Saints win the Superbowl and it snows in Louisiana all in one week!
Mary Allison and her mom, Pam, were on the phone and on their way. They HAD to see how the girls were responding to the excitement.
Ellie was ALLLLLL about getting her boots and hat and gloves on. However, Gabbi Girl was NOT diggin' the hat at all!
and so, take a guess who won!

This is their first time out in snow that actually made the ground turn white. Ellie has seen snow, but it wasn't sticking on the ground at all!
But TONIGHT is different! We can actually catch snowflakes on our tongues!
And there are actually footprints in the snow!
This is "Pammy", Mary Allision's mom. She said, "You know I love your kids when I will drive all the way over here, just to see how they react to the snow." And yes, she and MA really DO love my girls!
Within minutes, Sarah Lou from next door was running over to play too. (It is about 7:00 PM tonight.) She dropped down into the 1/2 " of snow to make a snow angel. That's how we roll down here in the bayou!
And this is Sarah's brother, Chris (who Ellie calls Chrissy), who came over to play in the snow too!
Is this a sweet picture or what?!
I am so blessed that so many people love my girls. And I am even more blessed that someone ELSE wanted to come over and take my girls outside where it was FREEZING!
And then, we had an impromptu snowball war. This is the snowball. and this is the Unibomber from next door.
Ellie just thought it was all too fun!
And my favorite picture of all....
Schools let out today at 2:00 because we had flurries! And we have already cancelled schools tomorrow. We get a little froggy when there is ANY sign of snow-age around these parts! Yay for SNOW!!
Yea for SNEAUX!! Hope you enjoy it!We sure have up here! It's rare that we get much, but we have gotten more this year than ever!
We've only had sleet down in South La so far, but we are out of school tomorrow too. Love the new banner photo of the girls. They are growing up so fast. Hopefully we'll all be seeing the white stuff by tomorrow. Oh, yea and GEAUX SAINTS!!! Never gets old!
love the necklace and the babies in the snow. we just might get snow in Bham. Love all the cool stuff you have gotten, can't wait to see more.
We understand! We are hoping to get some fun snow tomorrow. It is suppose to be south of us though. My 3 year old will be so excited if she can make a snow angel. We had a little snow a few weeks ago, but it was mostly ice and not fun for play.
Looks like a fun night! I'm glad the girls got to experience snow. Now...if you want them to experience LOTS of snow, you should bring them up here...last weekend, we had about 8" of snow. Now, we have a couple of inches. They're calling for more this weekend, though! Of course, in northern VA, they have about 3 feet of the stuff!
I am LOVING the new header!!!
YAY!! It's snowing here in Shreveport, too! So exciting! And BTW, I LOVE the new header! SO CUTE. The girls are just so adorable! (:
I like your new blog heading or whatever it's called LOL
and my word is 'grow', so I'm enjoying watching your girls do just that. I can grow in relationships, grow my business, and even grow more food for my family and to share with others. Grow on!
Snow is fun no matter how much is on the ground! Love the pics of the snow party. Love, Love, Love the new header too cute.
Oh we love the snow and everything about it up here too but we are ready for Spring to come this a rare record breaking year the Philadelphia area just had 49.5" (yes that is over 4 ft)of snow fall in a span of four days...imagine 4 ft on snow just fallen, now imagine 4 ft of snow that has been plowed off roads and parking lots into piles that are over 15 ft high... we"ll have snow in parking lots and driveways until June :-)
Love the snow pics (although that's nothin' compared to the burying of snow we've received up here in the north!), but what I really need to say is OMG...that new header picture is just way too cute!!!
I love the new picture banner. The girls are adorable. The snow pictures are great also. It is funny to me that you are so excited about snow and we have had so much here in Montana that I don't think it will melt until July!
Love the way yall roll!!!
Soul Sistah...haddie has the same heart sequin shirt!!! Love the new header on your blog. Adorable!
