Ok, I am busy, busy, busy tonight as I am packing to head out to St. Louis tomorrow. Hey, Kathryn... here I come!! My family and friends think I am a nut to go stay with a blogger, but I told them I "know" you!
Anyhoo... before I go, I got a few more orders ready to rock. Since I don't have my listipoo in front of me, I will have to just post the pics, and you will have to sit back and wonder if it is yours or not.
For instance, I had MANY orders for Roll Tide! This particular one, I did with marroonish/ crimsonish pearls. Just about every single necklace that goes out has been totally different, even if it is the same team. And by the way, I haven't gotten a whole lot of feedback on the jewelry. If you received yours, let me know what you think/ thought, etc! mgroves11@comcast.net

Lindsay, someone saw your Georgia necklace and requested the same, but in Ole Miss flair. I added the tag in the back just for Lagniappe. (There's that word again, Beth. It is a very Louisianian word!!)

And I really, really liked the way this one turned out! I put the Tucker and Brayden on different links of the chain because otherwise they were lapping on top of the other and I couldnt' read both names.

ANd just so you know... this doesnt' always happen, but I had REAL emeralds and rubies, so guess what. You now got em too!

This is a surprise for a family who lost their dad when he tried to save a drowning boy at a youth trip and drowned himself. Love this verse!

I hope it is what you were envisioning.

And I bet you can't tell who this canvas is for. The Smiths? The Joneses? Noooooo...keep trying!

Charlene, the girl who helps me with my orders, shipping, etc. saw this one and fell in love! Actually, she saw me work on it from the very beginning and saw the whole thing transform, so it became her favorite so far!

Cassandra, can you EVEN believe it?! I finally did yours! I still have to add the glitter! I wanted it to be the real fine, dusty glitter, and all I had was the big flake, so it will have to be glitterized on another day!

I had several of you request seeing a completed snowman canvas. Well, here one is. And I left a big vacant spot for a name or a special word.

If he needs to live with you, call it!

And I had this idea of an old timey light bulb and as I thought of what I wanted to write, I just kept thinking of my little delayed Gabbi Girl. She is the most precious little thing! Soooo....

I put her name on the ribbon, and this one will be for her new room at her new house. I hope she always lets her little light shine!!

I don't think this one has a home either. It is a square one, around 14x14 or maybe 12 x 12. I don't know!? It is cool though. I love square canvases. Call this one too, so I can send it to a loving home.

Hey Hotty TOddy. I got yours ready and it is in the ol mail system! It was fun to make even though I had a small seizure as I painted the red and blue of another SEC team.

Ok, would you believe that I got a wild hair up my butt and wanted to do a Santa on an 11x14 canvas?! Lo and behold, on that very day, someone wrote me and wanted that exact thing... on a green background... with "believe" on it.!! WHOA! So, it is now heading to live with Mindy K in Nebraska!

Hmmm... I can't remember who I sent this little beaut to, but I know it got packaged up with some other goody. Display it with love. Love went into making it!

and finally, to the two of you who asked for a golf motif, do you like this one?

I tried to contact you about putting the family's name in the flag. And to golf person number two, I am doing the name really big and if you want, can do the "believe" in the flag. In fact, yours is almost done too. Let me know what you think. I didnt' think a club or a ball would be substantial enough to fill a canvas, so I went with the whole "hole" scene.
Okay. I am hitting the airways tomorrow. Get those Frappuccinos ready, K!
Are you serious? You're cheating on me? :) As long as you keep making jewelry that cute and canvases with big fat Santa's on them, I think I'll be ok! Have so much fun with K and be sure to post and let us know ALLLLL about the trip! So glad someone else has the privilege of wearing a fabulous mojoy creation like mine! I get compliments all the time and I love love love it!
Hey Mo. I have been waiting for a snowman canvas. Wondered how many you plan to do. I have 3 kids and was thinking a canvas with 3 snowmen on it would be cute. But I love, love, love this one too so if you aren't planning on doing any more or don't think you'll have the time, I would love to grab it. Just let me know what you think! Hope you have a GREAT trip!
Tell your family that I am the one that stood on the street corner at the first St. Jude marathon after Jake flew to heaven. I was with Trish Hampton, and I held a Jake sign and an Emma Grace sign and about froze to death!
Frappawhatevers are now added to the shopping list. Off I go, and will see you later!
I Love the Snowman! Is he taken? If not I'll take him!
Everytime I see your work, I'm more and more amazed at how talented you are!!!Hope you have a super time in St. Louis!!!!
St. Louis...well, now you are in my state! (okay, so it's not really mine!) I hope you have a great time. I'll try to send you some good weather from Kansas City! The paintings are just awesome! I love each one. They are all so different and unique. Have a safe trip!
Those are all so pretty!!!
Woo Hoo - St. Louis. This long time lurker lives in St. Louis, too. You hafta start giving us notice and planning get togethers like McMama. I really htink you have a whole big followign that you do not even know about! Also, tell your sister that I am so glad she is still enjoyign the beach but sorry that she missed so many other things because of it! Have a great trip/visit to our fair city.
Mo, I'm sure you have told us this before, but how do I order a necklace like the ones in this post, Roll Tide, or the one with childrens names. How much are they? That would make a great Christmas gift for a couple of people on my gift list.
Hi Mo ~
I just HAD to stop lurking & sign in if I ever want to meet up with you & your wonderful family. I live in Colorado (in the Denver area) so if you are planning a ski trip this winter, I would LOVE to take a ride & meet you! I have been following you since Jake's page. I did sign in once before........sorry. I am the Mom of 3 great girls 23, 19 and 17. They are my BEST pals - I just love to hang out with them and I hope they stay as close as you are with Staci. Let me know when you plan on coming to Colorado. Take care, Diana
Have you thought of doing Santa kneeling at the manger with Believe underneath it? I want one of those if you can do it.
MO I live in ST LOUIS too!!! Where ya staying in St Louie??
I haven't forgotten about ya with the stamped necklaces. I am still deciding what I want..can you say procrastinating??
OMG! OMG! My canvases arrived today and they are AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL and a few more adjectives that I could put. I LOVE THEM even more than I thought I would. I may have to end up ordering some for myself. Tammy LOVED them.
I Love the snowman too.....How can I claim one? Can you please email and let me know how to put my name on the list of orders..dtc746@yahoo.com.... I cant wait!
Lagniappe...that sure is a fancy word.
I have a picture of Tabitha wearing the necklace and earrings you made. Unfortunately, it's on my computer...my SICK computer. She LOVED her gift, though! I told you, didn't I? Heck, at my age, I can't remember squat!
I love your jewelry. I especially like the necklaces with the words/names on them. :-)
Oh, and I LOVE the snowman!
P.S. Dang...where's my brain?! I just remembered that I emailed that pic of Tabitha to Billy. Let me see if I still have it in my emails. I can forward it to you! DUH...
Thank you thank you for the beautiful canvas!! I can't wait to get it to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You rock!!!!!!!
I LOVE IT, MO!!! I knew you would pick out just the right colors. I can't wait to give it to Kacie, She will be so happy. I just hope I can wait till Christmas. Thank you
The Golfing one would be PERFECT for Grandma Betty (Everson) :D
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