Tuesday, July 7, 2009
All Gabbi Girl!
Don't you just love baby feet? Those fat, pillowy little puffs of heaven!
and if that is not enough, she is also using her sweet little hands more too.
I am talking about real, live patty caking!!
With a mouth full of puffy stars.

Couldn't you just eat her up?!

She is a messy eater, but I love that she is learning to do so many things independently. I am watching her pull up right now, and I can hardly believe that I am about to have TWO on their feet!
Ahhhh, those little feet again!
and that gummy smile! Will she ever get a tooth?!
Oh, and did I mention she can wave now?! So sweet!
She just waves and waves and waves.

and she is even silly! Sticking her tongue out and laughing out loud!

Oh, and look at this, would you?!
My very big girl. Learning! I love to watch my girls learn!
(I obviously don't love to clean my windows!)

She has so much potential in her eyes! I like to think of what she will be. What she will enjoy doing. There is an old Children's Christian song called, "I am a Promise". I used to sing it for my Poppa's church. (Before I was old enough to know that I couldn't sing!) It says, "I am a promise. I am a possibility. I am a great big bundle of potentiality. And I am learning to hear God's voice, and I am trying to make the right choices. I'm a promise to be... anything God wants me to be."
That is what I hope for my girls. Living in " the zone". Being what God has prepared them to be. Using their gifts! For the greater good!

