name that movie!
Again... my helper.
These went to Susan. and Emily, I think!
The neutrals truly run together!
i know for sho that Susan wanted this verse.
and just so you can see my level of commitment, this is me painting with a baby on my hip!
Wasn't the first time. Won't be the last!
Dude. My GG is a tit! She just crawls up to you and holds those hands up. Then SOBS when she has to wait a split second. So pitiful! Um um um! She usually wins though.

I really liked the way these colors turned out. A little greener than usual, but for some reason, I really liked it. Emily is giving this one to her sister.
hellllllloooo there, little helper.
I am not big on capitalizing tonight, can you tell?
This one is a cutie for Susan's friends.

i think it turned out really cute. Love the names on the tags.
I mean, traditional decorations are cute and all, but a CUSTOM canvas with your family name on it is going to be awesome worked into the tree or on a mantle!
First time for me to try these ornaments. I don't know if I am a fan. I like them, but I LOVE that big round red ornament! Heeeeeyyyy, another helper. Sorry Shermans, check for drool!
These two are for teachers. Special request by Susan for a "Joy to the World". I like that saying on them. I tried a horizontal...
And a vertical!
Hate to tell the 576 of you followers who didn't order a canvas that I have a few more to show. But to that one who did, you got a preview! And Susan... sign up as a follower! You didn't sneak by!
Melanie, your college roommate, now known to the masses as Mo!
Glad to know that I am not the only follower that has yet to order!! I do want to order....and I WILL....I just am trying to figure out the perfect print for me!
Look's as if the beach was once again a fantastic time away!
OOOOH, please post pictures of the Razorback canvas...we hog fans might need that one, too! Love seeing "my" canvases on your post yesterday! Can't wait for them to arrive!
I love checking out your paintings and would LOVE to order some... But times are very tough for us right now. :(
Keep posting away...
I will be able to order one day... Hopefully a job will come along soon.
OK, Melanie-- You win! I am your newest follower and this is my first ever comment on a blog. I finally set up a google account, so I have no excuse for not commenting. I will do better! (Just noticed it says my last name instead of my first-- oh, well- I tried!!) Love the canvases-- can't wait to deliver them all for Christmas!!
OK MO.....True RAZORBACK fan here so bring on the picture of the razorback canvas. I also have yet to order but I need to figure out what I want in my office first. Thanks for sharing your talents with us and of course your little ladies.
Beautiful! Beautiful work! We got back from the wilds of Kansas with the bed of the truck absolutely loaded down with a fantastic Craftsman mantle we found at Architectural Salvage. We had two inches clearance at the top and sides of the bed. Very heavy, but we got it out of the truck and standing in the garage lashed to the bike hooks on the ceiling! Whoof. Himself and I can't wait to start breaking ugly bricks and destroying that ugly fireplace in his study. Next time you come up, it will be placed in all its glory, ready for something beautiful from your talented self to display!
Mo I would still like the one with the big red balls that you took over to Stacis store. I had a lot going on working nights and tending to family ordeals I never got around to picking it up. Can I please have it. I will come prepay you just let me know. I love them all. I think I may want some for my christmas gifts next year. I already got Family signs from Distressed Designs for this year. I will email you my list later.
Awesome canvases. I want to order one but just dont know what I want. I have seen so many and I cant figure out what I want. After the holidays I will figure it out.
While you are in Christmas mode can I order an 8 x 10 one with a red glitter ornament that says believe on it somewhere. I know you said no more Christmas orders and thats fine. I will take it when I can get it.
Are you still afraid of my canvases???? Can't wait to see them. I know your working as hard and as fast as you can.......You truly amaze me....
Hey Mo! As a follower who has not ordered a canvas... let me say that I LOVE looking at them because they are helping me decide what I might want when I atually DO order one! Thanks for all your posts!!
oh, by the way - Dances With Wolves!
I love seeing the canvases (is that spelling right?)!!! AND I absolutely love the black present! It rocks!
so cute! how is miss hannahs coming along?
That new canvas with Joy to the World is so cute! You are so talented!!
Love these.
Melanie - Is it too late to place an order for Christmas??? We will be in town on the 19th (late) so I would need it on the 20th. Let me know if you can get in another order and I'll get you the details. Thanks - Lisa
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