I guess I really can't go too much longer without sharing the details of Staci's
37th birthday party!
So here we go....
Like Hunter's party, same month, same situation.... these two...
take dining out to a whole new level!!
It is just a constant effort to keep all the toddlers happy, entertained, and mainly IN THEIR SEATS!
And as Ellie told my neighbor, Nicole, this week, when asked, "Where is your 'inside voice'?"... Ellie clearly announced, "I don't HAVE an inside voice." SO TRUE!
This kid is a booger!
And this one tags right along with whatever bad decision Ellie has made! Not a good team for the future sleepless nights when we are waiting for them to get home from being "out"! Ugh. I can't even think of it.
You know Ellie wouldn't rest without helping Staci with her presents!
Hayden was kinda normal and helped me keep Gabbi Girl contained between the table, our chairs, and a bannister behind her.

Gabbi is busy, but still the "easy" one of the group!

Just pretty dang sweet. I need to video her talking lately. It is the sweetest, most angelic little voice!

This is Staci's favorite restaurant. Well, one of two anyway. Both of her faves involve water. One is on the river, and this one is on the bayou..

And I may as well say, both involve blackened catfish too!

These two were having a moment!

I just sat across from them and watched it all unfold.

While Gabbi is very affectionate, Ellie is a little rationing with her sugar!

Good ol' Hayden is winning some nephew points right here!

Have I mentioned that he looks like the tween throb, Justin Bieber? Just sayin'!

And gosh, Hunter looks like a dadgum MAN!

Not sure what Miss Missy here was showing off. Surely her toenails!

And THIS is that blackened catfish, with parmesan crusted breading and cheese melted all over it. I usually don't photograph food, but this one deserved it!

The girls hung out down at the end of the table with JinJIn. She was leading them in songs to try and keep them preoccupied. I think they were singing "ABC's", when....

Ellie busts out with "WHeels on the Bus". Now, understand, everyone else is somewhere between "L, M, N, O, P..." and "T, U, V", when she is singing "ALllll through the town at the top of her lungs."

As she fully expected, within a couple of seconds, the whole crew were singing about the "wipers going swish swish swish". She should run for office!

And by now, I guess you know that Veronicia is my mama's third child!

Ok, it just wouldn't be a post about Staci unless I aggrevated her and did something to just plain bug her!

So, I said, "Smile." ANd I got that fake smile above!
But oh, no. Don't you think I stopped there!

But I warned her. And she wouldn't smile!
And sooooooo.....

Snappity snap snap!

Still not looking, eh?

WHEN will that girl learn? Her big sister will always win!
And I have NO idea where Ellie gets it!
I leave you with a rare photo of the three girls of the family...

Happy 37th, Staci. Whoa! Almost 4-0! (Let's go on a cruise!!)
aHHHHHHHHH...happy birthday, Staci! Love that last pic of you three beautiful ladies!!!
We should all go out to eat. Walker and Hadlee would fit right in with your girls!!!!!!!!!
Awesome post Melanie! While I always enjoy pictures of the 3 little girls, the picture of you, Staci, and JinJin is just beautiful!
Love the new picture of your girls at the top. Also LOVE LOVE the picture of Stacey, you and Jin JIn. You all look great. Stacey and Jin have lost alot of weight what are their secrets? Also did you ever do your post on the lapband and I missed it??
Happy Birthday Staci! Ya'll would have a blast on a cruise! Love the new banner picture of the girls Mo.
Hi Mo ~ What a great final picture of you, your Mom & Staci.
Happy Birthday Staci!!!
Ellie leading the crew in song - too funny. She has got it DOWN already - good luck!
Btw, I have never eaten catfish (coming from New York)but that dish looked pretty darn good - I might have to try it one day.
Have a wonderful day, Diana from Colorado
Great birthday FUN pictures!! Yes, Hayden DOES look like Justin Beiber and Hunter DOES look like a man - that's just not right! The girls are beautiful, as always! The little girls and the big girls!! I absolutely LOVE the new header picture of Ellie and Gabbi - gorgeous!!!!
Great post!! I love all of the pictures! And, that happens to be one of my favorite restaurants. My husband and I had our first official date there almost 22 years ago. :) I LOVE the new header picture! is that the picture over your mantel that you said had a great story behind it? Did we ever hear that story? maybe I missed it. have a great day! By the way! Ashlyn loved her picture. I knew that she would. Thank you again!!!
Oh my goodness you crack me up! Hopefully Staci doesn't come over and beat you up today! hahahaha Happy Birthday Staci!!
Aw so sweet of you to post your lil sisters birthday. Happy Birthday to the worse Blogger in the world. She has been at the beach again for nearly a year. When will she ever come home.lol Love the pictures. You Rock Mo Thanks for sharing your world. We love you.
LOVE the new header picture ~ simply amazing!! Also am LOVING the picture of three beautiful ladies!
I cannot believe how much the boy's have grown. Even Miss Maddie (who we don't see much of cause her mama is still at the beach!!) is growing like a weed!
Happy Birthday Staci!!
Loks like a fun party. Okay I LOVE you header picture. I want to see more!!
Happy Birthday Staci!! The new header is just adorable!!!
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