Gabbi Girl's birthmom contacted me via text today. Would you believe what she wrote me?
This was in regard to GG's upcoming birthday party. She said, "I would like to come as a friend. I am not her mom. I'm a friend that helped you be her mom."
I just thought that was a pretty sweet sentiment!
This baby is just plain precious. I enjoy sharing her with all of you!
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....and I enjoy you sharing her and her big sissy with me!! Both your girl's are truly precious...such a blessing!! ENJOY each and EVERY day being a mommy....as I KNOW you do!!
That girl of yours is precious! Always smiling. I'm glad you enjoy sharing her with us, b/c I enjoy watching her grow.
Mo..that little one is such a cutie and growing so fast. I love what the birthmom said in her text. You truly are her Mama..
She is an angel! You can just see the happiness and love for her Momma bubbling out of her! Those pictures brought a huge smile to my face! Thank you for sharing both of your precious girls with us!
Isn't she just
A D O R A B L E!!!!
before you know it ALL of her teeth wil be in...and she will be chompin away.
Thanks for sharing GG with us and Ellie too. Love all the cute pictures. Your girls just brighten my day...not to mention all of your shenanigens. You guys rock!!
P.S. Gotta love those sweet feet.
Oh my goodness, I could just eat Gabbi with a spoon! She is so delicious! Please post some video of your precious girl in her highchair. Thank you for sharing her with us. She and Ellie are absolutely adorable!
P.S. How are the new signs coming for your Etsy shop? Would love to see about having one made.
OK Melanie, that was another tear jerker(for real)!!! Sweet tears, though, and a big smile!:) By the way, I still haven't seen her since the day they got to Gulf Shores with your Mom. Guess I'll have to see her at the PARTY!
What a sweet sweet post. She is just so precious. You a such a great mommy and your baby girls are so happy and loved. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Yes, I could just eat her up!!! She defines the word blessing in every way!!!
I love this post!
Gabbi Girl should be on the cover of the book "Happiest Baby on the Block"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's a bundle of bursting joy...you see it in her eyes!
Oh WOW Mo! I had totally forgotten about that song! I used to sing it in sunday school when I was little. Now I have it in my head and it is making me smile. I'm gonna start singing that to my kids. LOVE that little song!!
So precious! That smile takes my heart every time I see it.
This was one of the most precious post you have done. I love seeing your babies grow. I know you are so proud of them. I just love lil GG's tongue sticking out. she is just precious. God truely blessed you with beautiful baby girls. I am so happy for you and the text was sweet from your friend. Don't forget Sabre' and I would love to come babysit if you need time to do things in prepration for the parties. just let me know. Have a great week
I totally agree with you . . . precious!!!
So sweet!! She is such a cute little girl!
All that cuteness and then you made me tear up at the end. :)
I can't wait to see what festivities are in store for the upcoming b-day parties!
One of my favorite posts EVER!!!! I had totally forgotten about that song and needed to remember it during these pre-puberty days when B often tries my patience more than anything. Love the sentiment from birthmom....to me just another sign of God's hand in it all. BTW, B is really excited about her babysitting gig!!!
I love her sweet smile, nothing like it! That was just a precious post. Don't worry about the teeth, my daughter didn't get her first one until 16 months. The doctor said don't worry, she will get them, and boy did she ever...all at once. I enjoy reading all about your little girls.
Thanks for sharing your girls with us! They are so precious! You can see the love GG has for you in her eyes--she is such a happy baby--she brings a smile and such joy to my day just seeing her beautiful smile. Maybe one day I will get to meet your beautiful daughters in person--- I live in Monticello so I shop in Monroe some. Thanks for sharing your beautiful daughters. Wishing you a great day!
Thank you for sharing BOTH of your girls with us! I enjoy watching Ellie and Gabbi grow... plus Maddi b/c Staci is still at the beach hmmmmm!!!
You make a wonderful Mom and Aunt!
And when did Hunter and Hayden grow up so fast, time flies!
You pal up North,
Gabbi is soooo precious! Yes, I COULD eat her up! She's so happy. I love her gummy smile. Those teeth will be here before you know it...looks like they are about ready to pop through!
Sounds like her BD will be a wonderful celebration! What a neat text from the birth mom.
Mo, GG is as precious as ever! What an awesome note from Gabbi's first mom. She seems to be on the money about her plan of adoption for Gabbi. I hope she is at peace and some day will follow the blog knowing she made a great decision in choosing your little family for Gabbi.
Sincerely, Adrienne
PS When is the party?
Mo, GG is as precious as ever! What an awesome note from Gabbi's first mom. She seems to be on the money about her plan of adoption for Gabbi. I hope she is at peace and some day will follow the blog knowing she made a great decision in choosing your little family for Gabbi.
Sincerely, Adrienne
PS When is the party?
She is so precious and just so sweet! I love watchin babies grow and learn and figure out how to do those cute little things they do!! Go GG!
Very cute pictures of Gabbi, she looks soo happy all the time. Oh and I love that song and now I am singing it I actually remember the beat and everything. We used to sing that in sunday school also.
Mo this was simply beautiful. I admire BOTH Gabbi and Ellie's mothers. I think this is the most SELFLESS ACT of ULTIMATE LOVE a mother can do! Those sweetgirls could not have found a more loving and wonderful place than with You and Todd!
Gabbi!! Is that mandarin oranges on that tray, Girl move over I love mandarin oranges!
So so so sweet! She is such a bundle of joy. Her and Ellie are just precious!!!
Gabbi IS just so cute!!! She reminds me of my oldest daughter, who is 16 now, when she was a baby, she would always be smiling and happy!! She has turned into a wonderful teenager who loves to laugh and enjoys life and still always has a smile!!
Thanks for sharing Gabbi Girl with us today. I took lots of pics and videos!
Guess who's already making jewelry...K came in and immediately started organizing her beads. Thanks for being so good to my baby :)
AWWWW What a cutie pie! Yes I could just smooch on her..and Ellie too!!. Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh wow Mo! The comment from the birth mom must have made you ....well I don't know a word for it!!!!!.....you are a wonderful mom and those girls are so blessed to have you two as parents. Gabbi girl is so stinkin sweet and growing so fast! I can't believe she is already standing. Reminds me of those pics of Ellie!! I know that God has big plans for both of those precious girlies!!
Mo I got a special message for you! I worked on it today and somehow it didn't submit!! I lost the whole comment!! I saved it on my computer @ work....so stay tune! Have a GOOD NIGHT!!
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