We are still here. And despite a forecasted horrible tropical storm heading right at us... NOTHING! I mean, not even a cloud in the sky today! This is a few of the crew...
Ashley, Crystal, Beth, Christy, and Renee.

All weekend, our little Renne had this goofy pose she would do, and it always included puckered lips and a peace sign. So, when we had a group photo, we tried to mock her, (which only flattered her!) and do the same!

I actually like being at the beach because basically, I let the ol' curls do their thing and do not wear make up! LOVE that!

And you KNOW that I have already started the making of the shell necklaces!
This is Beth. She was one of my roomies, and is looking good after working hard this year to lose a whole big ol' bunch of weight!

This is Emily. She has a teeny weeny at home too. Her daughter, Stormie. Last year, we both brought our babies down here with the MMPT crew. This year, we had to leave them behind. Boo Hoo.

This is Ashley. She is the cutest little thing. She is one of our speech therapists. She has been with me for five years!

And lo and behold, we had a FIRST! This is Keith. He kept begging us to go with us. We said, "Keith, now you KNOW we can't take you with us!" He kept telling us he was coming though. No one really disputed it, because first, we didn't think he would come and second, it is a 7-8 hour trip that we just didnt' think he would be foolish to make all alone on Saturday morning. Welllllllll, we were wrong!

Because, here he is! We all love Keith. He is just a friend to all the girls at the office. We had a good time having him with us! He brought me a 12 pack of Diet Cokes and said if anyone asked, he was just bringing me some drinks! Whatever!

We have a tradition! Anyone who makes the trip piles up on each other and makes a pyramid on the beach! This year, we had a pretty good one! Except, Ashely on the third row and to the left, wouldn't extend her arms. WHAT are you doing, Ashley?!

Renee, our top man, figured out how to do it all crooked and make it work!

You know I have to do my annual tricks. This is Renee trying, but busting her butt-OCKS in the meanwhile! Ha! This began a big sand fight and eventuaL chase into the water..... and so forth. I love my immature group! It keeps us young!
Speaking of staying young, this is me and Beth. Beth is 41 years old, and I will be 40 in a couple of months. We are doing what Beth called the frog stance. Do you see Renee in the background plotting her next attack?!

And guess who showed up today.....


Gabbi Girl is standing when I place her and she holds on.

Ellie showed up eaten slap up with mosquito bites. See her forehead? WHAT? What has been happening while I have been here!?

I had to sneak out to take my staff out to dinner a final time, so Mom was taking them on a little wagon ride so I could sneak away. I took Ellie's cute sandals off when she got here. When she found her shoe drawer that I had already established for her (I brought all their clothes and such down with me on Thursday so Todd could just hit the road on Tuesday.) . Anyway, WHY oh WHY did I pack these crazy boots?! I should have KNOWN that once Ellie found them, they would be the only things she would want to wear!

And so we begin our vacation!

As the babies and JinJin take a wagon ride down along the beach, we snuck out the front door and pose for our last picture together. We were on our way out to eat.

We went to a place called the Hangout. It was a good time, because in the middle of eating, they start playing music and a DJ tells everyone to get up and do a line dance. Well, doggonit....

MMPT likes to comply with the rules of the restaurant!

They are getting up and heading out around 5:30am. Ugh! So glad I am NOT going!! Todd and Masson are heading down in a couple of days. We will have a fun beach day tomorrow with GinGin. (Ellie can't say her J's, so she says hard G's). So that is not Gin Gin as in the drink! It is Gin Gin as in Goat/Gorilla/Garage/ Gabby type G! Get it?!
Well, we will have MANY more beach pics. We are staying for about 3 more weeks. During that time, we will have Maddi join us, the Fords, the Bourlands, and DeeDee and Granddad. It is going to be wonderful!
We are already off to a great start! (If only I could hide those boots!)
I LOVE the hangout! Im so glad Gin-Gin, Gaggi, and Ellie made it safely! Ready to be with ya'll have a great day tommorow. Sezeah leaves for walt disney tomm! Woo! Its 11:11 and im packing! Love yall!
whoa............3 more weeks!!!!!!!!! oh my!
OMG 3 more weeks. I just want a weekend on the beach and I would be fine. I am not getting to go this year and I am sooo upset.I will be your free sitter next time if I can go!! have fun
I am so P R O U D of you! Not only for remembering the boots, but also for allowing yourself some serious time off. I don't know of a person in the world who needs some time more than you. Congratulations!
Looks like you all have a blast when your together. I wanna come work for you!!!! I amm going to the beach too in June. We are taking our church youth group. Thanks again for sharing your pics. Have fun and be safe...and let Ellie girl wear her boots..It'll be ok!!!! she is so adorabla!
I want to come work for you too. I have 22 month old grandson named Gavin and he would love to hang out with Ellie and Gabbi Lou. I live in Kansas though so I'm not sure how that would work. Ha!
What a great employer you are. I love reading about employers like you who reward their staff for all their hard work.
A MONTH??? You are staying a MONTH? Oh, girl, I'm really jealous now...that sounds amazing.
Ellie is too funny with those boots on! You're gonna have to hide them. LOL The girls look adorable in their matching outfits.
Have a blast at the beach...don't think about poor me, here in the mountains. ;-) Haha
We visited the Hangout last time we were in GS (last year)and loved it! You sooo deserve this vacation Mel. I would love to be reincarnated into your family. Seriously, I love how much you love, how kind you are, your humor, and your love of life. Do you ever have a down day lol?!
Enjoy the vacation, LOVE that you packed E's boots (us good moms remember the necessities)and keep sharing those beach pics
Keep the beach pics coming!!! I love MMPT!!! What a fun group!
Love Ellie & Gabbi's first day at the beach outfit...so cute!
Have a ball! I know you are!!!
Were yall dancing to the CUPID SHUFFLE? I LOVE THAT SONG!!
3weeks....OMG I'm turning GREEN with envy!! (LOL)!
PS: Those girls are gorgeous in those PINK/BLK bathing suits!! TOO CUTE!
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