For starters, Gabbi had been walking about a week. She thought she was a really big shot, though! She LOVED using her new skill all around the mall.
We were there on a special mission! To see the big man!
Neither of my girls seemed to be the least bit scared of him!
Do you remember Ellie last year? She was scare to death of him.
But this year... nah! She climbed right up in his lap and started talking to him in true Ellie fashion. I doubt it was about presents. Probably more about accessories, his bag, his hat, his beard, etc.
He was a sweet Santa. Very patient. He let us take the girls toward him and stand near him until they were both ready to get on his lap.
Gabbi Girl wasn't the least bit apprehensive. Now, that one surprised me!
JCPenney's in the background. Classic Mall photo!

I like this picture. I used it for my PhotoStamps to use on the outside of my envelopes for our Chirstmas cards.
Santa gave them, of all things, DumDum suckers. Do you think my girls were fired up!? Oh yeah!!
and Ellie was pretty fired up over the Elf ears he gave her too.
She strolled around that mall like she owned it!
and nothing finishes off a day visiting Santa like riding the mall carousel!
What a fun day! KK and CoCo came along to be support.
I am LOVING having a one and two year old at Christmas time. LOVING my girls!
cute, cute girls!
Awww...what big girls!! I LOVE the Santa pictures! Glad they got to strut their stuff at the mall!
You have two sweet, adorable girls! I love the pics with Santa. I have terribly embarrassing memories of Santa and my boys...well, with my oldest boy, that is...
Billy was three...I was about 120 months pregnant with his brother. Billy climbed right onto Santa's lap, and - in a very loud voice - told Santa, "Boys gots a penis. My Daddy gots a penis, I gots a penis, and (looking ol' St. Nick right in the eye), YOU gots a penis, too, Santa!" Kodak moments THAT year...shew! We got out of there in a've never seen a hugely pregnant woman move so fast! ;-)
Oh now those are some cute girl's and some cute pics!! Merry Christams, Mo & family!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
SOO cute! They are adorable. Like Santa's big green chair too... the set up at our mall wasn't as colorful!
Cracking up over the JC Penney in the background...just like at our mall. Classic!
The girls are ADORABLE! LOVIN' their plaids!
We are so blessed, Melanie!!!
Keep the pics of the girls coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it only gets better as they get a little older! My son is 5 and I think this has been the best Christmas ever already! I love the dresses. As always, the girls are adoreable!
Merry Christmas!
Love, love, LOVE....Santa pictures. So cute..brings back some sweet memories (my youngest is 38). Your babies are so precious Mo, thanks for sharing them with us! Huggers, Bj
I love their dresses. My gf took her kids who are close to the same age and they are screaming on Santas I bet GG thinks she is all that walking all over. So cute.
Love the pics - an idea - I take my kids every year to the same Santa and put in acrylic frames with the year. It is so fun to see the progression every year and look back on the memories (of course the one when I am hugely pregnant with #2 and little girl would not sit and screamed is not fun!!!but a great memory just the same!!) such gorgeous girls!!!
Very cute! I love that Santa's beard was real! Makes it so much better!!
Hi Mo ~ GREAT pictures - just too cute and the fact that they were not scared - priceless!! The Elf hat is a riot, reminds me of my daughter in her wig. I love it. I was also reminded of when my oldest was teething - she ALWAYS had to wear the bib and I hated that it covered her pretty clothes but it was necessary. Enjoy those little cuties. Diana from Colorado.
That's funny with Penney's in the background - we have Sears in the background at our mall!!! I LOVE the girls in their plaid dresses - precious, as usual!! I love that they both weren't afraid of the big guy! Santa ROCKS!!! CUTE pictures! So when are you going to post your Christmas card?!
Too funny! What does Ellie and Gabbi want for
Awww they done great Mo! Bree is having NO PART of him WHATSOEVER!! She waves from afar and that's about it! If I try to gently encourage her she say's MAMA NO, I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!! LOL!! Oh well, maybe NEXT YEAR!! Hey you can PHOTOSHOP the rest of the letters out of JCPENNEY and make it look like JOY in the backdrop since the "C" was half hidden by the tree! Just a thought!!
OMG!!! BETH E. comment was HILARIOUS!!!!!!! I bet Santa's cheeks were VERY ROSEY w/embarrassment!!!! Boys....gotta love 'em!!
Wow after last year who would have thought you'd have such great pictures with Santa. Glad Ellie appreciated Santa this year and you were able to get such great pictures and memories. Love the girls and all their cuteness. You are so blessed and so happy you and Todd get to share this amazing experience that just a few years ago didn't seem imaginable.
You got some really good pictures. I couldn't even get Audrey to walk within arms reach of Santa and Mrs. Claus to grab a bag of goodies. Lovin the one of GG with Santa kinda tilted and up close and I got a great chuckle out of Ellie with the Elf ears! Very cute :)
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