts!
I am proud to see that gabbi Girl is now learning some of the "tricks" that Ellie was doing last year.
The teens in our group were mesmerized by this dude's magic tricks!
They remembered him from lsat year and summoned him to our table! He really is pretty awesome!
Fun had by all. Now if I can just get MA to link a video to this dadgum blog. I can't upload it, so I am going to try to link it to my youtube account. Hmmm.... we'll see.
As for those of you who have asked about the oil. Well, first off, follow me on Facebook. If you have friend requested me, message me and tell me you are a blog buddy. I just don't recognize everyone's name, so I don't always confirm. Anyway, I try to update a little on FB about the oil. Today was beautiful!! NO SIGN of oil! None in water, none washing up on shore, and no smell in the air! I have no idea what tomorrow will be like, but we are blessed! Having a great family vacation!
Wow! I can't believe that I am the 1st to comment. Thàt must be worth a prize or something!lol! JK. These pictures are precious! It looks like Miss Gabby is going to hit the "terrific" twos right on time! That is great to see. I love her little orange dress with the ric rac trim. My favorite pics of the night would be the one of Don and Maddie (that's a wall pic) and the one of Gabby dancing with the "privileged" young man. Her expression is priceless.
As you have probably read on FB, we have been having some PT issues....but do not fear, you have taught us well. We are doing PT in everyday activities. I am having her do everything herself that she possibly can at home like dressing, sitting to standing,etc. and we went swimming tonight where I had her kicking both legs a lot and using both arms,too!
Awesome post, awesome photos. Oh my, the ones of you & Gabbi and you & Staci are beautiful!
Ellie looks so angelic sitting up and resting her arms on the table.
What a great group, from toddlers, to teens, to adults - looks like fun had by all!
BTW - have you done any running on the beach?
That characture looks nothing like you two. Looks more like a scary cartoon. ha
Who is the 4th little girl in the picture with the girls on the stairs? Looks like ya'll are having a great time!
All I've got to say is I want to go next year!
Looks like a blast! Keep having fun!
Looks like there is plenty of fun going on. Hope it continues!
Hi Mo ~ What great pictures of your beach time. Looks like a good time was had by all. I'm glad the oil is not moving closer -good for you.
Gabbi is really getting to be a big girl, she looks so cute in that dress with the ric-rac - just adorable.
Continue enjoying your well deserved rest, Diana from Colorado
Looks like a great time was had by all!!
I just sent a FB friend request but hit the send button before I put in that I was a blotg follower.
Also, just recently bought that same shopping cart for my granddaughter's birthday. She loves it, but also only wants to go in one direction! If you turn her around and try to get her to go the opposite way you get a reaction very similar to the one Gabbi has!
Love those baby girls!
great pictures! loved the one of you & staci! you both look way better in person! ;-) i chuckled at gabbi's crying pics. i think fox at 10 months has mastered the fake cry. :(
That hangout it so much fun! We like to go there too! Thanks for the oil update. Hopefully when we go next week, it will be clear.
What a great Hangout!!! Keep making the memories!
I cannot stop laughing at the caricature pictures...too funny! You girls are way too pretty to claim those as your own. At least he tried!
I don't think I have ever seen Gabbi crying like that. Is it sad that she is adorable even when she is crying?
Hope you all have a great trip. Looks like so much fun!
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