Look at this Miss Precious's hair. Is it long and luscious or what?!

She is attempting a little spoon action. See, OT's, I am trying to let her explore and learn even if it ALWAYS ends in another bath!

And while we are looking at these pics, might I advise ALL moms of little girls to invest ( I should have bought 2-3 pair for each girl!!) in these Garanimals faux denim jean leggings. They are the bomb.com!
They look like denim, so they kinda go with everything, but they are comfortable and stretchy and the girls can move in them. Ellie refuses jeans, but thinks these are just great. They came from Wal Mart, for about $3.50! Can't beat that with a stick!

Happy Tuesday.
Do the girls like Gogurt? My kids like that and not regular Yogurt! Crazy! Love Gabbi's hair. It is really getting so long. Will you grow both of their hair to a certain length and then cut or just keep growing? Love the pics!
Gabbi is loving her some yogurt!
My daughter HATED jeans when she was around Ellie's age. She'd walk like a robot whining the whole time. Leggings were in then and she lived in those.
My Bree loves the GOGURT!! It's not as "rich" as the YOPLAIT yogurt (which she loves!) The yogurt really keeps them "regular"! LOL!
GABBI would GO GAGA over GOGURT! It looks like a freezer pop, however, I understand you wanting to do the OT thing w/the yogurt and spoon thing!
Enjoying GA-GA over GABBI week!
Those little jean leggings are the cutest thing!!! (Besides Gabbi girl of course!) She looks like she is really loving that yogurt--Too Cute!!!!!!
Thanks for all your updates. IT is so fun to read what is going on with your precious girls!!!
I made another necklace, I am so excited. I can not wait to see the Mo original you create for me. I was a Kims the other day with some friends and they were ooohhhing and aaaahhhhing over the canvas you painted her for Christmas!! Hope you have a great week with your girls! (I know you will!)
That girl has an infectious smile. I find myself smiling at her thru the computer screen. Too cute.
Love the Granimals leggings but our Wal-Mart was all sold out of them so I only got one pair for Tootie. Just found some cute ones at JC Penny's which I was pretty pumped about but they were a whoppin $5!
Cuteness ~ absolute cuteness!!
I just LOVE Garanimals....great clothes for dirt cheap!!
Wow her hair has really gotten long all of a sudden....its adorable and looks soooooo soft! My Livi went thru the hating jeans stage but has finally at 6 gotten better about them. Now if they are not even close to tight (read falling off her loose) she will wear them..she says "they are twisted and bug her." We have lots and lots of leggings, Gymboree is our favorite store lol
I might have to head to the mart to get some of those bombdiddy jean like leggings!!!
There is nothing cuter than baby feet :)
Gabbi, you are a doll and love your long luxurious hair. I am also a yogurt lover. I am going to have to be checking out some clothes for my grandson. I wonder if they have some kind of stretch denim looking pants for little guys - like 9 months to 12 months size - you know, my grandson is a chubby one! I so enjoy seeing pictures of your girls and all they do - I miss my grandbaby so much. Planning a big Easter celebration for him, that's for sure!
Thanks for the comment! I'm just starting out w/ the whole blog thing and am really gonna try to keep up with it.
I love getting the updates on the precious girlies and on the new house! Can't wait to see the lighting in the art room, that will be awesome!
Lovin' Gabbi's little leggings. Is it sad that I have a pair myself that look very similar?? They work awesome with dresses and tunics and are a lot easier for me to tuck in my boots than regular jeans! $10.99 at Target baby!
Have an awesome week! :)
Gabbie is just aborable! She always looks so cute and very happy. I get alot of clothes at WalMart for my kids, they love em.
Garanimals is awesome! Walmart has really come a long way with their clothes! I'm no longer embarrassed to buy some of my kids clothes there!
Gotta get Haddie some of those leggings! CUTE!
Loving the Gabbi posts this week. Such a precious little delight!!!
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