When we got up in the morning, there would be a little candy and some eggs in our basket with clue number one that led us to .... "dad's underwear drawer" then that clue and egg and prize would lead us the "dishtowel drawer in the kitchen", etc. They were all done in rhyming riddles, so we actually had to figure the riddles out to find our next clues.
Would you look at that pink gingham monogrammed bathing suit above?! Dang that is cute!
I had already gotten up, bathed, and started the process of getting ready for church. I went and woke up my little rabbits to surprise them with the loot.
Oh, and there is Gabbi Girl's matching green gingham bathing suit below. Maddi's is blue, so they will be all matchy matchy at the beach in a couple of months.
Would you believe JinJin still gets us straight up LOADED Easter baskets every year... I mean, me, Staci, Don and Todd are all still totally spoiled. At 40... still getting Bunny gifts. LOVE it! Thanks, mom, for still keeping us young!
And so many of you have asked... YES, the Bunny did take the bottles to give to his baby bunnies! And we are doing pretty well, I might add! Both of my girls go to sleep with a "milk cup" or sometimes nothing at all. And because this may be the last remembrance of them, EVER.... here they are! Kinda sad!
I will show you Ellie's expression when she found out in just a minute! I couldn't move my pics around either.
I have this really great post coming up pretty soon about that awesome photo on the mantle. Look at it. Remember it. I LOVE it!
No holiday would be complete without a few new tubes of glip gloss!
Did you notice my sweet little rabbits' matching gowns? I couldn't resist. Staci has the cutest little gowns at her store. Also many have asked about her store... it is called SPOILED ROTTEN and I don't think they have a website yet. I hope to give more info on that in the future too.
The girls thought Ol' Bunny did pretty great all the way around!
A few fine motor toys for Gabbi Girl, and a mermaid for playing in the tub, as well as brushing her long, luxurious PINK Hair!
I'm just sayin'!
Ellie... still applying her various lip balms!
Sweet Gabbi. She seemed to approve of her new shades.
I really wanted a cute shot of the two of them on Easter morning. Ellie was participating, but Gabbi Girl...
Well, she just wanted mama! ONLY mama!
Oh wait... or maybe a little glip gloss!
Yep that did it.
Or as Ellie says nowadays when I think she thinks she is cussing or something... "That doggit top won't come off." Making up her own "ugly" words. We gotta put a stop to that!)
I mention to her that I think that Easter Bunny, the same one who brought us all these nice things, also took something. "Can you think about what it might be, Ellie?"
"Oh, mom. I bet he took my bottles? Did he take my bottles?"
"I don't know Ellie. Why don't you go look in the cabinet and see."
Can you see the exasperation on my kid;s face before she even knows the answer!??

Then she goes to the kitchen, points in the direction of where her bottles USED to be and says, "MOM, they're gone. He took alllll my bottles!"
"But he left my sippy cups." And she actually said it with some degree of contentment.
Good memory! Goodbye to the bottles. Easter 2010! No more bottles. No more babies. Boo HOo.
This was Gabbi's favorite Easter present, this ball from the Dollar Tree.
This post is absolutely the BEST! My kids would be so jealous of your kids' Easter bunny goodies.
Those bathing suits, dresses, and gowns are absolutely adorable.
I can't even describe the joy of seeing our kids' excitement during precious times like these! It changes my perspective on life most often.
The pic of Ellie about the bottles is worth a thousand words - bless her heart.
Mo, I so enjoy you sharing your girlies with all of us...I kinda feel like "Aunt" BJ...and imma lovin' it.....they are absolutely precious, your cup surely runneth over girl...but I know you are aware of that...keep up the good work..you are a GREAT Mom!...huggers, BJ
Ellie's expressions are priceless! Love the Easter dresses. LOVE LOVE that picture, can't wait for you to share!
your girls are having the happiest childhoods thanks to both you and Todd.
Oh Mo ~ It DOES get better & better - honest to goodness!! My girls are now 23, 19 & 17 we all have a blast together. We shop, eat out (and they actually sit down for the whole meal :)) we travel and we just laugh & have fun. The whole experience and all the stages are great. That look on Ellie's face after you told her the Easter Bunny took the bottles.........OMG PRICELESS!! I must admit that the stage you are in now is precious because I remember telling the girls anything and they believed me (including that the beach was "closed" when I did not want to take them there) just so innocent & precious. Have a great week, Diana from Colorado
Loved this post. That picture of her with the expression was priceless.
Such a fun Easter!! I totally love the fact that you enjoy every second of having little girls!!
Such a cute post! Love the stories that go along with your cute pictures. It absolutely get's better and better. They are so cute as babies but the things that come out of their mouths as they get older...well...it's just priceless. Jenna has us laughing all the time. TOO DARN CUTE at every stage! Just enjoy and keep blogging so you, and they, can remember it all. My blog IS my scrapbook (I have no time/energy for the "real deal"...so my kids will just have to deal with it).
what a fun post! thanks for sharing your cute kiddos. it's fun to watch them grow up.
What great pics of the girls. My goodness...is Gabbi bigger than Ellie, now? Pretty soon, Gabbi will be handing down her clothes to her "big" sister! That's what happened with my boys. Our second son is way bigger than his brother!
I can't vouch for daughters, but the relationships and experiences with our children are wonderful throughout their life! We're in a great place right now with our sons. And, yes, at 22 yrs. and 19 yrs. they still get Easter baskets!