We LOVE snow here too! Here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area we received record snowfall today at 9.4" at DFW's still falling. It's funny how us southerners react to snow...everything shuts down with a few flurries. I hope you guys have fun being snowed in. Your girls are just precious!
hey mo im loving the pics of them in the snow we are suppose to get snow tomorrow up here in north ga i think they are saying 2 to 3 inches maybe more im praying for more post more pics when you can of your baby girls playing in the snow i sure hope we get some up here in north ga they are forcasting it so we will see im doing the snow dance up here let it snow !!
hugs and love yall
Absolutely love the new header!
Oh my goodness, that hat of Gabbi's is way too cute!
How exciting for the girls.
If you're having a snowday with your girls today, happy nesting!
P.S. Your new banner picture is great.
Too bad I can't mail you our snow... It gets really old fast. We've had a mild winter in MI so far. Only 2 major storms this year so it's been a nice change. However, my husband is chomping at the bit for more so he can go snowmobiling!
We must be getting ya'll's snow today here in the ATL. They say to expect 1-3 inches....WOW!! We're about the same way as far as reaction to anything even CLOSE to snow. A few counties around here have closed schools for the day, although my kids had to go. :( I work for a power company, so don't want to see any ice, but bring on the snow!!!!
Ps....those girlies are THE cutest!!!!!
Love from Dallas, Georgia
Love love love the new header pix!!!!
If you would like to experience MORE snow, come on up to Nebraska, we've had the white stuff since the first of December, and frankly I'm quiet sick of it!!
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!!
We don't get too much either here in North Mississippi, but Monday morning we woke up to 5"!!!!!!!!! It was the most exciting surprise. It was not at all predicted so nobody was expecting it. My kids had a blast. Looks like yours did too. Have fun.
Love the pictures! Having grown up in North Florida I remember the excitement when we got to see a few snowflakes! Stay warm!
LOVE the new picture up top! Your girls are stinkin cute!
Loving the new banner!
Too precious for words. That one pic of Gabbi and Mary Allison it looks like Gabbi is still giving you 'the look' for making her wear that hat. She is so, so cute. And Miss Ellie, she is one happy little girl and enjoy every minute of it!
Hi Mo ~ What fun, you guys look like your having a GREAT time in the snow. That first picture of Ellie in her hat/coat & boots - too cute. And Miss Gabbi finally let someone put her hat on & it looks like she liked it - that picture is fantastic. Enjoy your snow day. Diana from Colorado
Don't we love snow here in the south!!! In deep east texas we have 6 1/2 inches!!!!!
Love the pics of the girls and their friends.
What a special experience for your girls. I couldn't imagine living somewhere that you hardly ever have snow. So glad you got to share that experience with them and that so many other people were a part of it too. You are so blessed. Bet Jake thought a little snow on the 11th would be a great idea.
So glad your babies got to go out and play in the snow. We Michiganders love to share the wealth when it comes to snow! :)
hey mo we are getting snow now its about a inch on the ground mow and more coming they have updated us to a warnning 4 to 6 inches is what they are saying now for north ga so who knows i will be posting pics soon how much snow did u get there?? i cant wait to see more pics and when u get the jewlery kits up i am hoping to get some of the kits i cant wait to see what you do for the kits wahoo well im going to go watch the snow its coming down pretty good here in flowerybranch ga wahoo i been telling the snow man to send me some snow and hes answered me wahoo well have a great evening there give the girls a hug from me
Oh my goodness! I never put two and two together to figure out that Pam was Mary Allison's mom! Tell Pam Hi for me! The pics of the kids are great! I drove by the BAH the other day when out your way visiting with Carmen. I mean it is really big! I will have to come to one of those "classes" you are planning!
I am so glad y'all got snow. We woke up to 4-6 inches Monday morning and the weather guys were as surprised as we were. No one had a clue. The pics of the girls are precious. Your girls are just too cute. Love you all!
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