Mel: "HELL, no!"
Aquarium pictures are so pretty.
I love this picture of two of my little birds (nest, get it?) looking up at all the undersea wonders.
Ellie and DeeDee get up close and personal.
And then I had to crawl through a TINNNNNY tunnel to get all three of us into this aquarium.
We fed the manta rays.
And MOST of the kids touched them. Not Ellie Sue. She was happy to look from a distance!
However, next time we could save a lot of money if we just went out in the backyard. We had to stop and chase and try to feed every squirrel we saw !
Gabbi has had the time of her life. She just likes the show.
Especially this one....
The Dolphin show!
A fish jumps... Gabbi claps.
A man rides a couple of dolphins...
Gabbi Claps!
(is this a scream or what? A passerby actually tuned us into this... she must have fallen asleep in about 10 seconds! Don't worry, we fixed her!)

Ellie and Dad (and their personal photographer) toured the shark exhibit.
OMG. I do NOT want to come face to face with one of these suckers. Barracudas!
"U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi... you ugly. hey, hey. You ugly!"
Ok, so I may have to take back that whole aquarium pictures are so pretty quote.
Mostly, they are just blurry.
At times, my little Ellie looked like my little baby.
and then, WHAM. She was all "big girl" sitting alone on the bench for the Shamu show.
No matter. She is my sweet angel!
Once again... Shamu jumps...
Gabbi CLAPS!
and claps and claps and claps!
We had a reallly good day at Sea World.
Got a few souvies for the very long trip home.
and until next year, Sea World.
Thanks for the memories.
I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sea World!!! Look's like your girlies ~ especially Gabbi Girl ~ also enjoyed Sea World a bit more than "The Happiest Place on Earth"!!
The aquarium picture with you and your precious girlies is AMAZING ~ definitely worthy being blown up and framed!!
Safe travels....
Those pics of Gabbi clapping are just the cutest thing ever! You have the happiest girls!
Those pics of Gabbi clapping are just the cutest thing ever! You have the happiest girls!
Thanks so much Melanie for sharing your pics of your "spur of the moment" vacation. Your girls are just precious, but you already know this. Give them a hug from me!
What a great time! I'm lovin' all of this NESTing you are doing! :-)
It looks like you all are having a blast! You sure have two cute, happy girls! This isn't on the subject of Sea World, but I LOVE seeing pictures of other people's kids with bottles. Oliver will be 2 in March, loves his bottle, and has NO intentions of giving it up! I did better with "taking it away" from the other two, but this time I just don't have it in me... haven't even tried! Keep enjoying those girls!!
Oh Mo, Ellie's hair is just adorable! And Gabbi, the smiles and clapping...what a joyous time you must be having, and the memories!! Their precious smiling faces make me smile.
Have a safe trip home, and looking forward to reading what you've got in store for this week's question...
Too cute! Love the pics! I really wanna go to Sea World. Looks like fun. =)
Sea World is my fav!!! And it looks like your girls as well. I just love Ellie's little button nose. And Gabbi's clamming is adorable. Love the pics with Daddy too, esp the one of Gabbi on his shoulders. So very sweet. Thanks for sharing all of these fun memories.
been a follower/lurker since early in Jake's battle but never commented before... you got me on the "hell no" to the roller coaster! did that happen to be the 'steel eel'? OMG! I went to SW with my son's 5th grade science club a couple of years ago and rode it with him... if he were to ask me to ride it again I would have to say "HELL to the NO!!" and if that wasn't the steel eel it looks close enough!! HELL NO! thanks for all the pics! you have such beautiful girls!
~gina mac
huntsville, tx
I'm trying to leave a comment but it says no anonymous comments...
so sorry! i guess thats what happens to lurkers when they finally decide to expose themselves... you go @ the bottom of the list dork...! ~gina mac
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