And the reason is... I just got home, and these two...

need some time with their mama! So, I will be back in action tomorrow. Looks like Ellie and Gabbi had as many adventures as their mom and dad did while we were gone. (First day of gymnastics, a visit to the farm, and more... and good babysitters who took lots of pictures! )
Have a good night! Mo
Oh and before I forget. We did get into the Letterman show and will be on tomorrow night (friday). If you watch. The camera scanned the audience after the comedian and before the band. We are in the middle section and Todd and I are waving our hands around in the air like fools! Check it out. Hopefully, we can DVR it and go back and play it slooooowwwlly! Mo
I hope your little NY shirts do better washing than mine did.. the stupid hearts are all wrinkled up and are about to fall off! But, I sure did have fun! LOL
Look at those girlies! Love it!
Glad ya'll are home safely and that you had an awesome time!!!
Adorable pictures. Could those girls be ANY more excited to have you guys home? Little Gabbi looks like she's crying tears of pure joy!! The look on her face melts my heart! Glad you had fun.
Welcome home! Don't put the shirts in the dryer for more than five minutes, then take them out and let them hang to dry.
Person who learned the hard way umpity years ago.
I am loving those pics of the girls!
How cute are they in those shirts!!???!!!
I bet they were so excited to see their mommy (well, and daddy too!)
Those two are such cuties! I am glad ya'll had fun!
In the words of the famous Folgers "Christmas commercial"...Peter (oops Mo) youuur hoooome!!! (tears)
Wow Letterman too!!! I will have to watch Letterman tomorrow!!!
Oh my goodness ~ I love those little girlies in their I (heart) NY shirts!!! They both look so grown up!
And a fun time was had by all! So glad you made it back home. I know the girls are happy you and Todd are back! Just look at their sweet faces...adorable! Love the tees...wash in cold water (obviously) and let them air dry. Maybe that will keep the hearts on them from wrinkling like RADstitches shirts did. :-)
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