Guess who got into the lipstick this weekend.. Not ONE...



I threw away the first tube and chided her about this "not looking pretty" and, in fact, "looks silly"! Because as you can see by that first picture up there, she is pretty pleased with the results! She either dug it out of the trash or found another tube for event number two (all of these pics from event number one.. by the second time, I was in no mood to go get the camera). The third time, I have NO idea! Mary Allison reported that one to me.
This child is a dooZy!
Beautiful, Ellie, Beautiful!
Awww, so sweet! She looks beautiful, remember when mine did the same thing...gotta love it!
Oh Mo ~ it is so hard to be mad at them when they are so cute - even covered with lipstick! You do have your hands full - Gabbi must have been sleeping since she missed out on the fun. These pictures will be so much fun when Ellie is older. Have a great day, Diana from Colorado
We still wouldn't have our spunky kids any other way, would we?!?
Funny stuff! I must say she's even adorable with lipstick all over her face!!!
I'm laughing so hard!!!! As long as she keeps things away from her eyes she's harmimg nothing but the tube of lipstick and mama's patience! I'd say Mary Allison needs to keep her eyes on Ellie at all times! LOL
I love it Ellie! But the question is, did it come off? I did it to myself when I was little, with bright RED lipstick and well, I had faint red streaks on my face for a week!
What a beautiful girl she is, with or without make-up!
That would make a beautiful carpet color so you REALLY need to rethink the light natual color... I don't want Todd to end up on nerve pills trying to get the lipstick outta da carpet in that new house!! LOL
Oh, my oh, my! She does look cute though! I was telling my hubby about how gorgeous your house is and how well planned out. I was going to show it to him, but the photos are gone ): Did you remove the post or am I losing it?? Please don't tell me I'm losing it; we already wonder sometimes!
Yikes, how'd you get that stuff off?
It seems to NEVER stay on lips, but it sure stays on skin that it's not supposed too.
Enjoyed all the colors choices!!! Big decisions ahead!
Good luck!
Sorry Mo ~ but that there is some great stuff!! Little Miss Ellie is proud as a peach with herself too ~ these are the best of times!! Hopefully you were able to get it all off with some baby wipes ~ we call them WONDER wipes as they clean everything!!
Hope you have a fantastic week!!
LOL!!! How can you not look at that precious face and not laugh?!
Great memories...
I love Ellie. I also love that she is YOUR 2 year old. Somehow these things just aren't as funny or cute when it is my wild 2 year old pulling the same stunts. Girls!
LMAO....I so remember those days. Make sure you put up the scissors because she will for sure try and cut her hair in the new future
She looks PLEASED AS PUNCH to me!!!!
Hahaha...that girl is too much (and too cute)! You might need to have the contractor put a hidden safe in your bathroom...just to keep all of your lipstick, nail polish, etc. out of little hands.
I agree with RADstitches...Todd will FREAK if that stuff gets on the new carpet! lol
Such joy in your household...even with lipstick faces. What a blessing!
How cute is she? You can see the "proud" in her face. Hard to get annoyed with such cuteness! Enjoy the time....sure goes by quickly - my daughter is already 14 and wearing REAL makeup -- light at that (otherwise, I won't let her leave the house) :)
I can't help but smile! Oh I love Ellie!!!
(See, I can smile because I don't have children yet!)
Isn't it fun being a Mommy?? LOL.. Ellie you look beautiful!! LOL.. Cutting hair to the scalp is the worse. So put all scissors away!! They will play beauty shop if you don't, and all that pretty hair will be on the ground. I am talking from experience, as a Mom & Grandma. Thanks so much for sharing. I needed a Ellie funny today. What a kid!! I just love her!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Lawdy, Lady Jane - that is an amazing application of lipstick. Oh boy, Mo, you got some crazy times ahead of you - a lot of fun - but crazy!!! What a hoot.
P.S. I enjoy all the photos and stories about the progress and decisions of your new house. Thanks for sharing
That is hysterical to see but probably not so funny when you had to clean it off for the third time. Ha-Ha! Maybe Ellie's on to something, was her skin nice and soft! Hee-Hee, too cute!
You made me laugh! Thanks Mo!
By the way I'm loving the house tours, can't wait to see it when it's all done.
What in the world would you do without all the excitment each day? Sweet girls!
She does look pretty pleased with herself!!!!
Totally cute! I dont often comment, but have been reading for years now, since Caringbridge.went away for a week and came back to loads of posts! I once caught my daughter putting lipstick on the dog! Just a tip, not sure if you have Vaseline (petroleum jelly, thick jellylike stuff that you put on baby's bottoms) over there. If you get lipstick on fabric, you rub vaseline on, agitate it a bit (gently) and then put it in the washing machine. Works brilliantly on clothes, may work on carpet if you just wash it with a carpet cleaner after that.
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