It all started like this...

And I immediately called her daddy! I KNEW I couldn't handle something of this proportion!

And Daddy started to work his magic.

He was not all that calm at first. He kept telling me to get the scissors! He just thought there was NO WAY we would get it out. I mean, it was BAD!
And all I could think was that cutting it would mean no more pigtails.

I was getting sadder by the minute.
I think Ellie knew the gravity of the situation, because as much as this must have been hurting her, she hardly complained at all.

Daddy eventually DID use the scissors, but it was for cutting the comb....

First, he'd cut the ends of the comb off...

then, he started cutting off the teeth of the comb as he worked it to a smaller and smaller obstacle.

We stuck Gabbi Girl in her highchair because we could not deal with one more thing.
And she seemed to be entertaining herself.

Daddy kept up his perseverance.

Mom needed a shot of tequilla!

Dad was like all "slow and steady wins the race".

Mom was all like, I am going to jump off the roof!

Seriously, my nerves were SHOT!
And this is what we were left with!

Then, we lay our kid down and started to work on the massive KNOT in her hair!

She was just proud to be using "Conditioner"!!

Ellie had a brush go through her hair, scalp to ends!

And now I am going to sleep!
I am not easily frazzled. But this did it!
Good night!
Tell Todd I am so proud!! I'm sorry I didn't get to my phone in time. However, it looks as though Todd and Jose(cuervo) handled things nicely!! What a funny kid!! Just know this won't be the last "hairmergency" you have....especially with 2 girls. I'll kepp my phone closer!!
OMG Ellie!!! She was just trying to beautify herself momma!!
I'm sorry, Mo...but this post is a RIOT!!! You guys are FUUUUkneee!!!
Way to go Tod the Bod...I better tell Troy Boy to be ready if this ever happens 'round here!
Bedhead1 Curse of the ages. Good job!
And that is just one more reason "todd the bod" is an awesome daddy to his baby girls. I would have just grabbed the scissors too - and trust me, that day will come for you!!! I think every child cuts their own hair or has a reason it has to be hacked off during their lifetime. And then they grow up a little and break bones and then.......I will spare you the rest lol!!
Perseverance PAID off!! I was hyperventilating at the very first pic!!! Todd done a good job!!! Heck I gotta take some nerve pills now!!!
Uggghhh...those first two pictures made my heart drop - I can only imagine what you were feeling...the awesome mama you are got through it!
Word of advice - keep the scissors high, out of reach, because I'm pretty sure every child will cut their own hair at some point if given the opportunity - that will give any mama a sickening stomach!!!
What an incredible daddy Miss Ellie Sue has. Way to save the day Todd.
And, precious Gabbi Girl just sitting in her chair in the background - sweet as ever!
Here's to a better day....
Way to go Todd!!! What a man what a man what a mighty good man!
Not that we will ever have that problem since we have a boy, but thanks Todd for the class in how to remove a comb that is all jacked up in a little girl's hair. WOW!! Mo, I don't know how you were able to stay in the same room. I would have had to go outside!
Yikes! Disaster averted!! Woo Hoo!
I got a feeling, Ellie Sue will give you more panic moments in the future. You can see it in her eyes. Glad Daddy could save the day and the head of hair.
Awesome work Todd. I never ever would have thought to cut the teeth from the comb.It is sign of things to come from those precious girls.
AH YES, the joys of parenthood. I just can't stop smiling over this post. Glad everything is okay and Ellie's hair is still on her sweet head. And wasn't Gabbi adorable sitting in her high chair being so precious?
Being the Mom of grown children I agree with the previous posters when they say - HIDE THE SCISSORS. It will happen, she will cut her hair!!
Have a great weekend and RELAX!!
Hi Mo ~ Oh that Ellie belly....she KNEW by that look on her face when Todd was working on her that what she did was a no-no. And Gabbi just taking it all in - what a precious doll.
Good thing Todd has patience.
I be Ellie will be more careful in the future...ya think?
Have a great weekend!
Diana from Colorado
What a super daddy for having that patience!!! My husband would have cut the hair!
OMG....I had to laugh as I know the panic!! My daughter has done that before ~ and I myself have gotten those round brushes stuck in my own hair before. Another reason I had to chuckle is I was thinking to myself...I bet this is the longest Miss Ellie has sat still!!
So glad daddy was able to help his sweet baby get that darn comb out of those pretty blonde curls!! ENJOY your weekend!
Todd did a good job. I'm like you, I would have been panicking. When our son was about three, Jeff called very calmly and said, if I had to take Jay to the hospital, which one is our insurance with? HELLO???? ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?? After a trip to the ER, we had fishing hook removed from behind his ear. Love what the kids do to us moms.
Ellie and Gabbi are so CUTE! I wish we were going to be at the beach at the same time this year =( i wanna see yalll
As long as you waited for Ellie to grow hair I'm sure tears would have been shed over having to cut it off! Glad your hubby came to the rescue! Too funny!
Oh my dear lord! I can imagine your fright. I did the same thing as a child only I was attempting to curl my bangs. Needless to say my Mom wasn't as resourceful as Todd and I ended up with pretty spiky bangs!!! Glad everything worked out well for you guys. Just wait until Gabbi does it next!!!!!
Who couldn't use a Dad like that!
Here is some advice... get rid of all rounds brushes as well! Esp the small ones! TRUST ME
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