Didn't think I'd forget, did ya?!

OK, so WHO will be by my side promoting my word... no matter what?

I listed my friend and co-worker, Karl, because he happens to be the only person in my life who actually calls me and occasionally even texts me to ask, "What have you done to 'nest' today?". I am really appreciative of his understanding my commitment to this project.

And I listed Jessi too. Because I am going to ASK her to also hold me accountable regularly. Oh, and I have Breanna who I intend to add too. She told me today, that despite her living 5 hours away, she TOO will be checking in with me and my word!
And take it from me... if you have told me your word, you can count on ME to ask you about yours! I am taking this pretty seriously! One word CAN change your life if you meditate on it and focus on it daily. Oh... and do a project to focus on it WEEKLY! DO YOUR TAGS!!
Struggling to do the cards every week.... I am just NOT creative! I think I can..... I think I can.... lol
I would call, but I lost your number! So, I pretend call. BLUSH.
Hey Mo!! Well, I got going and bought a beautiful new Vera Bradley spiral to do my 52Q on my word - Let Go!!! I am not that creative but feel like I can do a page a week. Even cut out pics from magazines for Week 2 - my own little vision board!!! Thanks for the inspiration - I know I will read the blog so I KNOW that will keep me going. Ona side note - I LET GO of 4 lbs. this week - yippee!!!
The download, please...
are you going to put printable for this week too?
Just wondering if ALL the questions are going to be "word" oriented? I got paper to do the 52 questions but don't have a "word"...
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