First may I say... YAY for all you who are commenting. Keep em coming. I love to read your responses. And for that...
It is video time!
Gabbi is learning all about using her voice. It is hysterical to listen and watch how she is learning this! For instance, when we leave our condo, we have to walk into a breezeway.
This is where we get on the elevator. Once at the bottom floor, we again have to enter a breezeway type lobby, and again, Gabbi gets her groove on.
For some reason, she just really likes the acoustics of these places and will "ah" and "eh", over and over and over. It is a hoot. I will tell you this, too, though. When she sees a camera, she usually just goes mute. It drives me nuts. I have tried her whole little life to capture her "talking" and all her little baby sounds and such, but the second she sees a camera... silence!

Ellie was intent on feeding these vermine. And I thought they were going to mistake my toes for a cheeto! I came out with all 10, so we have lived to see another day.
This is where we get on the elevator. Once at the bottom floor, we again have to enter a breezeway type lobby, and again, Gabbi gets her groove on.
For some reason, she just really likes the acoustics of these places and will "ah" and "eh", over and over and over. It is a hoot. I will tell you this, too, though. When she sees a camera, she usually just goes mute. It drives me nuts. I have tried her whole little life to capture her "talking" and all her little baby sounds and such, but the second she sees a camera... silence!
So I tried again today. I got a little. Miss Ellie Sue figured out what I was doing, and she piped up! She ain't gonna lose her chance to be on center stage!!
Obviously, with the cover ups and such, we were on our way out the beach. So, here we are once we got down there. It is a HAUL with all the accoutrement we have to load up and take. (Beth, there's another word for ya. I LOVE that word!)
I do not know what I would do without this wagon! And Gabbi's Bumbo. She has gotten so fat in the legs that the thing sticks to her everytime I try to get her out of it, but it keeps her nice and centered when we are going down to the beach and especially as we bounce across the sand.
Speaking of chunky. Staci said she could not believe how "thick" Gabbi Girl had gotten in the past two weeks. Really? Have any of you noticed? I hadn't, but then again, I am living with her.
And then would you believe it? We got our vampire Daddy out in the sun?! Whoa! He even kinda rolled up his sleeves. He went to the sunglass store and asked for the strongest, most blockingest sunglasses they had. This is them. He said, "They aren't working. I am still squinting." Oh, well. I don't know what to tell him. Anybody have this problem?
Of course, Ellie had to wear an accessory. She looks like she is posing for the papparazzi. You know how they all put one leg in front of the other to minimize their legs/ hips? That is Ellie in this picture!

Here is my tilted-headed little Gabbi. I really MUST find her a good physical therapist!
Recognize the suit?
Here is a little flashback for ya!
And in case anyone might think that the "fry thing" is new... well, indeed it is NOT!
She is the one we better watch out for for that eating disorder situation. Junk food JUNKIE!
I can't quit! They were just too cute. So here's another.
"Ummm, Excuse me. Little help over here! Why, again, is Maddi sitting on my beach?! Aren't there MILES of beach?" 
And finally, like out of a Hitchcock film... BIRDS!
And Don said (and Staci and Veronicia and Paula all agreed) that my blogs are too long. They said they don't even really READ them... just look at the pictures. WHAT?! Do you agree? Should they be shorter? Be truthful now!
Don't listen to them. I read them all the way!
Definitely NOT shorter! I read them!
Tell them to be patient. They are not to long at all. You have to have a story with each picture. I love your blog just the way it is. They are just
Your blogs are NOT too long and lots of pics make them even better! I'm glad everyone made it down safely-hope ya'll have a GREAT week!! Give my girl a hug for me!
not too long at all!! I read every word!! I loved that Kris Allen I was hearing in the background!! Love the pictures of the girls!! I sure wish I was on the beach!!!
I love reading the comments you make, they are too funny. I like your use of "under used" words too.
I am not sure that I have ever posted a comment on your blog, but here goes. I just wanted to let you know that I have been a faithful reader since learning of Jake's blog many years ago. I must confess that I get really excited when I see that you have posted videos...I just love hearing your great southern accent, reminds me of time spent with many of my family members that are from the south. Keep the long posts coming...the pictures and stories are a joy to read. Thanks for letting us into your life every day!!
