I am giving you fair warning! You need to sit down! You may become faint!

This degree of cuteness can be intoxicating!

Just when you think Gabbi Girl can't get any cuter, we get her hair damp and the little curls start showing up.

and theeeeennnn....

You get to see her sister is in the tub with her! Awwwwww....

and ol' Funny girl starts making funny faces and really cracking herself up!

Gabbi has the sweetest little sparkly eyes!

When she starts laughing out loud, she starts cracking ME up too! (and hello there Miss Swirly Bangs in the background.)

I just LOVE being these girls' mama!
All moms know about certain stages when things are just so precious and you wish you could just make time stand still. Well, for me, this is one of those. The girls play together. Gabbi Girl is starting to "show off" and try to make us laugh. And, they both want to sit in mama's lap all the time. Gabbi gives mama "aweeeees" with her head on my shoulder. Gotta love it!
Precious! Gabbi is always smiling, I love that! They sure are cute, what a lucky Mommy you are and what lucky kids to have you as their Mommy! Savor the moments, they fly by.
your joy at being their mom is so palpable!
Oh my gosh, do they get any cuter than your girlies? I think not! Thanks for sharing them with us! They are precious. And I know exactly what you are talking about when you say you would like to freeze this time with them. Take it from me, they are grown before you know it. Enjoy each and every moment of this time. It is truly so fleeting. :>)
Sweet sweet baby girls. It just doesn't get any cuter than that.
I know your heart is filled with love everytime you look at them.
Also Mel I love the jewelry. It is awesome and just perfect. Thanks again.
SUCH sweet times!!
Life sure is good!!! You deserve nothing less Mo.
I love Miss Swirly Bangs and Gabbi Gull! So sweet!
Mo, I am so glad that you have the ability to spend a lot of time with the girls.They are beautiful! When people tell you to enjoy each moment, listen closely. I used to think that these mom's didn't know what they were talking about, b/c things are always so wild when kids are little. BUT, no truer words could be spoken. Girl my twins are Seniors and I will "lose" them at the same time. Needless to say, I am not dealing with this fact very good. We are really close, and I have been freaking out with the thought of not having them with me everyday. Can you say ~Cut the cord! Enjoy sister!
I don't think I believe that little girl is ever crabby, EVER! What a cutie pie, I just wanna hug her lol. Oh yes, how time flies...My two youngest are 6 & 4and the best of friends...but at times are the worst enemies. But the love between the two is like nothing I have ever seen. The years will fly by and before you know it they will be in high school like my oldest. Oh what I would give to have a few days with her little again. Blessed we are
Too cute! Gabbi has a beautiful smile and I love how her eyes just light up all the time--both your girls are beautiful. Your a lucky mom to have such adorable and precious girls and they are lucky to have you.
You do know the perfect way to start my day! Looking at those little girlies is a slice of Heaven!
AWWWW! So Cute!!! They are just the sweetest things ever!!!!!!
Mackenzie =)
Yes Mo, I do want to savor every moment! Everyday w/Bree is something new! This morning on the way to school we had to bring her singing Easter bunny (that sings HERE COMES PETER COTTONTAIL), her one legged baby doll and her build-a-bear teddy! We couldn't leave the portable "BIDEO" player behind either! I usually listen to my favorite radio station every morning, however, Bree's little singing voice, singing along w/her tunes blaring from her protable "bideo" was just too precious! We sung "here comes Peter Cottontail, the ABC's, Hokey Pokey, itsy-bitsy spider etc all the way to school! As we exited the car, she carefully placed ALL her babies in their seat and placed the "bideo" right beside them! She promptly told her babies, SEE YALL LATER!! BYEEEEE!! OMG IT WAS JUST TOO PRECIOUS!!!
As I got back in the car, I peered in the rearview mirror and there sat the BUCK TOOTH bunny, the one legged baby and the sappy eyed teddy bear! As I carefully rolled over the speed bump, the jolt WOKE the bunny up and he started his rendition of Here comes Peter Cottontail!! Can you imagine the stares from the carpool line as I sang "here comes PeterCottain tail" w/a huge smile on my face w/the cool breeze blowing thru my open window!
Nope I know what time of year it is, more importantly I KNOW I LOVE THAT LITTLE GIRL TO THE MOON AND BACK, or should I say "down the bunny trail and back"!!!LOL!!
I'm so enjoying raising a little one at this age and being able to connect with you and your beautiful girls! Post like these only add MORE sugar on top!! Ellie and Gabbi are just too precious!
Your girls are so precious!
oh my i love the pictures of your preicous daughters they are soooo cute keep taking them pictures i love seeing them they are growing up so fast i love them i wish i could come down and see them maybe one day... sendng lots of hugs and kisses to them and to you your a great mother thats for sure.....
You're right...I had to sit down! ;-)
They are so cute!
LOVE IT!!! Nothing cuter!!
LOVE IT!!! I love her little tongue just hanging out. I can't get enough of this age, they are so silly and so sweet all at the same time!
I always loved bath time with my babies too. I thought it was hard when they were small, but I would love to go back to that time. Don't forget Gracie's b-day is in October.
Oh that Gabbi could steal anyone's heart with that big smile!!! Just precious!
You mean precious, precious, precious!
So precious!!! She is getting so big!!!! Your an awesome Mommy!!!
LOVE love LoVe it!!!!
Love checking in on your brood...they are so precious and very entertaining to boot! You are truly blessed!
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