I already shared a few pictures of the birthday girl enjoying a slip and slide with the "big girls" who were invited to her party!
Because I know I have a Breanna and a Jessi who are suckers for the details of a party.... let me show you a few of the special things we used to decorate....
Our theme was "All things pink"... that included our punch and these cool tissue flowers.
We had balloons everywhere. I found these sweet 1st birthday ones and I HAD to have them! We got a helium tank at MMPT lately, so now we have balloons for EVERY event! I don't know how I have gone so long without a helium tank. That thing ROCKS!
Breanna ordered the Martha Stewart kits where you can make all those cute little crepe paper flowers. She overnighted them to me because she knew I would need to have these. Thank you, Breanna. They were so cute!
And these paper lanterns were the ones we spray painted for Jessi's wedding. Then, we used them for Ellie's first birthday, and now Gabbi's! Jessi let us borrow these, as well as the jumper thing and the Slip and Slide. They became the hits of the party!
And you KNOW we had to have cute little clips for party favors.
and buckets of "smaller candy", as Ellie calls this kind of chewy candy, with treat bags for the kids to fill up as they wanted.
Which takes us to the party outside....
Gabbi Girl is a FISH! She just LOVES the water!
Sarah was so helpful with the girls as they played in the pool and on the slide. I am going to MISS that little girl when we move!
She is a joy!
as is this little precious baby!

ANd then there is this NUT!
She would head in face forward....
Come up. Look around to make sure everyone was watching....and clap for herself.
This is Sam from up the street. She was also helpful with the birthday girl!
Gabbi was so excited. She was just blissful! Almost inhaling when she giggled because she was so excited with all the activity.

She started crawling all over the yard ... finding the rocks around my garden.
Meanwhile back at the slide....
Sarah and the other "big girls" were doing all kinds of tricks!
DId I mention that Emma Lou got a very, very cute little bob haircut!?
JinJin was my special helper (can you tell I have a two year old... I always have a"special helper") and let me go to town this morning while she stayed with the girls at the house. Thank you, Mom.
Dad got involved as the party continued, and LOVED seeing all the expressions the girls had as they flew down the slide.
Again, I say... YAY for the "big girls" who were my "special helpers"!!
And hello there, Maddi Boo. Staci said to tell you all that she is still fishing! She had about a hundred pics of the party (the ones from yesterday were from Staci's camera), but won't blog them. She is "sooooo outdone"!
By now, you should know that I ONLY use my friend, Kelly, for my CAKE and Bakery needs! She did an all pink cake just like I like them! Soooooo cute!! And speaking of cute... did you notice the attempt to dress up the ugly brown chair in the above photo?! I think it helped! Maybe we will keep that trim on it permanently!
"Happy Birthday to You... Happy Birthday to you... "
Ok, Gaggi Gull... time to dig in...
Ummm. NO. Gaggi was very slow to check out her cake. Gabbi has a bit of hypersensitivity and was not ready to dive into anything with all that stickiness.
Man, oh, man. WHAT is our daddy thinking?! He is a good sport.
As is my neighbor, Nicole. WHAT am I going to do without my next door neighbor?! WHO is going to bring my 2 for 1 margaritas on Fridays after work?! WHO is going to bring me milk when I am out of it, SO OFTEN, that my kid calls her husband "the milkman"? And WHO is going to be the single only numero uno adult friend who comes to my one year old's birthday party?! STOP the construction. I can't move!
Ok, I am over it. I have a guest bedroom, she and Sarah will just have to come stay often! and Billy. Chris. No go. I have daughters!
This is my cousin, Dane's, daughter, Chloe. she is about 3-4 months younger than Ellie Bellie. Now, am I a nut or do they look alike?!
I swear I find it uncanny that they look so much alike. Since, you obviously know that there is no genetic pool shared here?!
And this is Brenna Faith, Chloe's baby sister. This is her first birthday party!
Ok, are you tired yet? Or are you like Staci and Don and Paula and Emily, and you don't read the words anyway?! They are the ones who just look at the pictures, remember?!
ALrighty... Gabbi is getting the feel for it now.

