Oh, and this was a request for a church nursery. Sorry I am showing this one in a early stage, and I will show it later when it is ready for send off.
This one now has a big old BELIEVE across the bottom. It is on its way to its new mama.
Charlene, this is the basic shape, and I haven't worked out the color scheme yet. But... it is going to be Kacie's.
Dank. I am working on your footballs. This is going to be hubby's.
Lord have mercy. What do you think about this color? I think I am going over it with a greener green. Or any other color that someone may want to request. Or... do you like the limey green? It was meant to be yours, Pepper, but I realized that yellow is for the "other" one, and the heart with wings was supposed to be pink. Soooo.... now I have to start those over. Duh!
This is my dad's classroom. And these are the Christmas ones without the words on them. Hey, Denise. Two of these little babies are yours!
oh, and that little 8x10 polka dotted canvas closest to you now says BELIE?
These are some that still need a little TLC. They have the original layer of gloppy texture on them, but backgrounds are coming later. I have two crosses and a PEace sign. If you think you may be interested in any of those, let me know and I will reserve some for you with regard to color preferences.
Here is the peace sign. See it? See it?
Oh, and this is a new one I was in the mood to try! If you could look closely, you would see that I have red glitter in the stripes of the socks. This one doesn't have a home either. I've had several requests for Christmas canvases lately, so those of you who have made a request... if you like this one, let me know and I will get it out to you. I don't know if I have added anything to the side of it, but I am THINKing that I put Believe on it?! Hmmm... I just can't remember. Contact me if you want him. mgroves11@comcast.net
Ok. Liz. You wanted two small ornaments. Well... this is one of them. Of course, it has a BELIEVE on it now.
ANd this one has BELIEVE and a ribbon through the top of the ornament.

Someone ordered an 8x10 presents package. I seriously considered adding, "Gabbi Girl" on the side of this, but asked if pink would be acceptable to my "customer". So glad you ok'd my sending you PINK presents. I think you are going to love them. They now say BELIEVE too!
Hey, Denise. I think these are yours.
And these hit the mail today too.
All of these have words on the side. Either Believe or Merry Christmas. I can't figure out how to retrieve the photos from my email to put them in my iphoto. Little help please?! So, I can't retrieve the completed pictures that were taken at my office and emailed to my house to share with you.

And this is a special request for a "Please Snow". This little painting now has eyes and...
this one. I thought about just "Ho" for you Dawn Pierce, but for this person, "HO3" means HO cubed... or HO HO HO. Cute, huh?
Mary Hall.... this is FINALLY coming your way!
I kept thinking about what I should add to your canvas, but, I really liked the verse alone, so it is really big right across the middle of the canvas. I hope to show a completed picture soon.
This is my work space about half way through my 4 hour span of painting last Friday.
I am IN THE ZONE when I am painting. I didn't realize how much I had missed painting. Until Shake 4 Jake when I got a wild hair up my butt and decided to paint a few canvases for the event. And since then, it has been ON like a CHICKEN BONE!
Again. Thanks to all of you who are buying the canvases, and to all of you who are STILLLLLL waiting on yours.
Worn out just from looking at the paintings! I LOVE the elves shoes! You r dabomb.com woman!
Can you hear me all the way from Canada??! :-)
I can't wait for Christmas to come just so I can put those 2 canvases on 2 of my fireplace mantles!!! I'll send you photos when I start to decorate.... only 86 days to go!
You did a fantastic job, Mo. Thanks so much.
Big hugs, and always believing,
I LOVE it when you do these post to show us the paintings!!! I love your style. I am trying to decide what I want... maybe christmas, maybe for my kids room... I will let you know! I love them all!!!
WOW! All of those canvases are AMAZING! I am interested in the one with the elf shoes. Need to know how much you're asking for it first, though. My email is jgdeegan@comcast.net
Hill AFB, UT
WHAT??? Ho for me?? You are just soooo funny. I guess you are getting me back for wanting to teach Gabbi Gurl Hook 'em Horns. :)
You have an AMAZING talent! The canvases are ALL gorgeous!! I want one for every room in my house and for every occassion! I LOVE them!! WOW!! Hey, I know ~ let's open a booth in Canton and you paint the canvases and I will run it for you every month!!! OMG, that would be SO FUN!!!! But we have to have some Texas themes going on in Canton ~ not ALL LSU!!!!!
