and might I add... LOVING it!!

Maybe I should rephrase that... she isn't exactly "eating" with a spoon yet, but she is certainly loving the idea of holding the spoon, touching her food, then touching her mouth!

On this particular morning, we were working with grits. They have good stickability, so I thought maybe, just maybe she could actually get something from plate to mouth.

And I'll be doggone if she didn't hit the target!

CHEEEEEESE grits, at that! Ummmmm...

Our OT has been workign with Miss Lady on using a spoon, so we follow up as ordered!
I am so proud of my little Gabbi Girl!

Awww...she looks so proud! What a cutie...
MO...Gabbi Girl is looking so grown up!!! What are we going to do?!? Precious!
Did you make those grits?!?
What a cutie pie! She is getting sooooo big.
Oh, she looks like such a big girl. Yay! And what exactly are grits? Never had them...guess I'll have to come back down to visit and get me some, huh?!
proud as she could be!!
Oh, the joy on that child's face and in her eyes makes me smile!
Wow! Gabbi's hair looks so long in these pics! She is growing up so fast!
Congratulations Gabbi on using a spoon!
Hi Mo ~ Gabbi looks so proud of her little self........way to go Gabbi!!!! She always looks so happy. Keep up the good work little one, Diana from Colorado
Way to go Gabbi! She looks so proud of herself and she should be! Didn't comment on last post, but the coats are precious on the girls.
Aww.....this is precious Mel! I love this little one! She and Ellie are a joy to work with!!! Is it ok that I save one of the pictures to my computer for my picture board in my office?
Patchez Long
Way to go Gabbi Girl! I love it!
By the way MO, I just went to Michaels and bought some more scrapbooking supplies. I'm lovin it! My busy little girl isn't loving it... I think she feels neglected! LOL
She looks so proud of herself, isn't it amazing the "little challenges" we take for granted and get sooooo excited when they accomplish them! Love it. She is just a little cutie patootie!!
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