When I am just not so sure if Ellie Sue is learning anything in gymnastics, she goes and does something like this...

First, she shows me that Sue Groves can turn a flip.

And land with her legs straight in front of her. Like they do in class.

And JUST to see if she has been paying attention, I ask her to see if Sue Groves can do a straddle.

And lo and behold, Sue Groves CAN do a straddle!

So, I say, "Ellie, can Sue Groves do a pike?"

And would you believe it? Sue Groves CAN do a pike position!

I guess the ol' kiddo HAS been listening to the gymnastics teacher! WOW!

And then, Ellie proceeds to show me that she, too, can do a PIKE... Annnnnd...

a straddle.

That is a smart kid!
Have you noticed the outfits lately? Ellie is going through the "I can dress myself" phase! And all I can do is sit back and scratch my head! Skeleton pants with a Derek Jeter tee! Niiiiice!!
Ellie is one smart cookie! I love that she is picking out her own clothes at the ripe old age of 2!!! That is so cute!
Wow...that is very impressive! Kids are amazing with how much their little minds remember things!
Sue Groves has a precious teacher!!! We got those same skeleton pj's!
LOVE YOUR NEW HEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's one smart two year old!!!!!!!
Niiiiice! Wow, Ellie girl, the only thing better would be a signed Jeter tee! Umm, yeah......we'll wait until you're in the 2020 olympics to even ask for that signed tee from Jeter, k?! :)) Don't you just love it? She cracks me up, Mel!
Ellie, you are such a nice girl to teach sweet Sue Groves what you are learning in gymnastics class!
So cute - I taught gymnastics for a few years - Ellie would have been a blast in class. My daughter never seems to be paying attention but she hits it on recital night. we have learned to sit back and she can do it. P.s. the clothes do match - they are both pink - for the next few years it matches if it is the same color - we are currently working on complementing colors. Have fun with that one!!!
You forgot to mention the shirt is on backwards!:-) I have the same one. Love Jeter!! Anyway, love the new header....so cute!
nice job, Ellie!!! very good!!! You are getting really big you know!! =D
Sue is so talented. I'm thinking that y'all should get her on America's Got Talent.
Go Sue Groves! lol I love it!
Hey they are both a shade of pink!! They are her "lounge" clothes!!! You go Ellie!!
At least they are both pink! Love your stories!
She is sooo cute...and don't worry, they do grow out of that stage, however, my precious angel is 9 and still likes to dress like that! :(
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