It is funny to me how sometime I am looking through my pictures and I have an idea pof what I want to blog about, and then, as I upload them, my idea goea a whole new direction! Today, I intended to talk about how many times I have been asked on this trip whether or not my babies are twins! And then I was going to use all these pictures to show all their matching outfits... or let's just say the ones they have worn together on this trip. And then.....

I realized how many different things I have used to haul my baby girls around. Like on this night... we went to the Wharf to shop. And as is usually the case, we piled them up in their double stroller.

I think I would be remiss if I didn't post this picture of my big girl and her sitter prior to our night out. Because my sitter's cute shirt was a present from me! Because this is Jay and Pam's daughter! Not mine. Mine will be wearing turtle necks. And button up shirts. With ascots!

And while I am digressing on fashion... check out these cute gladiator sandals! So stylin'!

Back to my story. I HATE side by side double strollers. I DO like that both girls can face forward and that they can lie back individually when one or the other is tired!

But I HATE the turn radius! and I cannot stand that I can't meander through the aisles in a store! Ugh. But I suppose there are bigger things!
While I was checking out these pics, I HAD to post a pic of Ellie doing her "elevator trick"! I am really surprised that she is doing it with her shoes on. Usually, we have to prolong our trip to give her time to get her shoes off so she can adequately do her thang!

Back to the story!
THIS is yet another reason I hate this stroller. Ellie can get herself out of the buckle. Usually, she just slides herself down under the front bar and I have to stop the stroller to keep from running over my own child!

Only fair, doncha think, that I put a solo pic of my sweet baby girl now?!

Ok, so some time during the week, I decided to move to the wagon. It was pretty easy since Ellie likes it, so she climbs right in.

It was super duper handy around the grounds of the Beach Club!

I couldn't not post this one! Can you see Ellie's looks changing? I can! She is looking so cute with her blond hair and golden tan!

Then, when Katelyn showed up, we had two sitters to push babies, so we divided them up! Ellie in the wagon (and apparently Gabbi Girl's Bumbo too!)....

in another of her "fancy" outfits!

Gabbi, in the umbrella stroller!

Doesnt' GG look like a cute little thing in this stroller?

and now as we near the end of our trip....

we have discovered a fine secret! Two kids in one umbrella stroller!

It makes Ellie sit still because she can't get out since her feet are all crammed into one hole. They really don't seem to mind it.

I don't take them to town like this, but around the Beach Club, it works GREAT!
Awww... hello, cute Gabbi Girl.

Another night around the Club in a single stroller.

So sweet. and did you check out Ellie Sue's tan?

Plum sweet!

as is this little angel!

Oh, yeah. And this is an Etsy dress! We have never worn it until down here. I thought it was so cute with her brown skin and with the beachy atmosphere.

Oh the loveliness of two baby girls! SISTERS! Ahhhh!

Have a happy weekend.
I Love the pic of Ellid climbing out of the stroller.Its like OH CRAP Im caught!!! SOOOO Cute! They are both really growing up. and I still say Ellie favors Jake!! Thanks for sharing!~
What a cute twosome. I wish I had Ellie's tan and Gabby's smile! It was fun playing with them last week!
Sweet, sweet girls! I can't believe you were asked if they are TWINS, though. I mean, look at Ellie's legs compared to Gabbi's! LOL
They are adorable!
Gracious grannies! When did our baby Ellie grow those legs! Argh. If this were Victorian times, I do believe I just might have the vapors. Quite honestly, she is changing by the day!
I love the pictures. The girls are always so pretty and I really like the way you match their clothes. I am just floored that people think they are twins. Ellie looked so cute climbing out of the stroller and lil GG is too cute with her smiley self. Have a great weekend.
Boy, we miss ya'll!! I am missin' that little girl sugar! You are right, Ellie is looking more growny! We just got home from LSUHSC for an ear procedure and I couldn't wait to get online and see those girls! Counting the days til ya'll are back..
enjoy your remaining time at the beach
My boys are only 1 year and 6 days apart and I feel your pain with the double side by side stroller. I got the twins question alot too. Esp. after the younger gets more toddler looking. One time when the boys were younger, someone came up to me and my boys answer, "No, we are not twins." They had heard that answer enough to know.
Before you even said it, I was thinking that Ellie's looks are really changing. She is becoming such a big girl! They are both adorable and I love all their adorable outfits (esp. the Etsy dress) and modes of transportation. Ya'll are so fun!!! Gabbi and Ellie are so lucky to have each other AND parents like you guys.
Ok so I read the WHOLE thing! I had to stop for water about half way through but I made it. Ellie cracks me up cause I can see where I'm headed with Storm, she is just as "everywhere" as Ellie!
Too cute!! My Bree has decided she rather PUSH the stroller than ride in it! She rather sit in a BIG CHAIR than a high chair, and heaven forbid me snapping her in the carseat, SHE HAS TO DO IT (although I still help)! She usually wins at "getting out of everything else" but the car seat is not optional! SHE HAS TOO STAY PUT!!(LOL) Have a great weekend Mo!!
Those two are going to be BEST FRIENDS!!! I love it!!! I have 2 girls (and a boy) but my girlies are good buddies, they love eachother so much (it's a special sister bond). They love their brother too, but the sister bond is incredible!!! I have a sister too, so I understand. Looks like you are having a great vacation. I am enjoying the pictures, keep 'em coming!!!
first of all...i'm SO jealous of ellie's tan! and second of all...get a good stroller that you love! SO worth it!:)
oh, and gabbi should have been wearing her cute green shoes, if if remember right they would match ellie's adorable dress!
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Glad you said it was an ETSY dress cause I was gonna ask where you got it. Do you remember which shop/seller? Oh and I just ordered the CUTEST clippies for Audrey on ETSY from BriarClair. If you haven't seen them yet you HAVE to go check them out!
Oh and I love the picture of Ellie doing her "tricks" in the elevator. Had me crackin' right up! Oh, how I would love to meet your sweet babies! So bummed I won't be making the trip for the Shake this year either. Been spending all my money on my camera and lenses! Maybe if I start saving a little now I can bring the kids down with me next year?!
I LOVE Ellie's pink sandals! They're so cute. I wish I had them!
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