Finally, the precious one is getting around on all fours! Check out her favorite corner!

She has had this little devil to lead her!
I just can't hardly look at pictures of Ellie lately without laughing. She is just so funny at 2!
Would you believe that Gabbi has a soft spot for that crazy princess couch that her big sister absolutely adored?!
Yes, I am watching you! I am surprised she was out of my arms long enough for me to catch all these pictures. If I am anywhere in the vicinity, GG thinks she needs to be on my hip!

Now that Gabbi is doing a few things, I will clap and "yay" and go on and on. Ellie can hardly stand that and has to immediately put on a show!
The other day, when I was congratulating Gabbi on standing up and sitting down at the side of her little activity table, Ellie actually came to the area and sat right down. Followed quickly by a stand up! And so forth and so on! She got congratulated too, don't worry!
Gabbi is starting to like a few of the toys that Ellie is into. For instance, this is one of "Ellie's Happy Birthday Presents" that both of them really like (Thanks, CoCo).
It is so cute to see them playing together.
I kinda "led" the tea party, as Ellie has not yet conceived of such on her own.
But she did LOVE the idea!

After I fed the sock monkey, she followed suit with the Beanie bear.
Look at those little fingers working.
"And here you are, Mr. Bear."
And then she sits back and inspects her work! Job well done, indeed!
And Gabbi reaches in for the next course.
MY cup runneth over!
Precious.....simply precious....lovin' watchin' those babies grow are an awesome mom Mo.......keep up the good work!
I said it before and I'll say it again. They are sooo dang cute. Buy the way, I loved the tea set. Do you know who makes it?
Love those girlies! Our grandgirlies will be here in six days! Can't wait.
Awwww....I would give anything to go back and have one more tea party with my girls!!! Enjoy this time, it will FLY by!!! Your post today made me tear up because it brought back such wonderful memories for me of my girls when they were little. Thank you for bringing those memories to the surface!! Have a wonderful day!
Sorry, that was me, Dawn, I was signed in under my other SN...sorry about that.
I guess I should really break out the dolls and make A sit still long enough for a tea party. She'd probably rather hit the dolls with the cups, but I might try!!
Awww! Sweet sisters! You go, girls!
Mackenzie =)
THose girls are so dog gone cute! Love reading your blog! Gabbi has a special place in heart because my birthday is on the 26th too. I really do not like celebrating birthdays anymore so I am happy to pass the day onto someone else! Especially such a cutie! Does this mean that I do not have to turn another year older? LOL I want to order a canvas, I am still trying to decide where I want to put it to determine the colors! Thanks for blogging, entertaining, inspiring and motivating all of us.
That Ellie is a HAM!!! She is so adorable as is sweet Gabbi. Now the sisters are playmates;how wonderful!
I'm lovin' Gabbi's chubby legs! Soooo adorable!
How sweet to see Ellie and Gabbi playing together. The fun has just begun with those two!
Hey Mo, this is Brenda in Minden....I need to special order another I need to email you or call you or what to let you know exactly what I want? Drop me a note to let me
if ya can even post it in your blog if you'd like....just tell me where to go....thanks g/
Those two are just precious! I can't believe how fast they are growing. I love the sock monkey. My MawMaw use to make them. I wish I still had mine.
So fun! I love the pictures, the story AND their cute outfits. Your cup is overflowing my dear!!
I just love sharing in your girlie happiness! I don't know if you've read FB but I'm moving. I'm so sad about it, too! I love our life here in Little Elm, but the private business jet industry is dead here at the moment. Jon started work today in Cahokia, IL. Yeah...WHERE?!?! It's a 'burb of St. Louis. Got any Mojoy followers in St. Louis area? I'm gonna need friends:(
Mindy H.
i love the pics of your precious babies. so cute. i love them i hope to be able to meet you and your family some day soon..
I too laugh at your pics of Miss Ellie...cuz that smile is just so doggone cute!
I am so glad you posted about when giving GG attention E has to be in on it too. WHen my Livi (the older of the two girls) sees me congratulating Lucy (the youngest) on ANYTHING or saying "Oh Lucy that is a beautiful pic, Oh Lucy look at how you put your shoes, socks etc on by yourself," Livi will come running and say, "Mom are you proud of me, isn't my picture beautiful, don't I do a great job too." YES Miss Livi you do an excellent job, and I am just as proud....I have a feeling when they wer 35 and 34 it will STILL be the same.
YES your cup as well as mine runneth over! We are truly blessed my friend, truly.
BTW I can't freakin believe that Gabbi is almost ONE...where did the time go?? Seems like you just had that newborn in your arms...
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