I read every word!!!! Don't make them shorter! We love them!!! Keep them just the same!!!!
Don't change!! I LOVE everything you write!
Lord, have mercy...I hang on every word! How do you think I increase my vocabulary??? Big ol' word for the day...accoutrement. Shew, Mel, I think you almost used up all the vowels and consonants on that one!
Your girls not only LOOK adorable, they SOUND adorable! I love to hear them both talk. Tell Ellie thanks for the modeling tip. I'm gonna have to try that pose to see if it minimizes MY hips. Of course, I'll probably topple over in the process...LOL
Tell Staci that she's gotta come back from the beach this time! ;-)
Don't change anything. I read all them every word. Tell Staci she would not know about blogging cause she takes waaay tooo many breaks from hers she is still at Mothers and it was 6or so months before she came back from the Beach last year how long will it be now.
NO, Don't you dare listen to them. Love reading about your day and your girls. The videos are so cute. The only thing that I have noticed about Gabbie is the she is growing so fast into a little toddler.
Love, Karen
I read EVERY WORD of your blogs-tell them to HUSH UP! I love the videos of the girls! It is precious that Gabbs is finding her voice and I love to hear Ellie's little word pronunciations-especially the "you" in I love you and her counting.
Just tell Don that he can skim the posts then. I personally enjoy all the pics and stories. I am visiting the beach vicariously through you!!!!
Ahhh, don't listen to 'em!!!! We love your posts! As for the pic where Ellie Bellie has her bracelet for the "accessory for the day", looks like she was trying to give Masson a run for her money with the whole "Bo Derek on the beach" thing!!! Keep up the blogumentary. I'm loving this virtual vacay!
I totally disagree! We love the long posts! They see or talk to you daily so they know what is going on that is probably why they think they are to long. I for one LOVE THEM so keep them coming.
I love your posts! Not to long for me! Keep them coming! I love all the pics and the stories with them.
What fun, it looks like y'all are having!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I'm just gonna be honest, I don't usually read them. I just scan the pics, but I have a one year old to man handle by myself, so not much time!
Ok I totally DISAGREE with your gang. Your posts are AWESOME. Keep them coming. It almost feels like I am at the beach while I read your blogs. Oh by the way I hear a little Kris Allen singing HEARTLESS in the background of Ellie's bird feeding video. Are you a fan? He was one of our worship leaders at my church before he made it to American Idol. We just love him. I see LSU is up against Rice. Is it possible that we might have another Razorback/Tiger throwdown? Enjoy the beach for us and keep the blogs coming!!
I like them just the way they are!!! I love seeing the pictures of the girls and having you explain them... so sometimes sisters are just jealous and will lead us in the wrong direction...ha,ha,
Perfect length every time. I have never stopped mid blog no matter how long!
They are PERFECT the length they are! I love to look at the pics and read the stories behind them!
Keep 'em just as they are. Anyone who doesn't want to read them can just look at the pics, and then the rest of us can be happy too. No one is forced to read every word!
NO!!! Your blogs go with your photos, it wouldn't be the same without the commentary you write for each photo. I say, leave well enough alone. They don't read it because they know you and see you everyday.
I enjoy all the words that go along with all the pictues! Don't change a thing....well unless of course you want to add more videos of youe beautiful little princesses!!
They've only been there a day and they're already suffering from sun stroke! Girl...keep'em coming!
They've only been there a day and they're already suffering from sun stroke! Girl...keep'em coming!
Don't listen to them - I love your posts - and remember the girls are going to look back on this one day and it will be so nice for them to be able to read!
I truly enjoy your posts just as they are. Keep up the good work.
Love the pictures of the girls...and the flashbacks to a year ago. Wow! What a difference a year makes! Just look at Ellie's beautiful bald head, and the curls she has now. ...and Maddiboo too!
NOT too long...I read every word, and I have several friends who do too...(like BC in Cleveland,TN)..
Keep 'em coming...and I would read ALL of Staci's too......
Have fun!
I love your long blogs and hope you keep them coming. While the pictures are great the stories behind them are the best.
I read every word even if I forget to comment!! Don't shorten them!!
