There was a little issue with the boots, though. These were Maddi hand me downs. I am pretty sure that Maddi was wearing these boots THIS year earlier, say like February-ish. Would you just look at em on Gabbi? Little chunky monkey! They weren't even KINDA going to zip up!
And did I mention we found a little black cat to go trick or treating with us?
Aren't they just the cutest?

Oh, and you didn't think I would do Halloween without a "cos-cume" (another Ellie-ism), did you?
I must say, with all that happened last week, (and I know I havent' really elaborated, but let's just say, every blue moon, owning a business is completely overwhelming!), I was not all that festive as I usually am for one of my most FAV-O-Rite holidays.
We piled all the chillin in the back of the car and headed toward the front of the neighborhood. We usually avoid this area, and actually, within about 30 minutes, we were looking for a ride BACK to the back!
How cute is this one? I may have to get it blown up! Maddi is going to have a little bunk built in at our new house, so I will have to decorate her spot for her too.
Well, Hellllloooo there, Fancy Nancy!
Isn't Emma the cutest? She is getting so big! She is only a month younger than Jake, so I use her to realize how old he would be when I "forget". Can you even imagine him this age?!
Ok, so this was kinda a general theme throughout the night. I am standing back, HOLDING Gabbi, who as you know has little to no interest in walking! I am also carrying a bucket, just in case we trick or treat for her a little, AND a big ass camera.
Ellie would STROLLLLLLLL up to the house, after everyone else was running away with their bags full onto the next house. She was NOT in a hurry. After all, she had her mouth full of candy usually!
If I said, "Come on, Ellie" one time, I said it 10,ooo times!
I would get a little relief every now and then. Staci helped, and I had a childless (on this excursion anyway) friend, Kristi who tricked with us and helped me with Ellie.
Please note once again, Little Mama, swimming against the stream. Come on, Ellie!
Once we hijacked a vehicle for a ride to the back of the neighborhood, we did the SMART thing and thumbed a ride on a trailer! duh! This is our friend, and fellow gymnastics star, Jansen.
And this is Andrew. His dad was the driver of the four wheeler and trailer.
And Cole, ONE of his little brothers. He also has Jack, who was Ghost Rider for Halloween. Pretty clever, Jack! They also have one month old, Sam, at home, and little sister, Ella Kate, who you will see in just a bit.
Oompa Loompa Doompety Dooo....
See what I mean about the STROLLLLL?
I must admit... I thought it was pretty cute for a barely two year old to do the trick or treating this independently! I was taking pictures from the trailer, and actually was quite amazed at her independence. Can you see Staci at the front door with Maddi? Staci is in a gray and gold shirt. Staci, is that my shirt?
This right here is why I was still on the trailer.
Gabbi had found her a little personal playground!
Poor little no boot fittin, Gabbi Girl!
Have I mentioned she likes DumDum suckers?
and that she looks like Nanny McPhee?
To demonstrate the community project it was, that is Cynthia carrying one of mine. She is the mother to the FIVE I was mentioning earlier.
This being the only girl of the FIVE. This is Ella Kate. And do you love her tutu pumpkin cos-cume? Well, Lindsay can be thanked for that creation.
When the other kids were trick or treating, Tommy would go really really slow and let Gabbi Girl have a little fun of her own.
Ooompa Loompa Doompety Doooooo.....
Yessssss, Cynthia, I am getting you copies of these pictures. How doggone cute is this one?!
Here is our crew. Anja wore HER costume too, thank you very much. Come on, people, it is Halloween!! Anja is the one I mentioned before who is Staci's new business partner.
One of the houses we visited was Linda Lou's. There was a line out the door when we got there, but I did what any mature adult did and said, "MOVE OVER, kids" as I trudged my way to the front to get pictures of her with my babies.
Isn't that so sweet?
These little ones really acted so big as they went right up to those doors and held out their buckets. I was so proud of MIss E, as she pretty much always remembered her manners with a "Thaaaank you."
Yep. Staci, I think that IS my shirt.
At the BACK of the neighborhood, things were calmer. However, there was still wall to wall trailers. Only they were mostly LITTLE kids.
Coy made his first trick or treating trip with us. This is ANja's boy.
Finally, home sweet home. My arms were about to FALL off! Soooo glad to see Pops. Here, Pops, hold a sweet baby pirate for a while!
As usual, the boys were in the back watching football, namely LSU!
And to Todd's mom who asked, "Where was Todd?" when I sent her pictures of the night, HERE is where Todd was.... alllllllllllll night!!
Todd IS the resident cook. Everyone knows this. He preps the grill, mans the grill, and cleans the grill. No one even THINKS about trying to cook when Todd is around. He is the Grill Master! Period.
Ahhhhh, and a Nana was there too! Yessssssss. Here, Nana, hold a COUPLE of sweet baby pirates for a while!
Inside, the crew was gathering.
and my kids were getting ALLLLLL hyped up on candy. Halloween only comes once a year, so I said, "let er rip"!
And that concludes our Halloween story 2009. I have recently made a few more big ol' encyclopedia looking books out of my blog. I look forward to sharing these stories with my girls one day. This blog and those books are serving as my scrapbooks for the time being. Two little ones I know will NOT let me enter the art room without their company. So, I tend to avoid glue, glitter, stickers, etc. This blog lets me chronicle all these memories and stories in a non-glue, glitter, sticker way!
