SInce what I am going to tell you is just a little bit shocking... let me start with these pictures of Ellie and Gabbi Girl. And by the way...

Have I mentioned that Ellie ONLY calls her sister "Gabbi Girl". Not Gabbi. Not Gabbi Lou. ONLY Gabbi Girl!! It is so cute.

We hear, "Gabbi Girl is up!" when she hears a single little peep out of her in her crib! or "Gabbi Girl needs milk, mom" or, "Here, Gabbi Girl, want a bracelet?" You get the point!

And, Lil, just so you know... this one is for you.

I wanted to tell you aaalllllll about Keith Urban, but, noooooo. I was called out to show pics of my girlies! so here you go, dearie. Now. Let me tell you about my crazy 2 year old!

SInce everyone under the sun bought Ellie dress up clothes and JEWELRY for her birthday, receiving a jewelry box in the mail from DeeDee and Granddad was a nice treat even for ol' Mom!

Ellie sits and studies it and says, "Mom, Ellie just letting it spin." That is because I have told her no fewer than 1,000 times "Just let it spin, Ellie." (When she is determined to pull the ballerina right out of her pointe shoes!)
Ok,, so here is the deal... She is sitting on the counter. YES. ON the counter... what else is new?!

So, anyhoo... she is sitting there really studying the ballerina. The ballerina who has a white leotard, a white tutu and a nude colored bow across her little leotard chest.

Ellie looks really close at it and says, "Mom, I see her ninnies." WHAT?!

