My little buddy, Susan did ALL of her Christmas shopping at MoJoy!! And this is one of the last ones I send her. I liked doing one with 5 gifts. Each one has a name of a kid on it.

And Angie wanted a gift her kid's first grade teacher....

and her other kid's kindergarten teacher. Look in the upper right hand corner, "Kindergarten rocks".

And Keri wanted something unique... a dove.

with Peace. I hope you like it, Keri. I enjoy doing new things!

Oh, and this one is for her Grammie. I did it "Christmasy", but also in the right room, it could really be up year round!

This is for a fundraiser at our Children's Museum. It was for my buddy, Sarah.

And Jennifer liked the manger recently...

She ordered one of those and an angel for "annie".


I had a new request by Christina for "Amazing Grace" on a cross.

THis big pile is for Stacy. She has two pink ones for her daughters...

and three neutrals for, ummm... like I know!? Maybe teachers?!

I thought Lauren's turned out really cute!

Krit's too!

Sarah, yours is in the mail!

Got your boys' names on their too!

THis is the big ol' package going to Angie!

Alexis and Emma's canvases were made from the pics of the bedding you emailed me. I think they look just like the bedding. Hope you do too.
Wait... you have already seen these... oh well, check em out again!

They are worth it. Pretty darn cute if I do say so myself!

As for her Benkert friends, well, she said I could go "bright" on theirs! And so I did!!

I tried to match Jacob's bedding. I looked it up on the internet and everything to copy a plane straight from his bedding. I have another request for transportation bedding due in January. If you are reading this, and you like the plane, please email me and let me know that would be ok for you order too. Thanks.

And well... that's all folks for tonight! Getting up early for a long drive to Memphis! Gooooooo, TEAMJAKE! There WILL be hoodies and long sleeve tees for sale. The gold hoodies are AWESOME!! Be watching the blog to see them. LOVE and MISS that boy!
6 comments: safe and have a GREAT TIME!!! Love the canvasses fer some more I want, but will have to wait till after the first of the year. huggers, Bj
Hey Mo..can we order the long sleeve tees and hoodies online or can we only get them in Memphis? Unfortunately I can't make it there.
They look amazing! You are so talented :-)
Hope you got my order....The canvas's keep getting better and better......
You are so talented! I wish I had as much talent in my body as you have in your little finger.
Wishing everyone involved with TEAMJAKE a fun, safe and successful weekend. Stay warm and safe travels!
mo have fun in memphis today and stay warm cant wait to see pictures i hope you found your battery charger for your camera.. i wish i could have made it there but i couldnt so i am cheering for yall from my warm home.. i want to get some stuff from you but will have to wait till after the first of the year..
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