For future reference... Girls, we had a ball! Trick or treating with you was a fun experience. I hope to dress up with you and go out (on a trailer!!) for many years to come! Love you both more than you can know.
Oh looks like fun! CUTE costumes! Great ideas! I LOVE that pumpkin tutu costume!! ADORABLE! Also, cute pics! Love the girls!
Love the pirate costumes. And the pumpkin tutu was way too cute.
Hi Mo ~ About Lil Miss Gabbi girl not walking. My middle daughter Victoria was 18 months old before she EVER took a step alone. She would walk holding on to my hand, or the furniture, but NEVER alone until she was 18 months old. I finally took her to the Doctor to address this, he looked her over & said to me "Would you walk if someone carried you around all the time?" Don't worry, she WILL walk down the aisle someday. And sure enough, one day she just took off. Relax, it will happen all too fast, and then you'll be running in two different directions :) The girls look adorable as usual & it does seem like you had a lot of fun. I hope this week will be better than last...Enjoy!!
WANT! Boy, do I miss toddlers. What a fun evening for all. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.
I have been sprung from the house, and am off in a bit to the post office and other errands. Have a great day!
I saw more trick or treaters in your pictures than we had at our house. I think we only had 20! The kids all looked great! Lovin' the idea of a trailer. That is the way to go!!
So cute! I'm thinking that I must, must, must have that pumpkin costume for Audrey next year. Cute, cute, cute.
As for the pirates, ADORABLE.
Ellie is so independent and Gabbi is just the cutest thing. I know that you are one proud mama!
What a hoot that night must have been. The costumes are great - we need some of that Halloween spirit near my house - I say those are some of the cutest trick o' treaters I have ever seen - I especially like Ellie's "strooooollll......" What a kid. Thanks for sharing
www what a fun Halloween post!! All the kids were just TOO CUTE in their costumes!! I also saw the pumpkin costume on Lindsay's blog and it was just absolutely gorgeous! It got even MORE gorgeous w/that precious Ella Kate wearing it!!
It was a toss up on which costume Bree would wear this year! It was between the pirate and the giraffe!! The giraffe won (literally)! Check out my FB page for her cute costume!!!
OH MY...WE SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE!!! Those girls look adorable! Every single one of them! Those pirates were arghhhh, ahoy matey CUTE! And that black kitty is purrfect! Sweet Ella models that punkin' like a rock star! So glad yall had fun and that the weather held out for you! I think Halloween should be on a Saturday from now would eliminate all that rush hour mess getting home and it just makes for a day of fun for the the kiddos!! Love all your pictures! Oh, and when you send them to Cynthia, would you mind emailing them to me?! You're the bestest!!!!!! So glad yall had fun! If you decide on a whim to come to the Bama game, you have a place to stay.....just sayin'! :)))
How fun!!! What great memories you are making for these girls. Loved seeing MaddiBoo too!!!
WONDERFUL bloggin' today!! Love all those great photos of your sweet little cuties in their cos-cumes and make-up. (And that pumpkin tutu just blew me away!!). So glad you all had fun, and now I look forward to seeing your Hallowe'en album of 2009.
Big hugs, Denise
AHOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am loving your ADORABLE pirates!!! This post made me smile. I love every bit of it!!! The cousins look like sisters...I love that one where all three are looking at the camera.
I'm using my blog as a scrapbook for now, too. Take pics of your books sometime because I need to get busy on that.
I Love the cos-cumes. And I'm a fan of Ellie-isms- for real!! Too cute! Maddi Ellie and GG are going to have awesome memories to look back on when they grow up! How fun!
Oh my goodness, the girls looked precious, thank you for posting pics. I loved seeing them in their pirate costumes. Also, Maddi as a little cat, how adorable they all are. Looks like you had a very happy halloween!
I know that you will have many more years to come with them! My kids still like/let me go most places with them. All of their friends ask to make sure that I will be there to take pictures for Facebook! I feel so blessed, some parents ask me how I get to go. LOL~ I'm like "how"?? Please, they do not know me very good~haha. Enjoy each and every moment. I can NOT believe that my twins are Seniors and will be graduating in 7 months. I swear I was dressing them alike in Kelly's Kids outfits just last year! The girls are precious and they looked so cute! I can't believe how big they are getting!
What adorable cos-cumes on those sweet little young ens. I want to move to your new neighborhood and come trick or treatin with ya'all! I wonder if Lindsay can make an adult pumpkin costume, cuz I want one of those...its too freaking cute.
I am so sorry its been a rough week for you Mo! Hang in there sister, chin up,shoulders back and deep breath! We all love ya
ps next time you get to Missouri, let me know. I was about 90 from you when you were in Columbia. :)
Sure looks like you guys had a great time Trick-or-Treating! I can't believe Ellie was being so independant. I guess it goes to show you what a little "sugar courage" can do for a little one! The costumes were adorable and thanks for sharing a couple of little Maddi as well!
You need to refresh my memory... who makes the books from your blog? I'd love to do that with my blog for my kids some day.
Halloween looks way too fun... the cuteness factor is just too much!
The pirate costumes a adorable...yours, too! The boots on Gabbi cracked me up...what a hoot. ;-)
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