She thought the nude colored bow across Miss Ballerina's chest was her ninnies.
Or maybe she just realized at a very, very young age that all plastic Barbie/ballerina types have perfect bodies and perky boobs?!
Whatever was going through her little head... you gotta admit. That is one FUNNY kid!
(So I'll be expecting about 100 comments since I showed cute baby girl pics!) Jussssst kidding!
That is hilarious - her ninnies! I love it!
Oh my Gosh!!!!! I am still laughing...laughing...laughing!!!! That is so dang funny!!!! I really really needed a good laugh tonight and this did it! Thank you so much!!!
laughing so hard. she's priceless!
I just fell off the side of the bed laughing and woke Jeff UP!! YOU JUST only gets better!! HA. I LOVE IT!
They are too cute and Gabbi Girl's hair is getting sooo long and thick! PRECIOUS!!
She is priceless - just wait until you have the two of them talking!!! Your little girls are adorable and are so lucky to have you and Todd as their parents - it is hard to believe that Gabbi is just about one - where does the time go. Hope she has a great birthday.
I have called my brother a ninnie, but not his boobs. Is this a southern saying? Your girls are so cute and Gabbi's hair is getting so long and lovely.
i love your kids!
So funny! And the pictures absolutely adorable. Your girls are just precious.
Oh how cute!! When my son was a baby and I nursed him and he starting talking, he'd say, Ninnie Momma.. LOL. Ellie made me laugh and remember good times. He is now 28 yrs old with a son his own. Maybe Ninnie is a southern thang. I was raised in the south as well as my children. I only moved to Ohio, when I remarried and they were grown.
The girl's are awesome and beautiful. Growing up fast!! Keep those girl's pic coming. Of course we all love them!!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I am soooooo glad that I had just "swallered" muh cawfee when I read the last part about the ninnies.....cause imma sure I would have spewed if my mouth were full.......sooooo funny....brings back so many memories of my baby girl (who is 40 now with babies of her own).....she was (and still is)a hoot!!....thanks for sharing this....too, too cute!....Brenda
That is GREAT!!!
Oh, that girl!
She is hysterical!!
I love all posts by you, MO! Of course girly pictures are the best but it's the story that is great! I was enjoying your Sugarland clips last night and anxious to hear some Keith!! I guess I will have to wait til another day. That's okay...ninnies!! That is hilarious!
Happy hump day!
Shari in Missouri
Your girls are precious...LOVE THEM. I honestly think that you could never surprise us with what will be coming out of Ellie Sue's mouth. She is a hoot for sure and I enjoy reading about your angels.
BTW, every time I see 11:11 I still say "Hey Jake" just as every time I see a butterfly I say "Hey Shae". I miss our boys!
hahahaha, that is just too funny!! Your little girls are just so cute. I love to hear the stories about them!!
Take care and thanks for starting my day with a good giggle!!
Just wait till that comes out in public, can you say red Mo?? Hee Hee!!!! Thanks for the smile.
I just sprayed my computer with Diet Dr. Pepper. At least she doesn't refer to them as "night nights" as does my baby girl.
I got my canvas yesterday and I owe you some cash!! Give me your paypal address so that I can send you over some moolah!
My 5 year old, Savannah has called mine the 'twins'!! Funny stuff Mo, keep it coming!! Did you hear about the Keith Urban show that Taylow Swift showed up to do a deut with him and came on stage dessed like a member of Kiss!! There we also people dressed as Hershey's funny.
Ellie, oh Ellie!!!!!!!! =) =)
Girl Ellie is something else. I love it. I gotta admit she must really catch on fast. I bet she is really listening to her mom on every word. She sounds so much like. you. Gabbi is just precious
Love it!! Just wait, it only gets better. That Ellie is a hoot. And Gabbi Girl is so dang cute. (Hey that rhymes...hoot and cute.) Anyway, thanks for making me smile yet again. Love your blog and love your family!!
Hahaha! That's what my aunt always called her boobs...ninnies! My sweet, very proper mother has always said "bosom". When Bo was 2 years, he used to love helping me with the laundry (ironic, especially considering my last post). One day, he picked up one of my bras...holding it so the cups were hanging down...and said, "Look, mama...dat's a bosom bag!" Since that day, we've never called my bras anything else! You'll probably never call boobs anything else but ninnies, now! LOL
Ellie's absolutely hilarious! She and Gabbi are getting cuter with each passing day. Wish I could reach through this screen and give 'em a big hug!
That Ellie is too funny!! Bree calls them MILKIES!! (My daughter breastfeeds her son and she refers to them as that!!) LOL!!! I better correct her now, I can see her in anamoty class 101 (in the future) and pointing to the female breast and saying MILKIES!!!!!!! Two year olds are just SO FUN!!!
We took a trip to the library on Monday and you know HOW QUIET the library is! Well Bree did good up to the point where it was time to pick up the playarea, No it was not a problem of cleaning up, it was the song she learned from Barney!! CLEANUP, CLEANUP, EVERYBODY, EVERYWHERE, CLEANUP EVERYBODY DO YOUR SHARE!!! She sung that song at the TOP OF HER LUNGS!!! Try as I might to SHUSH her she screamed NO MOMMA!!! Gotta cleanup!! Sheesh....I couldn't argue w/the kid...neither could I with the older gentleman glaring at her as he tried to enjoy his book!! LOL!!!!!!!!!
How funny is that. It is so cute what can come out of mouths of children
She's pretty observant, Huh? Lord that girl looks more and more like Todd all the time!!! She looks so much more like a big girl now, instead of a baby!
Still laughing about the ninnies and the grown up girl feeding her Gabbi Girl. What a hoot - how much fun do you have in a day with those two girlie girls?
Ellie is a big girl sitting there feeding lil' sissy.
ninnies...ha! They learn early...just love reading about those precious little girls.
OMG I needed a good laugh today! That made my day! That was so freaking cute I can't stand it!!! I am going to think about that all day long!!! Thank you soooo much for sharing that!!!
HAHAHA That is great!!
Thanks for the girlie update. I just love that Ellie. Can't wait to see if Gabbie Girl follows in her big sis' footsteps. Oh Mo you are gonna be in for it... And for the record this post beats the others two combined so Ninner ninner or is it Ninnie? Ha.
OMG That is freaking hilarious!!! Out of the mouths of babes......HAHA thanks for sharing!
Those girls are too precious. Ellie will keep you on your toes that's for sure. Too funny!
That is just too funny! Kid are way more observant than parents give them credit for!!! Ha!
Awe, thats so funny!!! So cute! I can't believe how grown up Ellie is. Love the pics.
I got my canvase in the mail today!!! I love it!! I did a blog post about it. Check it out!!!
That is hilarious, and yes- that is priceless! She talks a lot for her age.
love the pics!
too cute!!!!!!
hahahaha, she is a funny little girl. Just wait till she gets older and watch what comes out then. LOVE the pics
So funny! I love that she calls her Gabbi girl. I haven't heard anyone call them ninnies in many years - that is what my momma called them!! Made me laugh out loud.
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