Monday, May 10, 2010

My mama's got SKILLS!

For me to be very much NOT a girly girl, I have always had a knack for doing hair.
NEVER mine! But other people's!

I was one of the few people in high school who could do a fishbone braid. And can you even believe it? It is making a comeback! Don't believe me? Check out People mag. THEY know!
And finally, I have little girls of my own whose hair I can fix.

Despite all the times I have mentioned cutting their hair, I gotta say, I am glad I haven't! Because, it gives me the length to do ponytails, pigtails, and these....
LOVE me some french braids.
I am so proud of my girl for staying still long enough to have her hair "did".
Have I mentioned I love being a girl mama?!



Rhonda said...

I **love** the French braid!! Ellie has BIG GIRL hair! I love it when my sister-in-law french braid's Savannah's hair because it isn't all hanging in her face!

You done good, Mama!! So I commented - where is my prize for the On the Border contest?!? I have been waiting patiently!!!!!

tricia said...

Her hair is adorable. You get to play hairdresser!

Anonymous said...

love it! i do my daughter's hair in a french braid every day! very feminine

Anonymous said...

Im going to try again to post on your blog, although doubtful it'll go through. But oh my goodness, is Ellie's hair CUTE or what?!? And I was going to say the same thing - what a big girl to sit still for so long while mamma does her hair so pretty. You asked the other day if it was just 'you' who thought Miss Ellie looked "old" well in these pictures today she def looks like shes going to be turning THREE - oh how can that be?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Hey WOW IT WORKED :) Well as long as it did; here's a ? for you - how comfortable would you be painting a canvas with a blinged-out Eiffle <----sp Tower? We have finally redone my 16 yr old daughters room (or are in the midst of it actually) and her theme is Paris - with blacks, whites, silver......not sure what size we'd do yet but thought i'd run the idea past you first :)

Amy K said...

Teach me....I've never been able to (and always want to) french braid my girls' hair. I feel like I'm all thumbs when trying to get it all together!
Ellie's hair looks great!

blessedmomof3 said...

Love the french braids. My girls wore french braids and/or huge bows for as long as they would let me have a say in their hairstyles. It makes me a little sad everytime I pass a place with hairbows because I no longer have a little one to buy them for. My youngest just made varsity cheerleader so I am hoping bows might be in her future! I cannot wait to see the canvas! Please post pictures!:) It's like waiting til Christmas to open a present!! Leigh Ann Perritt

stephleighjenkins said...

Man..... I'm so jealous. I want to learn how to do french braids!!!!

Diana said...

Hi Mo ~ You have so many skills...far too many to mention! I love Ellie's hair - very cute!!
I have not been on for a while, so I want you to know how much I loved seeing the pictures of the BAH. I would love to come to a retreat, but other than being a 'gopher" (how about another margarita? I'll have a glass of wine, can you get the snacks...hey, keep an eye on the girlies) You could put me to work. I am just not creative - but I would make a good gopher.
And those pictures of Ellie putting the bow on Earl - what a sweet dog, that girl is just too funny.
Your Mother's day pictures are great!
Have a wonderful day, Diana from Colorado

Theresa Shirley said...

Are you kidding---that Ellie Sue knows she's stylin'---that's why she stayed still long enough for you to do her hair!!! She's SUCH a girlie girl---how sweet! And I haven't seen anything you're not good at yet (except maybe cooking :)

Kelly said...

Too cute. What is a fishbone braid?

snekcip said...

I love braiding my little one's hair~ except I braid in cornrows! Braiding has taken on a whole new dimensions when it comes to designs and such! I think the hairbraids and summertime go hand in hand! It's just braiding MY GIRLS hair is so tedious! She has lots of hair and it's very thick!! I have split cuticles and got hangnails just trying to braid it! Her hair is gorgeous afterwards, but my hands looks as if they have been thru a cheese grater afterwards!!!