Here is Q5!!
If you had a day, free with NO restrictions, what would you do?Hmmmmm.... this may be revealing to you to what it is that is most important to you!
What was most important to Gabbi Girl today was finishing that ice cream sandwich.

And do you even know how sticky an ice cream sandwich is? G-R-O-S-S. We went straight to the bathtub.

Ellie said, "mom, take my picture."

and then went through her series of poses. Am I missing the boat? Should I have this kid in pageants?! She performs on cue, then totally without a cue! ANd, she'd look cute in a crown!

Oh, man. I am just going to go ahead and say it... my life is BUSY right now. They are at what MUST be a pretty unique stage, both DEMANDING my attention at all times and can't play unless either in my lap or with ME turning the pages, doing the pop-ups, holding the baby, etc. Calgon?!

Amy, I made your necklace, and it is on the way. Lori, still thinking about yours. Also getting a FUN kit together! You are going to LOVE it. I do!
Oh, and Jessi Mae has promised to help me get my Etsy full again! I have lots of things made. I just have the whole lapse between making it and putting it on the site. Enter Jessi!
I have had several requests lately for canvases, so, looks like the games are back on! If you need a canvas, better tell me now, because the ol' paintbrushes are about to get the dust blown off. And if you have already placed an order, I will put you to the front of the line. I promise, Carri, you are first!
oh boy i love the pics of gabbi girl she sure loved that ice cream sandwich not a crumb left from what i can tell she looks like she was happy and content. and elli posiing so cute i love seeing the pics of her and oh mo i can wait till i can get a kit i know its going to be a fun one i have a question for you here it goes do you know how to do Herringbone i want to learn it i have learned the pyeote i think thats how you spell it i have done a pyeote twist bracelet and its so much fun i have made 2 and now on another one. you make them out of seed beads and hex seed beads. i just wondered if you know about these. well let me know ok and i so cant wait to get the kit i love making jewelry... well im going to go hugs and love ya
You have got to see Toddlers and Tiaras on Discovery (or TLC). It's all about the baby beauty pagent world. Full on glitz----makeup, hair pieces, mouth/teeth pieces, spray tans. But then there is the costumes and dance's a hoot!
YAY!! A new question. (I believe it's the 6th, though).
YAY!! You're going to paint again. I think you make awesome canvases.
YAY!! You've got the cutest kids in the world. And, yes, this is a very demanding time as a mom; however, I could probably state the same with any age group. :)
Big hugs,
I can remember back when both boys would be hanging on me, one on each leg. Wherever I walked I was dragging them with me...good times. ;-) Actually, I wish I could go back to those times...I miss those baby years!
I used to like ice cream sandwiches. After seeing the gooey pics....not so much. lol
I am going to have to think a little on this Q - So many different options:)
Great question - hmmm...
No better teething medicine than an ice cream sandwich! :) Enjoy every moment of your busy life with those precious babes! They are blessed to have you as their Mama!
Oooo, can't wait 'til Jesse gets your Etsy back up and running and see what awesome goodies you've got!
And, thank you...can't wait to see my surprise when it arrives!
Hey girl I haven't posted to your site before but I finally decided to since I love reading your posts so much! I checked Jake's site on a daily basis for a long period of time. I was blown away by the wonderful closeness of your family. I even talked to Don's father over email about his God precious each of you are! I want to congratulate you on your two beautiful baby girls! I love the pix and I love how prissy E is...i have one of those too! lol let me tell you...she will always keep you on your toes! I have 3...2 boys and 1 girl...and my daughter keeps ALL of us on our toes! LOL I just wanted to say hi and thank you for your great posts! They always make me smile and my daughter climbs in the recliner with me when I check it and thinks that your girls are (in her words) AWWWWW TOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!
You are gonna put her in Dance, right? She'll steal the show! My niece is 3 and in her first year. She LOVES it and I can't wait to go home for her recital. We are putting her in her first semi-glitz pageant in March. You so need to do at least one....don't have to do the full glitz pageant...c'mon...she'd love it:)
Have you watched that TLC maybe Discovery channel show about kid pagaents...the Moms always seem a little crazy? Let her be cute in her jammies!!!
Gabbi...lookin good in the ice cream sandwich. :)
Hi Mo ~ Gabbi girl was lovin life with that ice cream sandwich, that's for sure. Boy, do I remember those days - sticky, sticky days with lots of baths. Just too cute. And Ellie the model-she is a trip! Good thing your word was "nesting" because I have a feeling you'll be doing more and more of that with the girls wanting you at all times. It's not easy, that's for sure. But it is a wonderful time in your life, enjoy it!!! Have a wonderful day, Diana from Colorado
Just have to say I love your flooring and the green wall! How eccentric and how fun! I love all your pictures. it weird that I want to lick Gabbi's face? LOL...and what happened to her other sock? eating an ice cream sandwich must require a couple toes to be on the loose as well! :)
Thanks for sharing...adorable girls for sure!
Hugs from Missouri,
oh and I'm so happy your Saints won!! Yea!!
I love the pictures with the chocolate on the face. They are both so precious!
If I had a whole day with nothing to do, I would QUILT!! But that never happens in my life these days. I have 3 active kids, 2 jobs and a husband...I never have time to quilt. During every Winter Olympic games in my married life, I've managed to make a quilt while watching. This year, I don't think it will happen :( But I wouldn't give up my wonderful life for anything!! I will have time to quilt again SOME DAY!
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