Want to know what we have been up to?!
Well, this is our work crew... as of Wednesday. Mary Alice Wood, Veornicia Wood, Staci, and Me.
oh. and Todd the Bod!
AND Pops!
Wednesday was sign making day! The above is dad putting the names of the sponsors on our display board for Saturday night. Dad has been in the sign business for the past 40 years. so he knows a thing or two about sign making! Handy for the JOR Foundation!
Veronicia was busy handling business on the phone.... probably still trying to secure more sponsors! Do you know that our sponsorships alone have more than covered the cost of the venue?! Thank you , thank you, sponsors! We are almost at 40K, and havent' even started the big time fundraising!
Mary Alice was helping with some signage when she thought she would start giving me creative direction. Hmm? What? I don't THINK so! So, I had to reprimand her and send her back to the "viewing" area!
Know why? Because I was working on these...
I made one little canvas and told Staci I thought we coudl sell it at the "Store" where we sell our earrings, tee shirts, etc. on the night of the main event. She liked it so much, she went to Heaven. Oh, I mean, HObby Lobby, and get me 10 more, and said, "PAINT!". So, paint is what I did! This...
Became this!
and buddy, I was off to the races!
Meanwhile, there was more work to be done! This is Staci posing by the 1,675,005th batch of BELIEVE stickers we cut and individually prepare!

Dad puts the words in the computer based on size, font, etc. Then, he loads the vinyl to cut. Then, when if comes out, we have to pull away all the excess from the letters.
See how some of the "b's" and "e's" still have white in the middles? This is called weeding. And Staci and I should know. We have been "weeding" all our little lives. Both of us worked for dad when we were in college. Best job I ever had, though. Seriously, I LOVE it!
Then, you take the masking tape and cover the whole panel. Then, you cut each Believe into its own little piece with the tape still on it, so that the recipient can put it face down on their car window, notebook, clipboard, favorite cup, whatever! I LOVE seeing the Believes all around town in the backs of people's windows, as I know that it was likely lovingly made by someone in the Massey family!
We had to do the same for the 9 gazillion "I jogged for Jake" stickers! See how much we love our boy?!
Oh, and speaking of Jogging. Can you BELIEVE that my sister would get herself these lime green shoes and not get me some? I would have gotten HER some! Ummph!
Let me interject a new member or our work crew. This is Marina. She was part of the labor force this evening who put the stickers on the little water jugs for the run Saturday morning.
And this is Nicole (Veronicia's sister from Texas), Staci, and Veronicia. More of the same!
Are these not the cutest little things? YOU TOO could have one if you were running this Saturday!
This is Staci's handiwork. She is adding little green arrows to the names of the sponsors. This will make them stand out individually a little more.
Work, Staci, work. See Staci work. See Staci work in lime green shoes. See Stingy Staci?!
I don't know why I took a picture of these, and even moreso don't know why I posted it. But as I have said before, I don't know how to erase a misposted pic. SO enjoy! I sure did! Mexican food. Ummm.
Since I have probably officially grossed you out. Let me now make up for it by showing you how the canvases turned out. And YES, I CAN make one for you! In any color, any size, and with any word/ name on it! Just let me know. I will get pricing as soon as all this Shakey stuff is over.
Peace, Love, Believe is on the tee shirts this year for the Shake 4 Jake. So, I made a few of these for good measure.
And I wanted to make sure I had a few that would work for a boy's room. I really ended up liking this one a lot.
And of course, a sporty one too! I think believe suits sports pics too.
And lastly, I leave you with this one.

There were more helpers present this evening who will be featured in tomorrow's commentary. Eddie, Bonnie, Zach, and others, we appreciate all of your help too!
Gotta go to bed. Big day tomorrow!! Golf tourney tee off at 1:00. We sure do love and miss our Jake! This weekend always stirs up memories for me! That boy was surely one of a kind!
good morning mo so good to see the pics from you all working for the fundraiser this weekend i love them and oh i would love to have some stickers for my new car when i get it i sure would love to come down there but iam without a car i dont know if you read my comment the other day my car engine has locked down dont know why cause i just had the oil changed in it. but its a goner so iam in the process of looking for a car i hope i brand new one so i will have warranty on it..anway i love all your blogs and pics cant wait to hear about it all this weekend.. wish i could be there for it.. maybe next year
hugs and love yall
Wow! I want one of each...everything! Seriously, I would like to buy a canvas and can we buy the t-shirts?
What fun! Wishing you all the best ever Shake. Can't wait to hear how it went. I will keep my phone close tomorrow so I can get my donation in.
I am needing all that pretty stuff, too. And a t-shirt.
Looks like so much fun! Can you not right click on a picture and choose delete? Somehow, I end up deleting pictures I don't want gone!
I must have a canvas for my little girl's room!! If we aren't attending Shake but are in the area on Saturday (I'll be meeting my dad for a Father's Day supper in WM) then where can we go to purchase?
Or, if you want, we can make a deal at the Jackson Parish School Board office sometime. Just tell the secretary to call Melissa and I can leave the mill and come and meet you. :)
I wish we lived closer...I would so be there helping!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the paintings...
I'll be thinking of you and family all weekend!!!
