That Ellie is a trip! This is the get up she donned to head to the beach earlier this week.

Ok, so the boots are a given! I had bought her all these cute shades to match her little bathing suits, and she refused to wear them. Then, today, badabing... she decides to wear not only Gabbi's that are to small, but also wear them upside down. And don't even THINK she will let you fix them!

Oh, and of course, the must have toy for the beach... a couple of hangers. She marches to the beat of a different drum!!
And I love that!
Too cute..
Ellie is such a priss and I love it :)
She is a wonder!
Mel-you know we love you, but you march to the beat of a different drum,too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! That's a good thing though. I, for one, long for a piece of your creativity and free spirit.
This scene is all too familiar round these parts too! Grant is actually the one who sports the goofy outfits. This week he HAD to wear a red shirt (any kind just red) and blue shorts with red socks pulled up to his knees so he was dressing like Spiderman. Oh, an he wore his rain boots too! I just love the kiddos.
Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us. So glad you are having a great time and actually getting to relax some. I need to find me a "Masson"!!!
Ellie you just crack me up. My son does the same thing...could really care less what he has on if it is his idea it is good.
Hahaha...I love it. Ellie, you GO, girl!
and I LOVE that too!! It is so awesome to see Ellie's personality come out more and more each and every post!! Your family is a true blessing....I am so glad to be a small part of it even though we have never met!! Keep on keeping on....
When I see a pic of Ellie Sue, I have to smile. She is so cute and creative. What a jewel she is.
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I love the drum that Ellie marches to!!!
Oh my Mel-----she found the boots, huh? You must not have hidden them too well!! :) She's too cute, and that girl KNOWS what she wants!!! GO Ellie GO!!!!!
Don't even try to fight it - just do what you are and love it - enjoy it - and encourage it - my younger daughter would do the same thing every day with her outfits - some of them were doozies (I don't think I spelled that correctly) - I can picture in my mind that little girl (she is now 25) and how she would proudly walk out in the yard or off to visit our neighbors or climb into the car to go to the store in some get up that would embarrass most (and me many times) but would often times give someone a smile, a laugh or a reason to comment on her originality or how witnessing her fashion "sense" had made their day - Ellie is a hoot and I would love to know what she will grow up to be....a designer, an artist, a fashion model.....mine grew up to love and work with horses daily, do free-lance writing, painting and get a photography degree - I think all those "original" fashions of hers were just that huge creative, marching to a different beat part of herself - she does still march to a different beat and she is proud of it and so am I - Keep those pictures coming - they are the best and like you can tell, bring back some great memories for some of us. Hadn't thought about my Stephanie's CRAZY outfits for awhile - thanks for leading me down memory lane.
love her!
Enjoy the freedom of expression at this young age because it all changes in those fun and challenging teenage years. I had to put my foot down at some of my daughter's outfits.
My son was no problem. He just wanted to wear a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans everyday. So easy.
I love the hangers for beach toys. What a riot.
Ellie just KNOWS how to make a fashion statement! :-)
Although I am still happily accepting (and pushily begging) for donated prizes for my fundraiser, I decided to get the ball rolling.
PLEASE click on the link and enter to win. And forward it to as many people as you possibly can.
I am DETERMINED to raise a tremendous amount of money in my Dad's honor.
And by donating, people have a chance (or many chances!) to win some fantastic prizes!!
So it's a win-win situation for everyone!!
Thanks so much!!
Hey Mo-
I need some fine motor skill exercises for my 5 year old. My friend's OT mom was playing with him yesterday and said he was locking a little. But his spacial awareness is great!
You are seriously making me jealous with the time at the beach. We are hoping to go with our group of friends in September, but we also have to fit in Disney before out little princess turns 3 in January!
That girl has got style!! Go Ellie! Work it girl!!
LOL.... Isn't this a fun age??? You realize someday, she'll kill you for this! You go girl, Ellie!
You are so right....why fight it? Ellie is adorable no matter what attire and accessories she has picked for the day or evening.
Ellie's boots are so adorable! I love them!
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