Love them all. I could look at pictures of your canvases forever. Love the elf shoes and the snowman. Oh, I want one of each. I really love the swirls on all of them.
I never get sick of looking at your art, it's beautiful! I was thinking that you should add $5 to each painting and donate it to Jake's Foundation?! Just a thought.
i love the paintings mo you are great artist... im thinking about ordering me one i will let you know which one soon..
You make me want to buy a canvas and try my non artistic hand at painting!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of these!!!!
I am definitely going to order but I'm having a hard time deciding what I want...seasonal???...cutesie???...for kitchen???...the den???...maybe my office???...hmmm, colors...can't decide...THIS IS WAAAAYYY HARD!! :)
Keep posting the pics, these are just too precious for words. And I also LOVE the fact that Jake is being honored through BELIEVE-ing!!
Kathy in Texas
Sweet! I love all the swirlys and the textures!! How do you do them?! =) You do AWESOME at those!!!!
Ooooh, just saw Rhonda's suggestion about Canton. YES, YES, YES, take your paintings (and jewelry) to Canton! I'm just a couple of hours away and would love to see your stuff -- AND MEET YOU!! -- in person. If you do decide to go, be sure and post the details!!!
I am lovin' the Christmas canvases. I may just have to place my order. Problem is...I don't know which one I want. I have such a hard time making a decision. You are so talented. I'm still trying to find my "hidden" talent.
Hope you're having a great day!! Kiss those sweet girlies for me.
Mo, I would love the one with the presents on it. I'm not sure how to contact you except by this blog. Will you email me if I am able to purchase it?????
I would love for it to say....
As for the Russo's, We BELIEVE!!!
My email address is: carri.russo@gmail.com...
Thank you..
I love all of your canvas's and would love to talk to you about making one for my living room wall using all my colors.........
My goodness...they are all beautiful as always! I also paint. I love to get on a roll, but haven't in a long time! You just might have inspired me to again! I do have a question for you. What do you use for the gloppy texture? I LOVE your style!!
Thanks in advance,
hey, on mine for Gracie's room that is supposed to be pink it doesn't have to have the heart with wings. I think I would really prefer something else. I can't remember now what I had said so I will look back on the e-mail and send it again. And on Hanna's if yellow isn't going to look right, she can put it in her living room which the tans that you are doing would be beautiful. I will resend that e-mail so look for it. Thanks
I'm Loving It!!!! Thanks so much!
You Rock :)
These are just so cool -- is there anything you can't do amazingly well?!!! Anything crafty/artsy anyway?!!! Could you do a blog post where you "teach" one -- like step by step -- buy a canvas, glop on some white, do the background, color it in, here's how to do the awesome swirls at the sides, etc. -- that would be so cool :) :) for us non-artsy but aspiring types!!
I love the little snowman...I'm a snowman fanatic. They decorate my house at Christmas/winter time!
You do amazing work, Mo!
I have a dear friend who LOVES LOVES LOVES snow, and is a devout cristian. He was my dean at college and I would like a 8x10 of something that talks about "loving snow" on a light blue background. Is that okay? And by the way, I STILL have not received my Alabama necklace.
Love these! What is the largest size that you can do? I would like to order a very large one with a verse on it. Please e-mail me at Sportzmom@comcast.net and let me know the largest size and price. Thanks!
I love the ornament canvases. My kitchen is red walls and I use green accents. Wouldn't those be so cute in there?!?! I also, of course, love the snowman canvas. Let me know when you have one for sale. You know I'm ready to buy when you're ready to sell one. You can tell how much you enjoy making these, because they are just beautiful! Good work, Mo!
Take your time. They look beautiful!!!
I would like to order a custom Believe canvas for my sister who lost her babies last November. And an ornament believe one for me. Please let me know how to contact you. My email is deguatmom at comcast dot net
I found your blog from Sarah's (Sophie Bug's mom). Thanks, Anne
Roll Tide MO! Where did you find those houndstooth (I assume) vinyl baskets?
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