God Bless
I would also love a canvass. Good luck this weekend
I love the canvases! And I really want a Jake Jog Jug! =) Wish you all the best this weekend!!!
I'll be contacting you.... Gotta have one of those signs! Sure wish I could be there this weekend!
I have got to have one of those "Believe in Miracles" canvas paintings for a friend of mine. She just found out yesterday the cancer that the doctors told her would kill her in two months (which was last December)is almost completely gone. Only one small tumor left and it has now shrunk to the size of a pinhead.
I see "BELIEVE" stickers on vehicles around Shreveport and I always think of Jake.
See you tomorrow! You guys are awesome.
WOW and double WOW!! You guys are really getting your act together for the big SHAKE. It's going to be fantastic!!
Love the canvases. They are beautiful and you know I've just gotta have one!!
Have a super weekend. I'll be with you in spirit.
YAY, MO! So exciting! Hope to see y'all here-and-there this weekend. I saw Mrs. Mary Alice ordering shirts the other day.
And... I LOVE the Believe signs. I seriously want one!!! They're all perfect!
It's Jake's weekend! That sweet little face has seriously brightened up this world!
I BELIEVE that I am going to need one of the Baseball "Believe" canvases for the baby's nursery!!!! After Shake I want to get a price from you! How cute! I will be there all preggo Saturday night so see you then!!!
PLEASE let me know when you are ready to make some more of those canvas paintings....I would love to get my girls names on a few. YOU my dear have an unbelievable talent in your craftiness. I love it!
I wish I could be there this weekend for Shake. Maybe when my girls are older I can get away to come. Of course, I would be coming to a place where I know noone so you would have to relieve all of my anxiety of strangers lol. I seriously would love to help, be a part of Jake's memory.
Staci's shoes are pretty cool, but I love lime green lol!
She looks like she has lost some weight too, has she?? She looks great. Your family is awesome Mel, pops, etc. I love how much you love!
I can see you guys are really working your tails off. If you need any help just call my cell 791-5681 I would be glad to assist in someway. I will be there tomorrow.
How great you have so many helpers! I'd help too but I live too far to get there. I got one of your believe stickers when I ordered a t shirt from you and I still have it on my refrigerator. Love it! I'd like a canvas too. the one with the star but I'd like some red in it someplace..and maybe a less yellow, yellow :) I'm not a big yellow fan. Not to be too picky! Good luck with the Shake. I miss little Jake.
GREAT job on the canvas! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! I would be ticked out the shoes too... I mean the nerve of her right?
I LOVE the Believe canvases. When you are ready for orders I would love one of the star believe ones for Johnathan's room.
Thinking about Jake a lot during this special weekend for you and your family. He touched so many lives and continues to. Hope sometime I will get the chance to come down for the SHAKE.
I love the believe stickers and wouldn't mind getting some of them to if you have some.
Thank you to the JOR Foundation for all they do and glad that Jake can live on through the many great things the foundation does each day.
Hope the weather is good for the festivities and the money raised is even higher then last year.
I really like those canvases. Really neat! The Jake Jug is cute! Hope ya'll have a great time this weekend. I'll be thinking about it!
Mackenzie =D
Good luck with all things Shake! Jake was always one of my favorite CB kids and his courage inspired me with my own battle.
Definitely let us know how to order a Believe canvas - will they be on your Etsy site?
Love your artwork. Got to have some when you get back to a normal schedule. My husband works at a family sign business. So I know what your talking about with the vinyl. Hope you have a blast this weekend.
LOVE LOVE those canvases. Way to go! I am sending a few things with Melissa & Charlene for the Shake, but I'm not able to come this year. Just had surgery 2 wks ago (thyroid removal) and just can't make it....but we have to meet. Check out the bookmarks I'm sending...they are my "NEW THING" and are totally addictive. You're going to want to make some! Email me sometime when you get a chance.
Cannot wait to hear how tomorrow goes...you will all be in my prayers for a successful event.
Crying down here in Texas. You guys are AMAZING...every single last one of you in Jake's family. WOW!!!
I will have to order a canvas for my new nursery when I know boy or girl. Those are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, ya'll have really been busy and I know it is going to be a great event. The canvases are precious and i gotta have at least one....please, please let us know soon about price and ordering....also I would love to have a shirt from the event...is it possible to order one.
Have fun and post pictures for us.
h how I wish I could join you guys are tomorrow! I cant wait to read all your wonderful updates and pictures! I want a canvas one too! My favoriteis the PINK HEART one!!!
Would love to have a sticker for my car and a canvas! Let me know the cost and I am in!!!!
I want 2 or 3 canvases AND a believe sticker! Too cute! Have an awesome weekend--you guys are great!
Good Luck with all of the festivities this weekend. Can we seroiusly get the canvas?? I would love to buy one and if there are any tee shirts available - one of those as well.
Good Luck with all of the festivities this weekend! If the canvases are really on sale - I would loveo to buy one.
So where can we get the car stickers and the shirts???? Please tell us Mo - LOL
I sure hope the Shake went great! I love your canvases--please let me know your prices. My son would love the baseball one. You are a very talented person. Thanks for sharing your life and family with me--I enjoy it so much.
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