Can you see the mounds of cake in her seat? Look down beside her in her chair. GROSS!
Ahhhhh... clean at last! And now... for the presents!
This may be her favorite gift.
It was a little Beanie Baby type bear that sang, "Happy Birthday".
In our family, just because one person is having a birthday doesn't mean that ALL the girls aren't going to be getting a present!
Ellie and Maddi scored new rainboots.
oh, and Gabbi Girl also got an Elmo chair. As much as she is starting to like that princess couch, this is a nice new one to try out... from Pops and Nana.
And here is Nana!
We sent balloons up to Jake, as I always feel his presence when I am having just deep bliss. Do you know that emotion?! Deep satisfaction! Pure JOY! Intense happiness! That is when I feel very grateful, and I sense Jake!
Well, can you believe it?! You made it to the end.... This is it. The final frame of the Gabbi's First Birthday Party blog post.
This sweet baby girl is so special to us! She is pleasant and happy and very loving. She loves to have her mama hold her and absolutely loves ice cream! I look forward to seeing what she will become. Who she will be. How her little personality will develop. She is my sweet angel! And in two days, she will be one year old!
So glad that the wait is over! The pictures are adorable and gabbi seriously looks older--which is crazy since it's only been a week since I last saw her! Happy birthday gg!
I read, loved and enjoyed every single last word and picture on this post. That little Gabbi Lou has stolen my heart, too! She's just precious! Loved the party theme and seeing Gabbi on that slide is just down right adorable!!!
Yay...I'm glad I checked your blog before going to bed. SUCH cute pictures! Looks like you guys had a great party! Happy Birthday GABBI!!
Looks like y'all had a blast!! I loved all of the pictures! I must have the name of the cake person for Audrey's party next year!! She does the prettiest cakes!
Happy birthday Gabbi!!
Perfect party! Loved all of the details! I know a fabulous time was had by all.
AWWWW! Sounds like it was a blast! I love the cake and all of the pink decorations!!! I love that very last picture of Gabbi at the very end. Really cute!!! Happy Birthday, Gabbi Lou! You go girl! =)
Everything was too cute! I love the cake. I just loved Gabbi's expressions as she went down the slip-n-slide. I enjoyed this whole post--thanks for sharing Gabbi's birthday. Happy Birthday Gabbi! You are so precious!
Jumping out of the reader to wish your beautiful Gabbi a Happy 1st Birthday! She is so precious and thank you for always sharing your special moments with your little blessings! They are very lucky to have such a fun mommy and daddy who loves them with all their heart!
What a perfect celebration! You and your helpers rock at party planning and entertaining. Of course the cake is just beautiful. Being a dairy farming family, I LOVED the cow boots!
I definitely enjoy reading your blog with a nice hot cup of coffee everyday. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family!
Great party! I noticed the high chair right away. Why did I never think to do that???? so when is Todd's birthday? Can't wait to see another party at your house. Do you normally have lots of cake left over or is it gone? The cakes seem big but maybe it is just the picture.
Sorry couldn't read it all, to long for my ADD, but cute pics. She looks like such a big girl with that big ol bow in her hair.
Happy Birthday Gabbi Girl!! The party looks like a wonderful success. Her face on the slip n slide is priceless...hope the day was special
That is such a sweet post - thank you, once again, for sharing your life with all of us!!
The pictures were great! And, yes, I DO read all of the words. LOL
I especially enjoyed the slip 'n' slide pics. The facial expressions of the kids...hilarious!
Chloe and Ellie definitely look alike...it's amazing!
Celebrating Gabbi's 1st birthday with you...now, where's my cake?! Haha
Hey no fair....you said 600! We were cheated!!LOL!!!!
The party was just delightful! I just love all the details! We are throwing a 1st bday party for my grandson and I have taken Ellie's OWL PARTY ideas and incorporated some of them into his!!
Bree has those same Cow boots! TARGET right? I told you how much she loves her some boots! I just love Target take on "whimsical boots"!!!!
I gotta say my favorite shot of Gabbi is the one at the end! A picture is worth a million words indeed!!
PS Ellie and Chloe could pass for sisters, if not close relatives!!!
Excuse me MAM!!! That would be Special K with red berries!!!
Dalton was known at Wee school for her fancy earrings.. I will let you know her color choice! LOL
Thank you for sharing Gabbi's birthday with us via photos and words. I read every single word.
Oh my such little beauties. Todd is thinking, "I have too many women in my life". Just wait till the boys are beating a path to the door. Love all the decorations and the cake. Miss Gabby looks so sweet. I'm glad Ellie and Maddie didn't get left out on the presents either. Those boots are really something else. Miss Ellie is a nut. Look out MO. And I read all the words too. You have always had a knack for writing, even back in the JOR journal days.
Happy Birthday precious GG!! I love the party pics, her on the slide is so cute. Oh, I got my motherhood canvase yea!! I love it, my favorite so far!!!
Too too too fun! LoVE the pinkness, love the cake, the highchair, the elmo seat, the girls, THE birthday girl, Gabbi Gull. And as always, Ellie is such a cutie!!! I say, she could go for 8!!
yay for gabbi's birthday!!! looks like it was a magical day!
Oh my gosh, what adorable pictures! I could have sat through all 600 of them! Your babies are so precious! Happy Birthday to sweet Gabbi! May she have many, many, many more!
Mo, you sure do throw one fun party! I simply love the pictures of the girls going down the slide. Gabbi's faces are priceless! The cake was beautiful, the decorations were awesome...your little girl is lucky to have a mom like you!
so glad i was there to witness every moment. and to replay each one in the pictures made laugh all over again!!! the girls are just too cute. you are so blessed!
Thank you for letting us see such a special time in your life! Gabster won't remember the day, but she will look at these pictures in the future and know just how loved she is!
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