I read EVERY word! Don't listen to them (this in part coming from people that spent like 7 months on the beach and will probably still be celebrating mother's day on father's day. Must be nice for it to still be Hunter's birthday. Does he get a present every day??) Ok, sorry Don and Staci, didn't mean that in a rude way, enough of the bashing. We enjoy catching up on your family.
It sure it sweet hearing the girls and of course, the are as precious as ever. Keep up the stories and the pictures, these are the stories of the girls lives that you will publish for them to have forever.
Keep it rollin' rollin' rollin' ......RAWHIDE!
I love the descriptions of your day and savor every word. Tell Don to get his wife out of the restaurant. Gracious!
I am glad you have all your toes. I was a little worried. When our baby (now almost 25!) was born, we lived in New Jersey and had a house down the shore for the summers. The big ones and I would load up Miss Elizabeth in this honking HUGE Swan Carriage (think Royalty), and cram boogie boards, umbrellas, beach chairs, towels, diapers, water, food, whatever and the sink around this baby and down the block we'd go to the shore. Our son was 10 the summer she was born and her big sister was seven. They'd grab on to the front, and I would push from behind, and we'd get that puppy to "our" spot. I'd want nothing more than five minutes to quietly die from exhaustion, but it never happened! The Swan came with it's own umbrella, and Elizabeth would sleep the morning away in her carriage.
Love the videos! Thank you for those precious voices.
I read every word and I love a play-by-play. They get to see you all the time and they know all the ins and outs of Ellie, Gabbi, Mo & Tod the Bod. We don't!!!
Keep 'em coming. The videos are precious, too!!!
Mo ~ I don't think your posts are too long. Tonight while I was looking at your blog my 10 year older daughter was looking over my shoulder...she said "is that Gabbi?" she hadn't looked at your site in a while and couldn't believe how much she has grown. both of your girls are so darn cute. like one of your other readers said...I, too, like watching your videos because hearing you talk with that southern accent just makes me smile! hope you all are having a great weekend with no sunburns!
I read every single word! I LOVE long blogs.They aren't long enough!!. Don't listen to them. The words give us a backround into the picture.They tell the story.hysterical at that!
I read every word! Keep up the good work. Love the pictures and verbiage - now there's another word for you! What do they know anyway - they live near you! I love 'hearing' about all that you do! Don't stop now!
Definitely not too long. I read them all to the end. Loving all the pictures and you can tell you all are having a blast!
Okay, I've been bad. I've been following along in google reader and it is harder to leave a comment. But I read every post, every SINGLE word, they are not too long!! I love them.
What a difference a year makes! Ellie and Maddi have grown and changed so much, and Gabbi is just brand spanking new! Just beautiful, thanks for sharing and please keep 'em coming!!
Love Holly & JakeDog
Your blog length is great! If you took out the pictures (which we wouldn't want you to do) they would be much shorter.
Does Stacey ever update her blog?
I read every single word (except for the crafty ones because I am not crafty).
I read them all and enjoy all the pictures.
I can't believe how much Maddi and Ellie have grown since last years beach pics...and now Miss Gabbi joins the bunch!!
Enjoying your vacation along with you!
Take care
I read every word and enjoy every picture!!! :)
Mo..not too long for me. I read all of them and love the pictures too!! I just returned from an Alaskan cruise and have been catching up today. I had asked about lap band. I did not get your e-mail. You are looking great. You can e-mail me at
Hi Mo,
I love the videos and the explaination of the photos. Don't change anything! The blogs are just perfect. I love hearing your girls, and your southern accent. I live in pittsburgh, have the pittsburgheeeze accent.
Love seeing and hearing your girls, and the comments that go with it. My heart just swells with JOY! Thank you so much for sharing.
I LOVE your posts, I sit her crackin up every time. Don't change a thing!
I love when you post videos of the girls, they are so darn cute and Ellie has the cutest little accent.
Love your blog the way it is! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
Don't change a thing. They are perfect. Yeah for those Tigers today, College World Series Bound.
I always read everything--some people my just be jealous because they don't choose to update their blog as often, and they may be "outdone"... :-) *wink, wink*
I am not a frequent "commenter"--just a lurker from way back in the days of sweet little Jake, but I had to let you know that I enjoy reading the day-to-day adventures of your fam!
