It is time to reveal something I have been working on "in my spare time"! New Believe canvases. I hope to do lots of them, as well as some custom orders and put them in my Etsy shop! For now, let me show you a few that are complete. This little lady is tiny (about 7x9 or 8x10?!) and very textural. There is black and white houndstooth paper in the background. I love it. It has no home.

And just when I was telling someone how to turn their pics around prior to posting them, I failed to do so! Anyhoo, just turn your head to the side. I think this may be a personal fave! I like the long rectangular shape. Lots and lots of texture. It, too, is HOMELESS!!

This one was commissioned by someone at Shake 4 Jake this year. It is going to a worthy family here in West Monroe.

This little beauty is pink and black and just wants someone to love her! Will you be the one to give her a home? (Cue Sarah McLachlan!)

This one is tiny too. You can't really get the impact of this one. There is metallic silver paint on this one. I think it is pretty cool. and if that doesnt' make you want to take it home...

This will!

I'm shameless!!

This one belongs to Clayton, Paula's son. We took inventory of his blank walls, and since that didnt' take much time at all, we then just had to pick coordinating colors. Do you like it, PauPau?!

Oh, this is headed to Alabama for Elizabeth. You said use my imagination!

with the only "criteria" being pink and brown... so... hope you like it.

as for Will, here is his B Ball!

I took a few close ups to show you the crackle paint. I like how I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of new techniques. Love this one!

and instead of "believe", I went with this....

But I worked BELIEVE in nice and big into their mom's!

This one is heavily gooky and so rich!!

I did lots of shadows and lots and lots of layers! Do you like it?!

I got Todd the Bod to hold it to show you scale! And to show you how badly he needs a haircut!

Chief, we went to Pac N Mail today, and they said to mail that would be $100!! I said, ummm, NO! So, I may have to drive this over to ya in Alabama! Working on Plan B!!
Thank goodness, these are going to a happy home right here in West Monroe! Brothers, in fact!

I love this one. It has no home either. It is $60 because it is a little bigger than the others. The smaller ones are $35. This is for those of you who asked in the Q & A about when they would be available. Well, here are a few.

Jessi's kid, Kaitlyn, has laid claim to this one. Actually, it was a custom order for her new room! This seems to be popular with the teens these days! I bet I will be making lots of these!

As for these, well, this little boy decided today that he would rather have hunting stuff in his new room, so if you love this one, it could be yours! His mom is looking for a buyer so we can re-do his!

and thankfully, his brother is happy as punch to have a teal baseball in his room. Thank the LORD!

Alrighty, if you saw any little orphan painting and think you need to have it, let me know. Same is true for a custom piece! There are more in the works, so stay tuned.
I definitely want one - OH YES! How do I choose. I love the first one and I love the 4th and 5th one. When will they be on Etsy? Got to have at least one! How about one in primary colors? I have red, green, yellow and blue in my living/great room and kitchen. What do you thing?
igotta hand it to ya mo-using the beautiful topless model is a great marketing concept. i'll take one like her or gab any day. your work is as always amazing.
gotta hand it to ya MO- using the beautiful topless model is quite a marketing concept!!!!! i'll take one of her any day.
I have to have one!! I love the pink and black. How do I order it???
Emma Jean's mom
Sam Gleason
I want the one that the little 2 year old is holding. :) If it's still available, let me know.
OMG I LOVE the green and red polka dotted one. Actually love them all. I am going to have to save up and have one or two made for my girls room...i soo have to!!! You are unbelievably talented Mo...
I love them all, BUUUUUUUUUT how much for the topless model???!!!! And I don't mean Todd! You could sell anything with that little supermodel holding it!!!!
They are all beautiful! My favorite for me is the red and green one --beautiful! Will you have these available to order on etsy or can we just contact you by email? What is the price of one like the red and green one and also the baseball one? I just love them. You are so talented. Have a great day!
LOVE them and will have to have one for my new nursery. Gotta wait to find out boy or girl though!!! REeeeeeeeeeeally love these and wish I had your talent!!! I would LOVE to do stuff like that.
oh mo i would love to have one but right now i cant afford one im in the process of trying to find me a car right now and plus i dont have a place for one in my room. let me know when you do the jelwery kits i would love to have a kit or 2 to do. iam going car looking sometime today i got to have a car iam going crazy sitting here at home all day long and night ughh so boring. anway maybe after i get me a car and find out my payments and all i can maybe get a painting i love them so pretty i wish i could paint and do stuff like you do you are so good at what you do... well let me know when you get a kit ready to do ok..
Oh no! What happened to Ellie's bday post? I tried to find the post and it's gone!
I NEED one too!!! I will e-mail you a picture of the nursery bedding and you can just use your imagination with the colors and designs! These are AWESOME, but who would expect less from you???
I love the pink one with the black swirly, the one that Ellie is holding and the one that is silverish with the big red heart and angel wings. (I think it is the $60 dollar one.) They are all beautiful.
I'd by anything on this earth if Ellie was holding with that sweet, innocent look on her precious face.
Those are beautiful, Mo!
I want the one with the red balls on green back ground. I love it. email me the cost and I will pick it up my self. You do a fabulous job on your painting.
Mo ~ I definitely want one, too. Are you going to post these on Etsy? I may be interested in getting one custom made...probably something a little bigger than the small ones but not quite as big as the really big one Todd is holding. Any idea on other sizes, price and shipping? Your work is amazing!
LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE the canvases! If I give you my UPS account number, can they be shipped in a big box via UPS? I will email you about possibilities.
Can't wait to hang the ones in the kids rooms, but definitely cannot wait for Christmas to hang my beautiful believe!!!!
Thanks a bunch!
I want one....How do I contact you about which one.....Love them....
I don't know how to pick just one. I'm trying to think of how many I could hang in my house. Yikes! I love them all! You are incredibly talented! Is there anything you can't do?
Girl, your talent is ENDLESS! I love them all and wish I could afford them! I also loved, loved, loved, baby girl's rings in her topless model shoot photo! Just too adorable! I will mostly definately be checking out the Etsy shop!
Those are so neat. The textures and designs on them are beautiful!
I love the believe pictures. I would like one with a red heart or red background like the one for $60.00. I live in West Monroe and could come pick it up. They are beautiful. My email that I check the most often is Please let me know what you have available.
I would love a camo canvas. We are in the middle of doing my sons room in camo, have you done one like that yet?
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