Man, sometimes you are just feelin' FINE!

And that "sometimes" f0r Gabbi Girl is when she can find her sister's shoes and gets to strut around the house in them. (Please note the size of the thighs in the above picture. WOW!)

And have I mentioned that she now says, "Dora", "Boots" and "BackPack"? She is DIGGIN' her some Dora. I mean, big time!

Back to these horrible shoes.

They are too big,
too pink
too high top.
With much too long laces.

And she thinks they ROCK!!
Which brings me to this question.....
Old Navy jeans (they are my favorite) and a really comfy t-shirt and flip flops.
my khaki capris, white collared shirt and my khaki Ryka sneaker clogs(so comfortable!!)
My slippers!
My skinny jeans and my Hanna shirt with my slippers.
Loved those thighs. She is sooo cute.
My crocs!! Only shoe I can wear with my neuropathy!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
OH, Gabbi! Work those pink highT's girlfriend!
Without a doubt I would salvage my Zebra print trench coat,my black 3/4 sleeved knit top with the sequins at the front, my blinged out sketcher flops, my black ruffled purse and my jewelry bag:)
Do pj's count as an entire outfit? I would definitely want my micro fleece pj's with me forever.
If not, then my jeans, my black sweater, and my sneakers. Comfort at its best!
The high tops are cute, but I'm lovin' those chunky thighs of Gabbi's...she's a doll!
Go Gabbie! I'd save my Nike shirt, windsuit pants, and Nike shoes. All about comfortable!
This baby is just too cute. I'm looking forward to meeting her in June. I've never seen her!! You up to designing a tatoo?? If so let me know. I'm channeling peace signs, crosses, wings, believe....swirly...hummm.
Only Gabbi Girl could make that Dora pj top, the hightops and those ADORABLE thighs CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!
Such a great question, by the way!
Oh how I miss the love (and singing) of Dora in the house..."Oh Man"!!
Those shoes are great, and she's such a cutie!
Hmm, I would have to say my Green Bay Packers jersey -- is this our
Q52 question of the week?
Go Gabbi Girl!!! Look at those THIGHS in those HI TOPS!!! LOL!!!
I saw these HI TOPS in Children's Place and couldn't find them in Bree's size!! I thought they were TOO CUTE!!!
Oh Mo, now I really stressing!! THis is a HARD QUESTION for me! I'm a clothes/shoe fanatic and one outfit is hard to decide on!! Okay I'm gonna have to check out my closet,On the UP SIDE of this, is the fact that it's a good way to KICK OFF "spring cleaning" that darn closet! I'm gonna make a pile of CAN'T LIVE W/OUT and GOTTA GO!!! Thanks Mo!!!
Check your email!!!
Avery doesn't say much much Dora, Boots, Backpack and Map are on the top of her list! I think she will speak Spanish before she speaks English!
denim capris, comfy Southern Belle t/shirt, and yellow box flip flops! Can't beat that for comfort!!
Love that first picture - Miss Gabbie Girl has her own pose!
Gotta think about the question.
I think Gabbi's (Ellie's) high-top shoes look like the girl version of Boots' boots. They're perfect for the outfit!
Boy GG is rockin' her some high tops and some seriously adorable little ham hocks! And what is it that little girls love so much about Dora? My little one is cRaZy about her too!
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