I have so enjoyed following your beach trip!! Your blogs aren't too long at all. Stories and captions totally add to the pictures!!
As a side note since you love har bows, I thought I would post this link for you. Its a tutorial about making your own hairbows. Its really easy and I thought as crafy as you are, you might take it to the next level!!
I met a mama yesterday ~ Princess Mia's mom ( and she knew all about Jake and his Aunt Mo! Small world!
They are crazy.........keep on writing. I read it all.
NO WAY!!! I read every single reading about your beautiful girls!!
NO WAY!!! I read every single reading about your beautiful girls!!
I totally ready every last word. Your commentary makes the pictures even funnier and cuter!! Don't stop!
Your girls are very lucky to have a Mommy who documents their lives on such a regular basis.
I just posted like 5 or 6 blogs posts tonight....I'm sure the 3 readers I have are in shock! I get so behind it's not even funny!!!
I could stand it if they were even longerrrrr...I love reading's like a good book, ya just can't put it down, so you read one more chapter, then one more and one more again...POST AWAY GURL!!....huggers, bj in Minden
I enjoy and read every word. Thanks for sharing!
I have been a "closet reader" for a year now....Just had to comment on the beach pictures... I LOVE THEM! I love the beach myself. Ya'll are really down there for 3 weeks? Do you own a condo or what? We go to Orange Beach some years and Destin some years... Just depends onwhat the gang wants to do. Keep the post coming!
They are not too long. I love reading. BTW, I found a deal for you on crocs.,4
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Enjoy your vacation.
Kendra Fleming
dont listen to them i love reading all of your blogs i love it love it keep on posting them and the pics too and gabbi isnt chubby either just right if you ask me.. i love babies... how much longer at the beach for yall? i love the beach but i wont be going this year iam going to fort payne al though thursday til sunday i so cant wait to get there. iam so excited.. going to be alot of fun. and of course i will be taking lots of pics too..
well im going to go and finish cleaning the kitchen its a mess from last night so off i go.. cant wait to read your next blog
Dear Don --
stay away!!!!
No, No, No, they are all wrong! The blogs are perfect.
I read every bit of it. Keep it long. Love ya
Keep on writing on your blog. I read every word and your writing goes sooooo well with the beautiful pictures. So in another word YGG!
What the heck do they know! I love your blogs, long or short, read every word you write! Keep em coming, its probably the only time I make it to the beach all year, lol! You are just damn good at what you do, I think they're jealous too! Hugs from Fort Worth!
NNNOOOOOO Not to long at all...I love your posts and pics that go with them.
Keep em coming!!!!!!!
As far as Ellie resembling..I have always thought she looked like Jake...Anyone else think that? Certain expressions in your pictures, and the pictures you had of Jake really favor to me.
do NOT change any part of your blog. I read it word for word and love every bit of it.
Love seeing the pics of your wondreful trip, vacation. Keep enjoying
Nope I LOVE YOUR BLOGS!! It's like picking up a good book, only the ending comes sooner!!!
Love you LONG blogs!!!! I read every word!!!!! and LOVE the pictures too!!!!
NO! OMG - NO!! I love your blogs!! I love all the pictures and the journaling too! I look forward to checking in every day!! Your trip looks wonderful!!
You are a very good blogger, some are short some are long, just depends on what you have to talk about!!! Keep on...
Love reading all of it! Hope ya'll are having fun! Wishing I was there with ya'll!
You just tell Don and Staci and Veronica and Paula they are all CRAZY!! I read EVERY SINGLE WORD and am ALWAYS left wanting MORE!! In fact I will buzz on over and let Ms. Staci know that I would LOVE nothing more than to be able to also read her LONG blogs everyday too!! Thanks for being you and your family bring a bright spot to my day!
Your blog is not to long... I can't read a book because I fall asleep after 5 pages and I have never fallen asleep reading your blog so its NOT to long.
I love your blogs!!! I read every word and enjoy them.
Don't listen to them, the blogs are great! Thanks for the scrap kit.
Denice Bell
I love the pink cover ups! Your blogs aern't too long! I read everything- old, new, long, or short. I love that Bumbo!
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