My sweet little niece, Maddi, turned two this past Sunday.
for starters, Lindsay sent this sweet outfit special for her Halloween themed party! And, as usual...
our good friend, kelly, made this cute cake!
Jessi was in charge of invitations...
And Breanna made the banner. Does any of this sound familiar? The Massey girls KNOW who to go to for a cute, cute party!

Veronicia and her mom made the cutest dips and such.
Mary Allison was over for her usual Sunday babysitting gig!
And Todd the Bod was recruited to do all the cooking for the party attenders.
While Don sat in his usual spot!
Ok, so now let me tell you what was SUPPOSED to be happening at this party! Staci had pumpkins for all the kids to paint. But, you see... there were these TWO little girls who had plans of their own!
Although it DID include paint, it did NOT involve pumpkins!
Ellie Sue and Maddi got right on to painting their feet! And faces. and hands. and... well... you'll see!
Gabbi Girl was pleased as punch to just crawl around and watch the big kids.
Ellie was TOTALLY cracking herself up at this whole body painting adventure!

Oh my word. Are they actually cooperating with the rest of the party? No way!
Pops tried his hand at chaperoning.
But really, there is no taming these two little girls!
Cousin Jordan was there to help with BAby Girl!

and Cousin Maggie Pasey were fired up to get their pumpkins up the hill and onto the drop cloth.
I relish any opportunity I have to take a picture with both of my sweet girlies. (and hey... this is for you, Daddy. Todd is in WIsconsin and texted me that "although your paint colors were mixed so nicely, I need to see my girls... all three of them". And so. Here we are. We miss you, dad!)
My sweet Hayden is also getting so big. I am proud that he is now of the age that he will actually pose and smile with me.
Gabbi Girl is finding her nose, eyes, and hair on command. You go, girl!

I'm so proud of this little girl!
Maddi made the cutest little party princess.
She had this serious look on her face for almost all of my pictures, but I kinda liked it. She looks so sweet and contemplative like that!
And her eyes are so big and blue.
Ta Da. Another little go at body painting!

And as you can see, it got a bit more serious as the day wore on. FACES!
Our good friend, Angie, was so helpful; not only with the party clean up but also with my babies!
And how can you beat this little memory that was left on the concrete?!
It was a special day. Maddi's favorite gift may have been the GUM JinJin brought for her! Can you even believe that?! Those girls LOVE Jin to bring them gum!!
And one more of GG for you daddy-o. We miss you up there in the Cheese State. Come home soon.
(and nice necklace, Angie! Compliments of MoBeads!)
Well, there you have it. Another year has come and gone. I can't believe they are already two! Lovin those girls!
Nice pictures! Some of those I could just see were perfect to put in magazines! You take really good ones!! And happy birthday, Maddy! I haven't actually met you, but I've read about you! Looks like the party was really fun! I love the decorations!
OH MY! That little Maddi Boo is a living, breathing doll! And those sweet cheeks and big blue eyes....well, you know who she makes me think of...and I'm sure he attended the party as well. He was probably dancing around on the clouds all painted up just like the girls. Happy Birthday Maddi from Ms. Brenda (Bj)'s to many many more fun parties. Huggers to all......Bj
Maddi's outfit is so cute! I love it!!
And, seriously, y'all always have the cutest cakes and treats. I really need to start thinking about our 2 year old party in *gasp* 4 months!!
Cute, cute, cute. Love the people painting too.
Another successful, amazing party it appears. You gals sure know how to rock it!
Happy, Happy Birthday Maddi! Tell your Mama we're missing her blogging.
I'm sure Todd's lovin' the 55 degree weather here in the Dairy State. Is it Richland Center he has relatives in?
Thanks for sharing your beautiful girls (and of course sweet Maddi) with us...ummm, I mean their Dadddy! :)
What a fun party!! Happy Birthday Madi! What was the dip? I see it is made into a witch's hat. How cute. What were the cup lids dipped in to make them purple and orange? do you know how many times I have seen the letters or numbers at JoAnne Fabrics and never thought to decorate them up? You, your family and your friends are VERY creative! I love it.
Happy Birthday to Maddi - Remember when i found out I was pregnant and then heard Staci was. We both got our miracles. Love the pictures, especially the girls painting themselves. Those are the moments you will remember and treasure forever. Thank you for letting us being a part of your amazing families' journeys. It truly makes my day visiting your site to catch on your latest crafty creations, your glorious girls, and amazing antics! Keep them coming.
Happy Birthday to sweet Maddi!! Such a cute party, y'all are so great with all the littel details!!
Maddi looks absolutely beautiful in her polka dot outfit! Lindsay done a wonderful job! I almost fainted when I saw paint on it!!! LOL!! Hopefully is washable!!! Love the decorations!!
We are celebrating my grandsons 1st birthday on Oct 17th (he was born on the 16th)and my daughters 20th bday(10/11)! Sorta a 21st *1+20* bday if you will! Our family are dressing as the characters from the Wiz of Oz and my g-son is the scarecrow! We have so many wonderful ideas and games!! I can't believe we got my husband (who is just usually the silent bystander) to participate! He is going to be the WIZARD he has the perfect baritone voice!! I found the same LOLLIPOPS as in your post! Bree along w/my 2yrold great-niece and nephew are all gonna be the LOLLIPOP MUNCHKINS!! I was gonna use the OWL theme you had for Ellie's party, but I kinda wanted something different and unique!! We are asking the guest to dress up as the people of OZ!!! Preparing is the biggest obstacle though! I'm excited and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
BTW I'm the Tin Man!!
What a cute party for a precious little girl!!! LOVE the Lindsay outfit! AND LOVE the body painting!!!
Wow...your family sure knows how to throw a party! How hard was that paint to get OFF of those sweet faces?
Hayden is looking very handsome and grown up...when did the get his braces off? His smile is awesome! 'bout some pics of Hunter?! How's he doing with his driving?
Thanks so much for the pics and the Maddi update. Tell Stacy that we really miss her blogging!
Awe, Happy Birthday Maddi Boo!! Such a cute party.
Can't believe how big the girls are getting.
How is the house coming along??
I need to rent out your party planners cuz they sure know how to decorate and throw one...Wow, my pics are lame oooo compared. How clean did the clothing come? lol They look like they were having a ball! Happy Birthday sweet, beautiful Maddi! Tell Stac I keep waiting for an update, its been awhile lol.
Love the pic of you and those sweet girls!
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