Monday, December 21, 2009

My posing kid!

Cherry and Mere... I guess this one is dedicated to y'all!
Once again... "THE POSE"!
and now she can even "change legs" and has added a hand to the head component for added sass!
Ellie went to work with me on this day, so she had to have some movin' and groovin' clothes on!
Rough and tumble clothes. Clothes that can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.
It takes a pretty hard lick to knock this kid down.
Sassy meets tough. That is what sums Ellie Sue up.
As for the Groves clan, well, do you remember last Christmas? GUESS WHAT! The stomach bug is all over our house again. Todd and Gabbi Girl up vomiting all night. Mo has it in the other direction. Yayyyy!! I can take that. Just NO vomiting for lapband girl, pleeeeeease!!
And Ellie? Well, she just slept right through it all!



Amy K said...

Love, love, love the outfit and pigtails!
Sorry to hear your house has the crud. Hope you all feel better soon, and have the merriest of Christmases!

Shannon said...

Love the pictures...hope it is the 24 hour short crud so you can enjoy Christmas!! Happy Holidays!

Bella's mommy said...

Love the outfit! The Christmas Crud hit Bella last night, too. Hope things get better for ya'll!

Unknown said...

Love seeing these pics of your sweet little sassy girl! She is too much! Those pigtails just add to her cuteness! :) And the looks like it was made for her!

Hope you guys start feeling better soon. That is no fun! Merry Christmas!

Beth E. said...

Little Miss Sass cracks me up with her poses! Mo, this girl will keep you on your toes when the teen years hit!

I'm sorry the stomach bug has hit. Hope everyone feels better FAST!

Crystal said...

I love Ellie's posing! Too cute!
I hope you all get to feeling better before Christmas. Merry Christmas.

snekcip said...

BEGONE ICKY BUG!!! Hope the household is back in full swing REAL soon!!

That Ellie is too much! Thanks for a good laugh!

Belinda said...

Hope you all feel better soon and miss sassy dont get it!! Love the post too!!

Kathryn said...

Hooray for the other end!

You know, I don't think I have ever typed anything like that before in my life.

Carrie said...

Oh no! Not the stomach bug again! Hopefully it passes quickly in time for a happy and healthy holiday season :)

Mindy said...

Hope the bug packs his bags and hits the road quickly! She is KILLING me with that pose. I LOVE it!

MLP said...

Bless your hearts! Hope this goes away VERY quickly for you guys.

Haddie has that same skirt. We have similar tastes, uh?!?

Keep the poses coming! Love them all!!!

Anonymous said...

YUK YUK YUK on the stomach bug. Go away sickies! I pray that you all are better by the time you are reading this!
Oh Ellie Sue, that girl is something else. She is such a hoot Mo. Love her demeanor, it shows in her pics so well.Her outfit is adorable too! Mo, I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Christie said...

Ellie is so darn cute!!! Hope all is well for Christmas. We were sick 3 years in a row so I know how ya feel.

Marti said...

Love the pics and totally feel for you. My son was down Saturday night and the rest of us got it Sunday night. Finally up and enjoying the coffee. Merry Christmas!! Your blog always puts a smile on my face.

randybethmo said...

I am sorry to hear that the 'bug' flew your way. All I can say is that you can't have enough bathrooms at a time like this! :)

Feel Better and Merry Christmas!