Precious! My daughter (15) knows when she hears me oohhing and ahhhing and laughing at my computer, usually it's because I'm reading your posts and seeing your sweet girls' pics.
Can't wait to hear about the mantle picture. I love that y'all still get Easter baskets from Jin-Jin.
To me, yes, every stage just gets better and better. I always wondered if it was just because mine is an only child. Of course, sometimes I miss those toddler days of chubby cheeks and sweetness. Oh, we have our share of teen drama now, too LOL, but I still cherish my time with her and am just amazed at the young woman she's becoming.
Meant to tell you this also. A while back, I ordered 2 T-shirts from JOR. Have just about worn them both out and need to order more- love them. Anyway, I wore them both last week and both times, people noticed and asked me about them and I got to share Jake's story here in Georgia. Love that sweet boy and he's still making his way around the world. =)
Oh Mo it does get better and better! What makes mine extra special is the fact I get to experience it 3fold!!! With Bree and the grandsons!!! FUN, FUN, FUN!!! I step away from the computer and find me a biscuit to sop up all this toddler gravy *Southern delicacy for you Northeners*!!! YEAH BABY!!!!
What a big girl Miss Ellie is - giving up her bottles! I love the girls matching gowns! And can't wait to see their Easter dresses on them! I would love to bite Gabbi's little toes, too - geez, those girls are both precious!!!! I just want to squeeze them both!
i love this post the pics are so sweet the girls looked so pretty in their jammies and then in their pretty dresses and all the loot they got the bunny was good to them thats for sure. thanks for sharing your easter day with us here my family dont have any small childern breeze is the youngest she is 10 i think she is in the 5th grade. so im enjoying watching your sweet babies growing up enjoy each day with them time sure does pass by fast. hey when is the jelwery kit going to be ready to order. i cant wait to get one. im waiting patiently for it. i know you are pretty busy with your babies and with your new house being built. i would love to see pics of it now i bet its coming together good. im going to come to one of your art retreats i cant wait to do that. well im going to go cant wait to see more of your blogs and pics
give your girls hugs from me ok
I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's post! The pictures were awesome, the story was awesome, and everything was just awesome! The girls sure were blessed on Easter! I thought my kids got a lot, but WOW, Ellie and Gabbie doubled my kids! I love the monogrammed goodies! I need a baby girl!
Girl, please. You just need to get bigger baskets;) Allen had the biggest basket I could find. That sucker was HUGE. He couldn't even carry it to hunt eggs. Some years it still overflowed! Hey, he was 8 when I got him. We had years to make up for;)
Now that he is 17 1/2 we have retired the huge basket because...as with all holidays...their goodies get smaller but more expensive:) Even so, it still looked like the Easter bunny puked on my kitchen table this year. He even brought live animals (fish). My husband thought I was crazy because I hid over 100 money and candy filled eggs for 2 kids....and one of them was the 17 yr old! Live it up...they are only little once!
don't forget what my sister said...every stage is different and "the best!!"
Where did you find those adorable Easter baskets. MUST have them for next year's Easter for my babies!!!!!
Girl what ya gonna do with Ellie Sue!! LOL!! Yes I agree they grow up way too fast! I realize it more and more as I see the little pants that was once long and cuffed up are now creeping past the ankles or the shirts sleeves that were rolled are now creeping past the wrist! What really hits home is the "No, I can do it myself" I hear on the daily!! I'm still relishing the bows in the hair and the cute dresses I can dress her in! I know one day, those bows will turn into scrunchies and hair clips! The dresses will turn into blue jeans and the "I can do it myself" will be MOM, I need a few bucks" sigh....well some things change for the better...and some things don't!! :/
that post was precious.
My favorite time with my mom was actually when I was a teenager and mom was ALWAYS there. or maybe it was when I moved to Dallas by myself adn guess who had a girls trip all the time...or just called cuz I wanted my MOMA to come see me. or my favorite time could be right now when we are both adults and actually both work at the same place....so these are the years to look forward to...but never forget no matter the age...they are STILL your BABY GIRLS!!!
L-O-V-E this post and everything in it!!!
Glad to know the Easter Bunny loves to spoil other kiddos with love, too! I think it is the BEST!!!!!!!
The dresses are beyond precious! Love that font...going to print that picture and have a dress for Haddie monogrammed like that. Beautiful!
NOW, since you often indulge my requests, where are the pics of the girls IN those pretty dresses?!?
Big hugs to my fave friends in LA!
Mo each stage in their life is better than the last. I have girls 17,6,5 (as well as 2 boys) and I thought nothing would be better than the baby, toddler stage. My oldest who is 17 plays sports and we travel a ton with her softball. Many of those trips just the two of us go and those are my favorite times. Those times are when we talk about things we don't normally get to, we act crazy, goofy, and just enjoy our time together.We have started this weekend away late summer, early fall where just the two of us go to the outlet malls a few hours south of us, and shop. Those times are so special Mo, something you will too experience some day. Never having a mother (she left at birth and my father just remarried about 10 years ago) I always wished I had what I am giving to my kids. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mom to them... Even though she is now taller than me she will still climb up in bed with me, curl up next to me and say, "Mom will you gently scratch my back like you used to do when I was little." Those moments are when the tears flow and I think,it doesn't get any better than this. I have special days, times for each of my kids...even my boys, they LOVE their "days" with mom. So yes, the stages just get better and better. Enjoy this one the most because u will get the stage where they say, "I don't like you" and u will smile an dsay back, "But I still love you." lol
You are blessed and those sweet girlies are just beautiful!
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