This man right here gets spouse of the year.

and this man right here gets first runner up and maybe Mr. Congeniality!

Know why?! Because Staci and I found the GARMENT DISTRICT!!!! WHHHHhaaaatttt?!

Definitely not what most people get fired up about when they are in New York.

But duuuuude. THIS IS MY NIRVANA! Can you say velvet ribbon?! Huh? In EVERY color?!

This is one little sampling of buttons.

I think I just wet my pants!

Don handed me a paper bag and said, "Melanie, Breathe. Just breathe!"

I have loved sequins since I was a little kid.

Rivets and snaps and closures, oh my!!

I think I am going to pass out. Someone get me a fan!

Cool! That is the neatest thing that you found that store! =)
right up there with the bead thing y'all went to!!!! i know today they are probably saying "MO musta been here! i would be in heaven too.
Oh, yeah! I love those stores! Did you see the shop with the spectacular sari fabric? All embellished and beautiful for only $15 a yard? Nirvana is right. Dang. The best thing about those shops? They ship!
You are so funny!!!!! Looks like you are have a blast...under statement of the year!
I know exactly how you must feel! I want to be there too!
That looks so awesome!
I think he deserves some really fun golf something or other for that!
I hope y'all are having a wonderful time!!!
Did I tell you that I signed up to go to Memphis? I am sooooo excited!!!
Now all you need to do is find a store with beads! Glad you got to experience the fabric store...keep on breathin' and have a great day!
You need to have a setup like that in your new house. In NY shopping for ribbons. I love it!
snaps, closures, buttons, ribbon, and cord??? Oh my!! I am TOTALLY jealous!! I have never in my life seen such a selection. Please say you brought us all back a goodie bag! :O)
And yes...your husband is the bomb!
I can't wait to see the loot!
Glad y'all are having such a great time, Todd did good!
What a blast! Jake sure was keeping company with you all. He has his watchful eye and protective hand (up Don's sleeve, if I recall correctly) firmly on his family. Can't wait to hear more about all the fun. Are there any items left at the garment district, Mo?
HILARIOUS! Knock yourself out!
You need a contest for us to guess how much you SPENT in that store!!!
Glad you are having a blast!
oh my i know you are having a blast in those stores i cant wait to see what all you got and i hope you got us some stuff to buy wahoo have fun and shop shop all your heart desires.. take lots of pics too..
SO MUCH FUN!! I think I would want to live there!!
I about wet my pants when you said you almost wet your pants. I can't wait to see what you bought.
So glad you had such a great time in New York! I have only been there once, but it was a great experience. I think it is a city whose energy you could feel even if you were deaf, and blind. It is unlike any other city I have ever been to. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
Go ahead and buy you one of those empty suitcases on the street corner cause you know you will never get all your new belongings home in the suitcases you took!!! I LOVE NYC... Michael and I went a couple of years ago and acutally got to go on a tour of the NASDAQ and to an IPO party. I know you all are having a blast...I can't wait to go again!!!
You are one crazy lady! So glad you are enjoying yourself. I'd love to go there some day too :)
OMG! I am so jealous. So many amazing things to see and it looks like you are having a fantabulous time. Have a wonderful time exploring!
Now all you need to do is find the Cash Cab! LOL
HAAA!! I just love that last photo of you, Mo. It must have been torture for you to have to walk away from all that neat stuff! Your hubby & friends obviously knew not to take you to the garment district on your first day!! :o)
Hugs, Denise
MO...YOU ARE A NUT!!!....I almost wet my pants from laughing when I read this blog...I would love to be a fly on your shoulder (with a camcorder, of course), just to document this whole glad you guys are having a great time....huggers, bj
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