Sometimes it isn't fun to be the "big boss"! You have to make the hard decisions! Like... do we or do we not go to work?

Remember, I have five clinics with about 40 employees and each of the 17ish therapists have a full caseload of patients who are expecting us to be there. Granted, some will stay home, but until we KNOW who is coming, we have to be there to greet them with a smile! And if we are going to be there anyway...

We might as well have some fun!

We just could NOT get over all the snow! I think the last time it snowed like this, it was about 10 years ago! I am referring to the fluffy, build a snowman kind of snow.

We have employees that come from all over. Several from about 30 or more minutes away!
So, when we got there, we had to get the show rollling!

Tyler! Get your coat on! I am not going to take it from your mama when you get the pneu-monia!

And there was a little time to build this little afflicted snowman.

Obviously, we are not in the habit of building such creatures, as he has a Twix mouth, and coke top eyes . The drizzle... chocolate!

"I gotta be meeeeee. I gotta be freeeeee!"

Angela and Tyler worked on this little beauty!
One thing we did NOT do is play on the trampoline!

So, MMPT staff, if you are reading... know that I love you!

I love that you can come, even when you WANT a snow day, and still have a good attitude and have a fun time together.

As I look outside today and already see green grass, I know it is all about to come to an end.

Thanks, Ol Man Winter, for the fun day!
Lucky we only had a trace of it here down in South. It was pretty to watch fall but to wet to stick!!!
Show us some pictures of your girls playing it.!!!
WOW!! And here I sit in Hamilton, Ontario, where all I see out the window is GREEN and more GREEN! We have had only one little teeny-weeny snowfall this season (about 1/2").... nothing more!!! Talk about global warming!
And Mo.... you are looking REALLY SKINNY!!! Whoo-hoo!
I'm glad you got to have some fun...even though you did have to work!
We're supposed to have more snow this weekend...we've had our fill, though, so you're welcome to come up and help yourself to as much as you want! ;-)
Our little snow man had no eyes or mouth at all. You are doing a little better than us.
It was a fun day!!
I'm in South La and we were excited with the snow we got, but after seeing your pics, we didn't get hardly anything. When it did fall the flakes were HUGE though! Glad ya'll had a fun time!
well looks like you all had fun at work today the snow mans are pretty looks like a wonderful day at your work. here in north ga we are under a winter storm warning tonight its still snowing here we got about 3 to 6 inches very pretty and its still coming down. hey mo did u see my question to you email me your answer thanks have a great evening with your sweet girls give them hugs from me too thanks hugs and love yall
Welcome to my world times 10! Isn't that fluffy, sticky snow just the best! I can't believe ya'll didn't have a snowball fight. If you ever want to see lots, lots more of that stuff, come'on up for a visit :)
I am from upstate New York and this is the first time I have left a there a jewelry prize for when one leaves their first comment? I have to say however, that is the creepiest snowman I have ever seen :).
What great staff you have! Fun times, even if you only get snow every 10 years...we northerners just take it for granted I guess, as we get snow every couple of days! Stay warm...
I love this post! I own a child care center and it is HARD to decide whether to open on days like this...when you have a lot of people depending on your service! We have gotten so much snow here lately that my kids are even over it! It is beautiful though! I hope you get more!
glad you got to enjoy the snow... I will send some more snow to you, we just had two storms back to back here in Maryland and the grand total 50 inches of snow. Supposed to be getting more on MOnday... HELP US
Mel. I looked at some bead stuff today! I am ready for your kit!!! Love your new pic on the blog!!
Mo you are looking like a hot Momma!! Love the pictures in the snow. We haven't had any snow down here in St.Pete but it sure has been cold!!
Helloooo from Anchorage, Alaska! Can you believe that?
Love the snow pics and your snowman. Have fun.
Mo, I received my necklace in today's mail, and it is even more awesome in person....THANK YOU!!
the snow was just amazing! I will never forget that day! And i love the snowman. Really cute and creative.
I just love your header. What a beautiful picture of your girls! You are truly blessed.
We worked too. I know its gotta be hard to make that decision! The snow was soooo pretty almost makes me want to move up North!
I love you too Mel. I love that you lead by example!
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