So the plan was to take the girls down to the beach for a quickie photo shoot. Mary Allison is the babysitter who knows that I am fanatical about pictures and actually grabs my camera to get me in some of them! Like this "pretty" picture of me!
Most of the photo session went like this....
and this....
But when you have TWO kids, you need them both looking forward at the camera at reasonably the same time! Or, I will take them doing this any day...
Not bad. There is one ,looking a bit angelic!
and now the other one!
I just LOVE this picture! I am having a big poster sized pic made for Ellie's 2nd birthday. I thought this might actually be the pose. It just seems to sum her up at this age!
those curls, that sass, and ....
just a whole, whole lot of cuteness!!
Gabbi Girl was all about trying to EAT the sand. (At least we have on monogrammed bloomers, right?! It is all about the fashion!!
These are Frilly Frances tutus, by the way. Ellie's just happens to be hers when she was 10 months old. Oh, well! A short tutu is the new capri!
I definitely struggled, just about that whole trip, to get a picture of me and girlies. Ellie absolutely REFUSED to do that! Can you see the struggle?!
But this one. Well, this one ONLY wants to be in her mama's arms!! She is a big time Mama's baby! Our sweet Gabbi Girl.
And have I mentioned that this little nut is now calling me "Mama Girl"? or as she says it, "mama gull". I am just glad she has passed through the "Mr. Todd" phase! And the "Mel-a-ly" phase.
I was trying to see if I could somehow miraculously pull off having them stand together.
ummmm, NO. Aint' gonna happen!
Now if this ain't sass, I do NOT know what is!!
I snagged me up some hands and we tried different spots out on the beach.

But, as you could only imagine, Miss Thang needed her space!
And being her usual Helper self, had to go set up "Gabbi's Bumbo" (yes, she actually could SAY that... unfacilitated!) all by herself.
Gabbi and I just sit back sometimes and let her do her thing.

After all, there was toulle to be eaten!
Ok, plan B. Let's go BACK up to the Boardwalk and sit on the swings. Maybe I can get them in one shot up there! Such a patient, patient Mary Allison!
No, No, Gabbi. Can you only imagine how many times I have heard this come out of Ellie Sue's mouth? She LOVES being the mama!
Wait! What's that?! Do I have two kids in the same frame, facing the same direction? Hell is about to freeze over!!
And. Like that. It is gone!
You do remember how Ellie likes to dig in any crack, huh? Wellllll...
she was back on a bug hunt. I don't know what she finds so fascinating! But she is really, really into ants now. She will pretend she sees them and say, "Mama, ants!" and start stomping! JinJin taught her, "What do you say if one bites you?" and she does this hilarious fake cry! We have for sho taught her that they WILL bite and you need to steer clear! But E is a very curious one!
These were some of the very first pictures I ever got of Miss Lou standing alone. She was pretty nervous but pulled it off like a star!

"Whut? Huh? Me? "

I LOVE this picture of Ellie. It might could have made the poster too! I think the downward perspective is so cool!
And you can probably guess then how it all ended. Ellie refused to let me help her! And Gabbi just sat there like a happy little goose! Can you imagine all the OTHER people at the beach, walking by, and seeing this sight!?
Ellie's toddlerhood has been a fast paced one. I am talking about her being such a BUSY kid!
But she surely is a precious one! She throws those arms around her mama's neck and squeeeeeezes!! That is pure heaven. I hope she does that for a long time!
And this is just a little reminder to you sweet, sweet bug will be TWO on Sunday!
Can you even believe it?! Time flies when you are having FUN. And we are having a WHOLE lot of that!!
so sweet. i have got to order me some tutus if its a girl!!
OH these pictures are just priceless! I think I say that about a lot of your pictures!!!
LUV ya'll!!!
No, I can't believe Ellie Sue will already be TWO! WOW!!!
TWO years old???!! Oh my gosh...I can't believe it! That should be some party on Sunday. Ellie will be in high gear!
I love the tutu pics of the girls. But, I must say I was VERY disappointed that you weren't wearing a tutu, THAT would have been a great poster pic! ;-)
I know what you mean about the hugs and wanting them to continue. From the time my boys were just little squirts, I've been telling them that no matter how old they are, they still have to give me hugs and kisses. They're young adults now, but I still grab 'em and smooch on them almost every time they walk by me. :-)
2????? where did that time go???? Happy Birthday Ellie Sue!
I am the one who requested the tutu pics lol!! I would LOVE to do this with my cousin's three girls (ages 6,2, and 6 months so it would interesting as well). Such cute pics, I love the one of Ellie you are having made into a poster. You will be so glad to have that picture of her in that little pose as she grows. So sweet!!
Wow, Ellie has always reminded me of my Livi girl. Now I know why. Livi's birthday is Sat the 11th, she will be 6!!!
My favorite is of E pulling G in the wagon, just melts me. There are as cute as buttons and I want to hug and squeeze on them both. Great shots Mamma gull!!
All three of yall are rockin the beach pictures! Woot woot on the tutus! I need to update the site.....soon. And, I think it is about time she needs a new one. Can't wait to see her bday party and wish we lived closer. I could just run the presents over......but at least I got to "hand deliver" them when I was there. Hope Ellie has fun opening the rest...if she hasn't already dug in!:))) How's the house coming?
Happy Birthda Ellie Sue!!! Whaw who!!
Those were adorable! My favorite is the one of Ellie pulling Gabbi in the wagon. That's the one I would blow up and frame...along with a lot of the others. All of them are adorable!! Love the tutus!
Happy Birthday Ellie Sue!!
Oh how precious. I just love the tutus. I wish my lil girl would have worn one but she is just a tomboy in a girls I can't believe Ellie is almost 2 and that means Gabbi is almost 1. Yeah Mo time is flying you better slow down and take it all in. before you know it they will be grown. Hope you all have a great weekend.
LOVE the pics The tutus are adorable. And of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ellie! You're the cutest two year old! Go Ellie!! =)
Love them! The tutus and the girls!
No little girls for me. Do they make them for Chihuahuas?? LOL
I can't believe Miss Thang is going to be two!!! She is such a good sis. Can't WAIT to see party pics! And Gabbi's is coming up, too! And yours for that matter! (And Mackenzies and mine) =) Thats a lot of August birthdays! Love the tutu pcs!!
I can't believe Miss Thang is going to be two!!! She is such a good sis. Can't WAIT to see party pics! And Gabbi's is coming up, too! And yours for that matter! (And Mackenzies and mine) =) Thats a lot of August birthdays! Love the tutu pcs!!
Happy Birthday Ellie Sue!! Wow, can't believe your going to be 2yrs old!!
You are so blessed! God is so good all the time! Happy Birthday Ellie!
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