Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm waaaaaiiiting!

This is just a little picture for your viewing enjoyment!
Naturally, she is posing!

I am giving some more of you a chance to pick your word! To those of you who have already... I am most proud! We are going to have a fun and focused time this year! We may come up with a project or two about our word! Come on, gang. Get in on the fun! MO


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

without a doubt my word is "simplify". I need to simplify every area of my life and that is what I plan to do this year.

that little Ellie is just too cute!!

(sorry about the deleted post)

Steph said...

My word for the year is "persevere"!! I'm losing weight, getting healthy and back in school!! I have a feeling that I will need to persevere a lot this year!!!


PS. Ellie is just too cute with her pose!!!

kimybeee said...

I am going with Believe!

SarahBeth said...

David Uth always did the word pick. This year, my word is WILL! I just read about your grandfather. I am so sorry. Hope yall have a wonderful new year full of excitement and blessings!

Jennifer said...

ok, I've picked my word(s)

"moving forward"

this is too cool Mo..thanks for sharing.

Ronda said...

We have that same cute skirt! Great taste, Miss Ellie.

My word this year is "focus". Focus on God, family, my health and spiritual well-being, photography. It sounds like a lot of different "focuses", but they all feed into each other.

Susan S said...

My word is ORGANIZE! Every source of stess in my life stems from not being organized enough. In 2010 I need to organize my house, organize my time, organize our meals,etc. By doing this I hope to "destress" so I will have time and energy to focus on what is really important-- Happy 2010!

Krista said...

My word is "me". I am going to make time for me this year...

Cathy said...

I think that my word is BECOME. There's a million and one reasons, and as soon as I saw it on the list, I knew it was my word, but I refrained from saying outloud (on a blog) what it was, because it makes it seem very committal. Nonetheless...

Unknown said...

Mine is "contentment". I have always been so driven-I need to take a step back and be content with all that God has blessed me with! Love seeing the pictures of your girls!

Cathy said...

My word is "strive". I will "strive" to take more time for myself, find a better work balance,spend more quality time with my family & friends, enjoy those "little" fun things in my life, keep promises I make to myself, focus on self improvement. I was going to go with "content" and then realized that "strive" was much better for this year----2011 I will hopefully be "content"! I've even made a sign to put up at home and at work to keep me focused on the big picture. Here's to a great 2010 for everyone! Can't wait to see what others come up with.... That Ellie is such a doll----I think she will be on America's Top Model soon!

Cathy said...

By the way-I loved your word. "nest" is such a wonderful word!

connie said...

my word is Enjoy
iam going to enjoy evertyday no matter what happens.

tricia said...

My word is "save" as in money,time,energy in hoping to gain an inner peace

Kathy said...

My word is organized...I need to get more organized in my life and work this year.

Marlo said...

My word is PURPOSE. It comes from a line in my favorite song..."What was frozen through is newly purposed".... as I face a new season in my life.
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me."

Jamette said...

My word for this year, after much thought, is Gratefull. I will be gratefull for all things that I am so blessed to have. I have done nothing but focus on all that I have lost and really not treasure all that I have. I will be gratefull for all things!
Love you MO!!!

Crystal said...

Love your word and this idea! Thanks for sharing!

My word for 2010 is FORWARD!
Last year was an extremely hard year for me. I lost my job of 5 years and my marriage took a hard hit. I keep dwelling over it all and feel worthless... I need to move FORWARD this year!

Tisha said...

Prioritize! I have always tried to balance taking care of the kids, work, homework, housework, etc. So what if the dishes are not done or the laundry is piling up. My kids are teens and will be out on their on before I know it. Im am making it ALL about them, me and our time! Sound selfish?

Debbie said...

my word is Positive i am going to try to stay away from negative situations and toxic people i will try to see something postive in hard situations

Beverly said...

That Ellie keeps me laughing! I chose my word and put it on the original post. Thanks, Mo. It's a wonderful idea and could be life changing for me. Or perhaps just all I need.

KKGrimmer said...

OK, my word for the year is CHERISH! I am going to cherish each moment more, people more and the hardest...myself more! Life's too short not to!

Traci Jordan said...

i liked serenity, newness, disentangle, release, and roll.....but i think one other word sums them all up.....SIMPLIFY.....LOVE IT!!!! gonna paint it on my office wall!!!mojoy

Traci Jordan said...

i liked serenity, newness, disentangle, release, and roll.....but i think one other word sums them all up.....SIMPLIFY.....LOVE IT!!!! gonna paint it on my office wall!!!mojoy

Traci Jordan said...

i liked serenity, newness, disentangle, release, and roll.....but i think one other word sums them all up.....SIMPLIFY.....LOVE IT!!!! gonna paint it on my office wall!!!

Acutescrubnurse said...

My word is FOCUS. I chose this word because I need to FOCUS on many things this year....myself, my finances, my parents, my son, myself life!! I need to focus on simplifying my life, organizing, etc!!
Love your pictures Mo, and your bring me much JOY!! Thank you!!

Zhohn said...

Ellie always puts a smile on my face! She is SO cute!

I shared my word last post but I'm excited about it, so i'll share it again, FORWARD!

Moving forward-

Nana said...

I had been trying to narrow it down to ONE word and planned to write yesterday afternoon....then during church yesterday something our pastor said made me rethink my word...So, I am going with SEEK...To begin with I will spend more time SEEKING God's presence and delighting in the glory of God..I will SEEK more time to take care of myself..I seem to always be too busy to get an eye exam, exercise, etc...I will SEEK out ways to minister to others...etc.
Great idea, Mo...

Unknown said...

ahhh you are so famous !! You ARE the next DD. So, if I illustrate your word again can I just come to the first EVENT? hope you're planning one this year. You could do a "word"shop. (class where we do something w/ our word). So, do you want your word to match last years sort of ..or something different?
PTL (PRAISE the Lord).

Kim said... goes..I didn't do this last year, but thought it was really neat..guess I was still a lurker!!!! I was looking over the list and didn't even get passed the C's, because when I saw the word just spoke to me!!! I have two girls and I am so proud of them for the choices they make. I pray for them daily that God can guide them to make the best choices. Life is scary out there and I want the best for them. Not only for my girls, I am a teacher and my choices will effect my children daily!!!! These are just a few reasons I chose the word "CHOICES"! Thanks Melanie for making us take time and reflect on life!!!!

Kim said...

Well, here goes...I did not do this last year, I guess I was still a lurker!!! I scrolled down the list of words and did not get past the C's!!! The word I chose is CHOICES!!! I have two daughters who I am very proud of. They have made some very awesome choices in their life, but I pray daily that God will lead them to continue to make the very best CHOICES in life!!! I am also a teacher and I feel that the CHOICES that I make each and everyday will effect my precious students, so I want to remember to reflect on the CHOICES I make daily!!!! Those are just a few of the reasons that I chose this word. Thanks Melanie for making us take the time to reflect on our life!!!! Kim

dfjdaphne said...