Well, we have to find SOMETHING to keep her preoccupied at dinner!

Glad dad is such a sport. These are being posted in good time, seeing how this week is Father's day week and all!

Ellie was very "serious" to her daddy about his manicure.

ANd then came time for the makeup application.

This cracks me up, because I think this may be the face I make when I am putting on my mascara!

And I realized how much this little monkey watches me.

But not only her...

All of the above acoutrments was provided by Staci's purse.

Thanks Staci. Thanks Dad. It gave mom and KK a moment's rest!
P.S. Mindy, our friendship necklaces came from Target. $20!! And the dress, I THINK came from Target also. I will have to get the fo sho on that one, but I think it was last year's model!
Love your post. Ellie is such a character!! Todd is a great sport and Both of you are wonderful parents. Looks like Todd has got the girlly Dad stuff Down well.!! What a way to spend Fathers Day week making memories with his baby girl. Thanks for the Post.
Hi Mo ~ Your not kidding when you say she was serious - that girl does NOT mess around with her makeup!
Todd is a great sport - you can just see how much he loves his babies.
After we first moved to Colorado, my hubby's lips were dry, so I gave him my chapstick. Well we were in a restaurant and when the waitress came over to take our order, my youngest tells her "My daddy wears lipstick" You should have seen her face, priceless!! And there sat my poor hubby with his "lipstick" on.
I love seeing your posts, they make my day!!!
Have a wonderful Tuesday, Diana from Colorado
Way to take one for the team Dad!!!
Love the faces!!!!
What a great model Dad was. He sat so patiently!
Absolutely love that Todd will let Ellie do his makeup while in a restaurant. What a sport! He's a keeper for sure!
Go, Todd! My husband would NEVER do that! What a good daddy!
Mo, you sure do have you a "real good man!" I love these pictures!
What a wonderful daddy! Love Ellie's mascara applying face, and those curly-q pigtails with those awesome brown bows - well, she's just darling!!!
What a little doll! I love Ellie's dress and sweet, little serious face while applying makeup and manicure! She is an absolute doll and REALLY looks like her daddy!! Daddy's Girl! Happy Fathers Day to Todd and all the fellas in your family!
Thanks for the shout out to me, Mo!!! You know how to hook a sistah UP...I'll let you and MA know if I get in on the "friendship"!
I am enjoying these beach posts so much!!! Keep them coming. I think I look just like that, too, when I am putting on mascara.
Your girls are too much!!!!!!! And waaaaaaaaaaaay too darling!
Precious expressions! And Todd....the best Dad. Love this post. My Dad is gone and there is nothing more delightful for me than to see little girls with their Dads. There is nothing to compare.
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